Donald Trump’s longtime attorney Michael Cohen has now admitted paying porn star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. Stormy Daniels) $130,000 to keep mum about her affair with the president. While he denies that he did this on behalf of the campaign or the Trump Organization (either of which could have legal ramifications), he does not deny that he did it on behalf of Trump. In fact, he explains his decision by saying “I will always protect Mr. Trump.”
Oddly, he claims that he made this payment out of funds from his own pocket, and it’s already known that he set up an LLC in Delaware for the purpose. And, again, while he denies he was compensated or made whole for this payment by the campaign or the Trump organization, he doesn’t mention the possibility that Trump himself may have paid him back.
Of course, he didn’t just hand the money over. There was a non-disclosure agreement which means, presumably, that Clifford could be compelled to return the funds if she admitted to the affair. So far, since news of this arrangement broke in January, she’s been cagey about the whole thing, not quite admitting or too forcefully denying that she had a relationship with Trump.
Cohen has also been hard to pin down, but he’s on the record now as having made the payment. He still insists that no affair took place and that he paid Clifford because “Just because something isn’t true doesn’t mean that it can’t cause you harm or damage.”
We need to apply some common sense to this. No one, no matter how rich, will pay $130,000 to cover up another person’s affair, especially if the accuser is lying. If Cohen took the money out of his own pocket, then he expected to be repaid either in cash or through some other equivalent benefit. Perhaps he thought having his friend and client become president would provide plenty of opportunities to get a return on his investment, but in October, when this agreement was reached with Clifford, no one thought Trump was going to win. In fact, the Republican establishment was running from Trump in the aftermath of the Access Hollywood fiasco and even discussing whether he could remove himself from the contest. Cohen couldn’t have had much confidence that he’d get compensated through the benefits of a Trump presidency. If he wasn’t paid back, it’s only because Trump won and some other arrangement became possible.
Cohen made this admission because Common Cause filed a complaint in January accusing him of making an illegal and undisclosed campaign contribution. He’s protecting himself and the president from that charge by insisting that he did this in his own private capacity and that it had nothing to do with the campaign. Yet, he admits he did it because even a false allegation can cause harm or damage.
Unless he means harm or damage to Trump’s marriage, it’s hard to avoid the fact that he did it to preserve Trump’s electoral prospects in the election, which was then only a few weeks in the future. Since that would be a political purpose, it could be considered a political contribution.
The bottom line is that Cohen’s current explanation is the only one he could give that would acknowledge what he did without it necessarily causing legal problems. And that makes it highly convenient if it also happens to be true.
What’s not convenient is that Cohen’s admission has released Clifford from the non-disclosure agreement, at least according to her manager:
Stormy Daniels is no longer bound by a non-disclosure contract after Mr Trump’s lawyer admitted he paid her, manager Gina Rodriguez says.
Ms Rodriguez says that acknowledgement allows her client to speak freely.
Cohen achieved his short-term purpose, which was preventing this information from coming out while people were already casting early votes in the election. But he gave $130,000 “out of his pocket” to get a non-disclosure agreement that is no longer in effect due to his own actions. That’s a screw up.
It’s probably not a happy Valentine’s Day in the White House.
I don’t know. Seems to me that $130k is a small price to pay to get someone elected.
Assuming for the sake of argument that Cohen didn’t contribute to Trump’s electoral campaign, $130K wouldn’t be at all out of the ballpark for giving without expecting return.
Excuse me, I smell unicorn farts and have search my shoes for them.
I doubt DT even acknowledges that Valentine’s Day exists, much less celebrates it with gifts for his wife. If she, on the other hand, buys into the holiday sentiment, then yeah, she can’t be happy about this on-going humiliation. What a stark contrast with the loving and devoted couple we had before this. Sad.
But it does remind me of WJC and the clenis.
Stormy is now free to give juicy (and potentially lucrative) details to the highest bidder.
I saw news earlier that her lawyer had contacted Cohen to tell him/them that they had breached their side of the confidentiality agreement which in turn set Stormy free to tell her side.
While this is of some marginal interest, in the end it really doesn’t matter in our world that is always IOKIYAR.
Even if Ms. Daniels comes out with a steamy Show & Tell (to the highest bidder, of course) replete with verifiable video content (ick ick ick), it simply won’t matter.
In fact, it will probably IMPROVE Trump’s popularity with ALL Republicans (not just the so-called “base”), who will continue to decry Bill Clinton’s sexcapades into perpetuity. And all those charlatan grifting “preachers” will dutifully trot out some really twisted “reasons” why Trump’s affair with Stormy got the A-OK from Jebus, while Fox & Rush will dutifully trot out some equally pernicious propaganda ‘splaining why this simply doesn’t matter, STFU, eat your gruel and keep kowtowing to Trump. MAGA!
File this under: MEH.
In a Post-Truth world, eventually the long-held-dear boundaries between truth and lies become so badly eroded that anyone can say any damned thing they want to say and be taken seriously by some meaningful percentage of the population.
Is there any possibility in the world that this lawyer is not/has not/or believes that he will not be well compensated for this money layout?
But what does the media do?
They print his bullshit verbatim…and actually promote it by simply printing it…as if it existed within the realm of finite possibility. Sure pigs could fly, they just ain’t gonna fly. Our truthiness spidey powers are not so eroded that we would accept a “PIGS FLY!!!” headline, right? Not yet they’re not, anyway. But it’s getting uncomfortably close to that point, now.
This is the same tack the media took with that little refugee from NY Post Page Six journalism when he printed his (almost completely unsourced) “tell-all” Fire and Fury book about the Trump White House.
Bare-faced lies from each camp.
All lies, all the time.
Turn the channel.
Flip the page.
Go to a new window…one that overlooks the clean, fresh air of truth.
Grow up.
What did he say that was different from the front page story? Why the ad hominem attack?
Why the ad hominem attack(s)?
‘Cuz that’s all they’ve got, Voice. A pack mentality, ganging up on what they cannot understand.
What is happening on this blog is just a microcosm of what is going on all over U.S. media and politics today. The Tea Party folks invented it…media screaming about the evil others, using the Big Lie to create a passionately hate-filled and numerically powerful group of dummies that…by their own passion and numbers, by force of their own gravitational pull…expands into some position of power. The people who ran Trump…Bannon in particular…were expert at this, having practiced it for decades in the nascent, alt. right media. Listening to its warlike thrum on the radio while driving through the rural heartlands was what concinced me that Trump would win the presidency well before he even got the nomination. There was simply no passion on the anti-Trump side, just a bunch of greying liberals talking oh so calmly about deplorables and other people who really didn’t matter, convinced that they would win, and in winning, “fix everything.”.
Now…??? The left finally paid attention to the Trumpist successes and is woofing up its own panic, empty of much factual basis but baying at the moon for all its worth. It’s trying to outdo the rightinesses in sheer, ignorant passion, and it doesn’t have a chance of doing so. Too old, too kneejerk “civilized.”
Politics in a nutshell.
A rotted out nutshell.
Al of these one-line haters here, these kneejerk downraters, these repetitive accusations of me being some sort of secret right winger? Just dummies whose reading comprehension is next to nil, but who have developed McCarthyite tendencies of their own in defense of their entitlement and exceptionalism.
Little ClintonBots, scurrying around automatically signifying against anyone who dares to point out that both parties are lacking clothes.
Just middle class, suburban, middle-aged, white Demplorables, trying to sling insults on the Trump supporter level and not even possessing the native passion to be able to do it very well. A lame army, if you ask me.
This all means nothing to me personally, although the survival of the country itself means a great deal to me on many levels, quite a few of them deeply personal. There is simply nothing I can do to stop it. If I walk away, they will declare victory and lay into the next independent thinker. If I stay and fight, they’ll continue howling at the imaginary moon. The fever needs to run its course, one way or another.
We shall see which way it goes, soon enough…both on this blog and in the immeasurably greater world.
And then? And then there will be other problems with which to deal.
So it goes…
May we all be born)e) into interesting times.
Ah, Arthur! Even though we have the illusion of free will, we are still peasants and these upper class elites can still heap scorn on us with impunity and count themselves the Masters Of The Universe.
Until they stand on the scaffold and face the guillotine or firing squad.
Historically speaking, the scaffold/guillotine/firing squad options will not appear. Instead? Like the various high-level criminals who have gotten caught (think Nixon/Agnew) or did not…officially, at least…get caught (think Henry Kissinger), they will be allowed to sink into a peaceful, well-endowed retirement and eventual natural death while the rest of us are encouraged to forget about them. (The “It’s been taken care of!!! Fuggedaboudit!!!” syndrome.)
So it goes.
On to the next (criminally negligent and/or criminally active) preznit!!!
But … he did not say that he paid the $130K himself. According to the quote I read he said he “facilitated the payment” with is own money. He is weaseling — I think he used his own money simply to register the LLC that paid her (probably $250 or so), which could accurately be described as “facilitating the payment”. Who put the money into the LLC remains unknown at this point.
There is parsing, then there is PARSING. I missed it completely.
Saturday Night Live should do a bizarro sketch wherein Hilary Clinton won the presidency, it comes to light that she paid off a famous male porn star, ..splashed all over the media….cut to Republican heads exploding. Ad infinitum.
You seem to have forgotten the 1990’s and the forever investigation by Ken Starr.
So the President didn’t cut out on his new wife after all. He just accepted a gift from a close friend. I’m so relieved.
Once again, Team Trump makes a predictable own goal.
In other Valentine’s Day news, WikiLeaks gets its wish for more transparency…
…and in this tweet Glenn Greenwald further catapults the propaganda, aka his reporters’ spin on the revelations.
In late January, three weeks before The Intercept published their reporters’ poorly supported claim today that “Assange’s thinking appeared to be rooted not in ideological agreement with the right wing in the U.S., but in the tactical idea that a Republican president would face more resistance to an aggressive military posture than an interventionist President Hillary Clinton would,” a fake Sean Hannity Twitter account received private messages from the real Julian Assange, wherein Assange offered Hannity supposed dirt on Senator Mark Warner.
Last week, Fox News published supposed dirt on Senator Mark Warner, minority leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee and its investigation of the 2016 election.
If Julian Assange’s thinking is not rooted in ideological agreement with the right wing in the U.S., why does strong circumstantial evidence show Assange personally helped Fox News make a factually evasive attack on Senator Warner in 2018 in an obvious attempt to discredit the Senate’s investigation?
I just looked at recent publications from WikiLeaks and Assange, the first time in a while.
Let me retract my “circumstantial” caveat. Assange and his WikiLeaks are most definitely attempting to discredit all U.S. investigations of the 2016 election, in open and undisguised service to Trump, the Republicans, and the right wing movement. Assange/WikiLeaks credulously promoted the ridiculous Nunes Memo and is acting in agreement with the right wing’s conclusions about the Memo, for one of many examples.
I think Micah’s reading is fair. It’s Glenn’s reading that’s spincity. Moreover, Glenn is constantly telling people it doesn’t matter what’s in people’s hearts when they decide to do something, the only thing that matters is actions and the results of those actions. By that standard, it doesn’t matter what Assange was thinking, it’s already been an observable failure in political tactics since Trump has (predictably) escalated the worst militarist impulses of the US government.
I suspect that this spin isn’t Assange’s thinking, but a revelation into Glenn’s own biases and his projection.
I still quibble with the poorly supported reading in the original reporting. It’s not plausible to claim that Assange isn’t supportive of the right wing when he’s still aggressively trying to help the racist, sexist, oligarchic right wing movements in Russia, France and elsewhere, more than a year after Trump took leadership of the most powerful nation on Earth. We’re way way away from The Devil Hillary now.
I can’t remember any time since Barack Obama won the Presidency when Assange used WikiLeaks to reveal stolen information which hurt any Republicans in any significant way. What does that tell us?
And, even if WikiLeaks does reveal information which pretends to seek to rein in Trump and Republicans in the future, that could be another strategy in Julian’s propaganda campaign. Let’s not forget Assange’s private messages to Trump Jr. included this one:
“Hey Don. We have an unusual idea,” WikiLeaks wrote on October 21, 2016. “Leak us one or more of your father’s tax returns.” WikiLeaks then laid out three reasons why this would benefit both the Trumps and WikiLeaks. One, The New York Times had already published a fragment of Trump’s tax returns on October 1; two, the rest could come out any time “through the most biased source (e.g. NYT/MSNBC).”
It is the third reason, though, WikiLeaks wrote, that “is the real kicker.” “If we publish them it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality,” WikiLeaks explained. “That means that the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a `pro-Trump’ `pro-Russia’ source.” It then provided an email address and link where the Trump campaign could send the tax returns, and adds, “The same for any other negative stuff (documents, recordings) that you think has a decent chance of coming out. Let us put it out.”
The flaw in Assange’s reasoning was that he didn’t know what was in Trump’s tax returns. Don Jr. had a better idea of what’s in Daddy’s returns, and it was almost certainly unacceptably damaging. That is likely why Don Jr. didn’t help Assange attempt to launder WikiLeaks’ support for the Trump campaign in that way.
Assange has always been a wingnut asshole.
Let me say that I personally believe Assange is a right winger, in his actions, who he allies with, and political figures he effectively supports. But I think the article is a fair reading of the messages themselves.
In one of Assange’s tweets he said about HRC:
Where’s the beef, centristfield?
Considering her many war-promoting actions as Secretary of State?
Seems pretty close.
After all, she did have some very good good teachers!!!
Do you support the actions of Henry Kissinger over his blood-soaked, Permanent War-supporting career? No? Then how can you support either HRC or the Democratic Party that pulled strings to make sure that HRC won the nomination over Bernie Sanders?
Here is what she says about Kissinger in that article:
And here is what Bernie Sanders says:
Guess which one is the “… bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath.”
Get real.
Sanders’s opposition to the Kissinger realpolitik world view…a worldview that has tanked the United States of America on every level (internationally, nationally, politically, economically and culturally) since the mid-’40s…was in my opinon the single most important thing that galvanized the Permanent War people to make sure he didn’t win the nomination. Socialism? Small potatoes in comparison.
You’re on the wrong side of a triangular set of choices, centristfield. It’s not “Trump or The Dems,” it’s “Trump, the Dems or a socio-cultural political revolution.”
“Impossible!!!” you say? Maybe. But not even trying will almost certainly result in nuclear war and/or a mass extinction. “The Dems aren’t like that!!!” you say?
Oh yeah?
Prove it.
I repeat…right, directly out of HRC’s lying, “public/private” toilet of a mouth:
He is a war criminal, centristfield, and had there been a Nuremberg-style set of trials after the Vietnam War he would have been summarily executed.
I got yer “Democratic Party.” Right here!!!
And of course:
Ain’t no “beef,” Centristfield. The pols done et it all up already. Nuthin’ but gristle and bone left fer us underlings. Enjoy every bite. I am abstaining, myself.
I couldn’t care less about what Trump does with his penis, with the exception of the (more than a few) times that he has allegedly used it without his partner’s consent.
But if this is what will turn some people against him, well, any port in a storm.
Josh Marshall explains why Cohen really might have done this. It fits with his existence in the trump circle.