I’d like to add something to Paul Waldman’s excellent analysis of the differential in the intensity gap between Republican and Democratic voters. Waldman notes that for every American who strongly supports the president there are about two Americans who strongly disapprove of him. He also notes that Democratic voters have better motivation generally, because not much would change if the Republicans hold their majorities, but the change would be seismic if the Democrats were to seize control of Congress.
These are good points that help explain why the Democrats are doing so well in special elections and can expect to excel in the midterms. The thing I’d like to add is that a huge part of Trump’s appeal to those who strongly support him is that he makes liberals angry. Whenever Trump finds himself in trouble, his instinct is to go with what worked for him in the primaries and the general election, which is to lash out at his competitors and to say things that outrage coastal elites. The problem is that this is precisely the kind of behavior that has put him in a position where in at least one current poll more than fifty percent of the electorate strongly disapproves of his performance in office.
In other words, he’s losing ground at this point with this polarization schtick. He has plenty of time to pivot and take conciliatory actions that will improve his poll numbers, but it’s not clear that he can do so without dampening the enthusiasm of his core supporters. They’ll lose interest if he isn’t insulting and blasting away at the people they don’t like. Overall, it’s probably still the better strategy though because he can’t afford to keep going with a strategy that has over half the people strongly disapproving of his conduct and performance. That’s just going to motivate people to strike back at him in the only way they can, which is by taking away the Republican majorities in Congress. And there are already too many people who feel that way, so making it worse is definitely not the way to go.
The catch is that conciliatory Trump is boring Trump. And boring Trump could find that the floor falls out beneath him. If he’s giving literally no one what they want, then what use is he to anyone?
I don’t think Dolt 45 can soften his tone. Really. I just don’t think it’s within the realm of possibility for him, even if somehow he woke up tomorrow and actually wanted to do it.
Nuh guh happen.
This was my first reaction too. He’s too infantile to change.
. . . when they’ve been ingrained over 70+ years.
Where, pray tell, would he pivot to? He CAN’T take a conciliatory position with the D’s because, for the most part, they won’t believe. And if he DID the Freedumb Caucas would crucify him.
Nah. He’s riding the tiger. Can’t let go.
If he’d tried the conciliatory route earlier, back when the MSM were still desperately lunging after every stray bit of evidence that this time, this time Trump was becoming “presidential”, he might have been able to pull it off. But after a year of his chaotic viciousness, I think that ship has sailed, been hulled by torpedoes, and sunk into the Marianas Trench.
What use is he!!!???
He’s the perfect distraction!!
He takes the heat while the controllers take the controls.
From Counterpunch (Emphases mine.):
Round up the usual suspects!!! Even the dead and near-dead like Brezinski and Kissinger.
Sounds about right to me…
If they really have Trump where they want him then we can expect the whole Mueller thing to just mewl away into the “old news” drawer within a decently protracted length of time.
P.S. If the Mueller investigation remains media-hot well into the mid-spring/early summer? Certainly into the fall? I was probably wrong.
Sue me.
Wait, what?
No offer to “bet on it”?
Cuz (not being a fool) that’s one offer I’d gladly take.
Easy money. (“Everybody wants the most they can possibly get . . . for the least they can possibly do.”)
Y’know, oaguabonita…
Every ignorant response by you and your equally ignorant/knee jerk/down-rating/leftiness/possible bot compatriots is a signal that I am on the right track.
Keep it up.
I am invariably encouraged by your opposition.
Bet on it.
Thanks again…
I feel that Arthur, or maybe should say Marshall Auerbach, is right. I feel that Trump’s job is to suck all the oxygen out of the atmosphere so no coherent opposition (other than dread and derision) can stand up. In the meantime, the chosen ministers have their way, and their incompetent Republican legislators can flounder along sucking up whatever air is left.
Nobody is paying attention to the real action (or can, because a lot of it is hidden). The feeble opposition party can’t get any visibility and its only spokesperson with any traction has numerous issues (Sanders). There may be others, but they can’t get any airplay with the continuous supernovae.
This government shutdown is another version of it. Maybe the Trump act is starting to fade and we needed a new kind of fireworks to keep us entranced. This is a better sideshow than military action in Korea to be sure.
Just my feeling – there’s no black and white evidence. And I don’t think Trump is completely neutralized or content in his role – his masters may think they have him, but he’s a joker. It could be that his numerous, numerous problems, corruptions, and history are the source of blackmail from inside the Republican party that’s reining him in – or maybe his incompetence, laziness, and dotage are in play.
I feel I need to tune all the Trump and CNN-ish news out for a while and see what else emerges.
“….then what use is he to anyone?”
What do you mean? You think this was ever about governance? Republicans would have gotten the same policy from any of those other 15 jackoffs.
To the Economically-Anxious-Working-Class-Abandoned-By-Democrats, their vote was as pure an act of Kill The Cow cultural vengeance as it could have been. They wanted to Freedom Caucus president.
Trump’s accomplishments so far have been stopping that bitch for being President; fulfilling their Lowest White Man pathos; breaking anything Obama did and trying to erase his legacy; making liberals cry by hurting vulnerable brown people, and getting away with saying racist things.
So far, that is the exact form of WINNING! Republicans turned out in record numbers to vote for in the primary.
Exactly. Why would Trump and anyone else in the GOP change what is clearly a WINNING formula for their base??
Haven’t we been barraged with articles about so-called “economically anxious” White Male Supremacists all still thrilled with their fearless leader who’s been “the best President EVER!” That last phrase is in quotes because I have personally heard this from Trump fanatics more times than I can count.
They LOVE that SOB shithole.
The problem for Trump is that his base is smaller than the other base. So if those folks are mad enough to turn out …
Notice that it doesn’t really matter to Trump if 100% of voters in California, New York, Oregon and Massachusetts hate his guts. National polls are meaningless. Only the State polls matter.
Tone? the donald only uses about four adjectives (not including shithole) to describe everything. A change in tone will have no effect.
“shithole” is a noun, so you are right not to count it as an adjective.
it’s an adjective when used to modify “countries.”
Yesterday I read trump is up to 40% amd dem generic is down to 8.5%. Thesis is when you talk sbout his shitty policies people hate him but when you start talking about race it strengthens him.
Lets talk about cuts to medicaid and a shut down because the GOP blew their reconciliation wad on tax cuts for billionaires and attacking Obamacare.
If you look at 538, he’s already getting a new dip on the way. Probably thanks to the shithole stuff. And if you watch the generic ballot ups and downs, 8-10 points is pretty much the average range. I’ll admit I just eyeballed it, but I don’t think I’m off much. It looks like that 7 points is the closest the GOP can get, and sometimes it swings much worse for them. No doubt they got a boost from their base being happy over the tax bill; let’s see how long that lasts.
It will last until they get their actual tax bill in 2019. Some morons will blame their increased taxes on democrats anyway.
Got a hearty laugh when I got to the point in this post where you suggest he’s capable of the pivot. Still, after all this time you’re giving him credit for strategic thinking?
“He has plenty of time to pivot and take conciliatory actions that will improve his poll numbers, but it’s not clear that he can do so without dampening the enthusiasm of his core supporters.”
Seems to me he’s tried this sort of thing numerous times but it never goes anywhere because the minute he does he gets calls from angry donors saying “What the f–k are you doing?”
And since these “conciliatory” measures will never impress Democrats, it just gets everybody mad at him.
So yeah, he’s pretty much painted himself into a corner, hasn’t he?
I suppose these “conciliatory” measures are urged on him from time to time by Javanka.
There, FTFY.
If nothing else, Trump is making Bill Clinton look like a saint. Of course, this is nothing to be proud of. However, if I were to have a Trump supporter if mention the words “family values”, I remind them they have no moral authority any more and never will have in the future because they voted for a bigoted womanizer for President.
Racist rapist and serial assaulter is what you meant there.
`Bigoted womanizer’ makes him sound like an ignorant frat boy instead of the criminal he surely is.
Trump’s overt meanness is more aggravating, but in many ways less threatening, than Bush’s subtler brand. We sure as shit are not going to see Trump sniff 50% support, never mind 90%.
Horsetrade on domestic issues failed after McConnell and Trump reneged on promises made to Democrats in recent weeks.
Still many hours before Wall Street opens on Monday …
If he softens, Van Jones will say nice things about him, so there’s that.
Dollars to donuts Trump is more interested in ratings than polls.