Progress Pond

Early Signs

Re: Biography  (none / 1)

One seriously messed up dude:

I fervently hoped that Donald Trump would run for president. Trump is a big thinker, with the kind of toughness and guile you need to be a successful negotiator and a successful president. While it is popular among elites to snicker at Trump, his connection to average Americans and working people cannot be denied. As Neil Cavuto of Fox Business News said, “No one draws ratings like Trump.”

by Marie2 on Sun Aug 19th, 2012 at 02:48:46 AM MEST

From BooMan’s fp story …

Roger Stone Turns on GOP

Roger Stone has been ratfu*king Democrats for 40 years. This is the first time I’ve seen him try to ratfu*k a Republican.

Have we forgotten the role Rudy Giuliani played to destroy the HRC presidential ambition? Who is Giuliani’s paymaster? Where lies his allegiance? Was Giuliani the go between person to leak from the FBI New York office? In combinaton with the role Roger Stone played to get Trump elected?

More below the fold …
Radicalized FBI Sleeper Cell Probably Led By Rudy Giuliani | Wonkette – Nov. 4, 2016 |

The person from the shadows …

Giuliani’s relationship with Comey
Giuliani’s relationship with Mueller

Giuliani’s relationship with Murdoch
Giuliani’s relationship with Netanyahu – Israel on the Iran issue
Giuliani’s relationship as lobbyist getting MEK off the terror list

Giuliani’s relationship with the neocon War on Terror

Israel Rejects Giuliani’s Claim That Netanyahu Wants Trump to Defeat Clinton | Newsweek – July 28, 2016 |

Israel has rejected the statement of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants Republican nominee Donald Trump to defeat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Giuliani, in an0interview with the Washington Post at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland published on Wednesday, spoke of his trip to Israel in March to meet Netanyahu and other senior Israeli figures.

He went on to say that the Israeli government does not want another Barack Obama in the White House. While Netanyahu has sought to remain balanced in the presidential race, Giuliani’s statement points to the strained relationship between the Israeli leader and his American counterpart in the past two years, particularly over the Iranian nuclear deal and the Palestinian issue.

“I’ve talked to the members of the Israeli government at the highest levels. I know who they want elected here. It’s not Hillary Clinton. It’s not Obama 3,” Giuliani said.

“They are politically aware enough to know that if Hillary gets elected, she is going to go further to her left, to protect her left flank against Elizabeth Warren,” Giuliani said. “They know she’s going to start the two-state solution thing again, cave in to the Palestinians. They realize Donald Trump can say Islamic terrorism, can stand up to it. So there’s no question he would be better for the state of Israel than Hillary.”

In response, Shimon Mercer-Wood, the spokesperson and consul for media affairs at the Consulate General of Israel in New York, told BuzzFeed that the Israeli government would not be taking any sides in the election and iterated that no U.S. politician could speak for the Israeli government.

“We hold Mayor Giuliani in the highest regard but the government of Israel does not speak on behalf of any American politician and no American politician speaks on behalf of the Israeli government,” Mercer-Wood said.

“We have profound respect for the American democratic process and the will of the American people and we would say or do nothing to put that respect in question,” he continued.

Israel on Trial | Torah Café |

Same date after the GOP Convention … when the Mercers had already joined the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump still mulling Israel visit

PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Donald Trump hasn’t ruled out visiting Israel before the election.

Speaking at a news conference in Florida, where the Republican presidential nominee is campaigning, Trump responded to a reporter who asked whether he was going to Israel and noted that nominees traditionally take foreign tours between their nomination and the election.

“It’s a tradition, but I’m not traditional,” said Trump, a billionaire developer and reality TV star. But regarding Israel, he said, “I don’t know, I haven’t set my schedule.” He said he had support from Israel and “I back Israel 100 percent.”

Trump added that “[President] Obama, in my opinion, is the single worst thing politically that could happen to Israel.”

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani told the Washington Post in a story that Israeli leaders had told him they prefer Trump over Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has pointedly kept his distance from partisan U.S. politics in recent months, categorically denied the claim.

Trump at the news conference outlined the issues that persuaded him to run, among them his anger at what he said was a bad nuclear rollback-for-sanctions deal with Iran, which he called “incompetent.”

The position taken by Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers on president Obama is well documented. So the preference for Donald Trump was an open secret especially with the family ties between Kushner and the Netanyahu’s. What has not been “leaked” is the covert operation that contributed to the downfall of HRC and the Democrats.

Michael Weiss and the Iran-U.S. Hardline Nexus That Led Iranian-American to Evin Prison | Tikun Olam |

How Daily Beast Editor, Michael Weiss Helped Send Iranian-American to Torture Chambers of Evin Prison
Richard Silverstein * August 15, 2016

Around 2008, Weiss moved from New York to London where he became the founding director of Just Journalism, a pro-Israel advocacy group tasked with policing the media for “anti-Israel bias.” It based its model on the U.S. based CAMERA, which monitors U.S. mainstream media, acting as a form of media thought-police regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Just Journalism closed its doors in 2011 due to lack of funds. But before it died, Weiss had taken on a second post with the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) in 2010. From its founding in 2005 till 2009, HJS was a centrist foreign policy think-tank seeking to forge a middle-ground between the “conservative-realist right and the anti-imperialist left.” It was named for the staunchly anti-Communist U.S. Senator Henry Jackson, whose heyday was in the 1970s. Jackson was one of the last Cold War warriors, who’d led the drive on behalf of Soviet Jewry, thus making himself a close ally of Israel and the U.S.-based Israel lobby.

It hosted a variety of academics with differing geographic specialities and ideological orientations who used HJS as a springboard for debate in their various fields. UK academic, Markus Attila Hoare, was one of the co-founders and served as HJS’ Balkan specialist.

Later when he came aboard, Weiss was named HJS director of research (one of a shifting series of job titles over time). As such, he controlled the publication of HJS research scholars. One day, Hoare found he was no longer permitted to publish on the group’s website. Weiss declared that under the new regime only he had the right to determine what was published.

Hoare portrayed the 2011 merger of Just Journalism and another Tory think-tank, the Center for Social Cohesion, as a “putsch.” He left HJS sometime after his altercation with Weiss and wrote a long appraisal-at times sad, at times bitter-of the demise of the dream he and his colleagues once shared.

The “new” HJS was a muscular proponent of UK solidarity with Israel. It became a staunch opponent of anything that smacked of hostility to Israel, whether it be Palestinians or left-wing politicians, or European NGOs.

Another Weiss HJS job title was director of the Russia Studies Center (without speaking Russian or ever having lived there). In 2011, Weiss also began publishing a blog at the Daily Telegraph, (a publication sometimes derisively referred to as “Torygraph”).

Later, a former HJS insider reported to me, Weiss had a falling out as well with two of his former allies at HJS. Things became so acrimonious he had to hire a lawyer and later sign a non-disparagement agreement so as not to air any dirty linen in public.

The most comprehensive account of HJS’ rise and fall is Spinwatch’s, The Henry Jackson Society and the degeneration of British neoconservatism: liberal interventionism, Islamophobia and the `war on terror’.  

Posts @BooMan about the nefarious Henry Jackson Society

Neocons sighted on the Thames by Colman @EuroTrib on Nov. 15, 2005
HJS Statement of Principles – List of Patrons (2005) [cached webpage]

False Propaganda Says the US Is Out to Destroy Islam by Oui @BooMan on July 30, 2014

EU/NATO Propaganda It’s About Daesh and Russia [Update5]

GG as the Russian agent – Democracy Now interview.

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