The man who likes to think of himself as the world’s biggest Catholic:
CNN commentator and former Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Rick Santorum on Sunday suggested students protesting for gun control legislation would be better served by taking CPR classes and preparing for active shooter scenarios.
“How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that,” Santorum said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
The man who actually is the world’s biggest Catholic:
VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis, starting Holy Week services leading to Easter, urged young people on Sunday to keep shouting and not allow the older generations to silence their voices or anesthetize their idealism…
…Drawing on biblical parallels, Francis urged the young people in the crowd not to let themselves be manipulated.
“The temptation to silence young people has always existed,” Francis said in the homily of a Mass.
“There are many ways to silence young people and make them invisible. Many ways to anesthetize them, to make them keep quiet, ask nothing, question nothing. There are many ways to sedate them, to keep them from getting involved, to make their dreams flat and dreary, petty and plaintive,” he said.
“Dear young people, you have it in you to shout,” he told young people, urging them to be like the people who welcomed Jesus with palms rather than those who shouted for his crucifixion only days later.
“It is up to you not to keep quiet. Even if others keep quiet, if we older people and leaders, some corrupt, keep quiet, if the whole world keeps quiet and loses its joy, I ask you: Will you cry out?”
The young people in the crowd shouted, “Yes!”
Any questions?
Bless Little Ricky’s charcoal briquette heart. He’s going to burn in Hell.
He’s also not bright, in the real sense of that phrase.
Santorum is vile.
At least Santorum is consistent:
You know who else was pretty consistent?
Exactly, Pope Francis is young at heart. Trust he manages to stay alive in Vatican City and silence the old folks.
○ Pope Francis Revolution – Europe’s Destiny Is Multicultural
○ Pope Francis: US Cardinal Raymond Burke is demoted
the P.R. Pope is on the right side of any issue that he can’t do anything about except talk.
but when the issue is child molesting priests or women’s rights he’s 100% the same as the last pope and the one before that and the one before that…
Why is this man even on a major cable network? Seriously? Even in the insane Republican world, this guy is so far outside the mainstream that he shouldn’t even be anywhere on the media radar screen, outside those crazy religious stations on the far upper end of your cable TV. Yet, here he is on CNN, spewing the same crazy shit that always gets him booted in the early innings of GOP primaries. But in the mainstream media, I guess there are no limits for crazy, as long as you’re a Republican.
Santorum, Santorables the reigning queen of the Deplorables. OK, here are the facts you magnificent POS. Parkland trauma surgeons who dealt with the victims pouring into their emergency rooms described victims with internal organs that had been completely destroyed beyond repair by AR-15 rounds. They describe having treated 9mm handgun wounds in trauma situations within Broward County previously, and with a handgun bullet there were organs that could be sutured, repaired, and lives that could be saved. The victims of the Parkland shooting spree had no organs to work with, and were pronounced dead on arrival in most situations. How in the hell would CPR work in a situation like that? Ricky, I have some Latin for you to study. Extractucus your headus fromus your anus!
. . . wait for it . . . Santorum!
The gun whores are beautifully boxed in by the sincere outrage of the students. There is no effective response to children expressing rage to those in power because their needs and interests for very basic things like personal safety are secondary to the desire of the gun makers to maximize profits. Anything an ass like Santorum says will sound idiotic precisely because it is idiotic. They have no cover. Their shamelessness is right out in the open for all to see. From a political point of view, the smartest thing they can do (assuming they lack the decency to reverse course) is to stay silent and hope the anger runs its course.
Hopefully the kids won’t let up. I just love youthful idealism. Outrage is simply idealism thwarted. This next election is shaping up to be epic. If all goes well, Republicans boxed in by years of their own bullshit rhetoric and rank hypocrisy will get destroyed by their base if they moderate and destroyed by an outraged electorate if they don’t. As Reagan once said, “You can run but you can’t hide.”
A bunch of them see the handwriting on the wall, which is why so many are suddenly discovering the need to spend time with family. They are truly demonic and so deeply deserve the political apocalypse that’s hopefully coming their way.
I like that a lot.
Probably explains why I spend a lot of time outraged, while those kids are fighting for their lives, still hopeful of saving the world. May they be up to the task we failed at!
Little Ricky is a thief too. I lived in Western Pa when he was senator. He stole money from Penn Hills Pa to home school his kids in Virginia.
Penn Hills, as I’m sure you know, is a suburb of Pittsburgh (I grew up in the city though I haven’t lived there for a long time). If I’m not mistaken, Santorum lived in Penn Hills (or at least had a residence there) while he was a Congressman (and maybe Senator, don’t know).
So, you’re saying he misappropriated school district funds meant to be used in a VA school district and used them for home schooling? How is it that Penn Hills didn’t get wind of this and demand reimbursement?
He’s such a weird person.
. . . to homeschool kids while actually resident in VA, not PA, i.e.,
That at least seems the more plausible scenario to me.
Perhaps shan will clarify.
Santorum is a religious bigot.
He doesn’t believe in Christ’s teachings, he’s just an opportunist using religion as a dodge. The Republicans are rife with this type of vermin. Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, the late, hate, Jerry Falwell, all those `evangelicals’ that voted for Trump.
Samuel Johnson may have been correct on patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel but he didn’t identify religion as the first refuge.
Sinclair Lewis otoh was completely prescient about current day Republicanism when he wrote –
`He had, in fact, got everything from the church and Sunday School, except, perhaps, any longing whatever for decency and kindness and reason.’
The religious people are the best people. Thus, of course, as a good person his place is to tell others how to do.
Other than the Church’s restrictive positions on sexual issues, there’s very little in the Church’s morality that a medieval barbarian like Santorum agrees with. He’s precisely the sort of cafeteria-Catholic that he pretends to condemn.
If he actually believes the sewage emanating from his shit-stinker mouth this weekend, he’s morally bankrupt and mentally ill. As are all “conservatives” who conclude that universal health insurance is Tyranny, while gunned-down elementary kids is the Noble Price of Liberty.
We live in a deeply sick and degenerate culture, thanks to “conservative” monsters like Santorum.
This disgusting filth! Indeed, whyever does this cretinous creepy charlatan have any kind of stage from which to spew his utterly ludicrous – but ever so financially rewarding – bile? Sheesh.
Recall that Icky Ricky and his Icky wife brought home a miscarried fetus inna jar for his kids to worship or something before burying it because “sanctity of life.”
Yet once you’ve traversed the birth canal all bets are off, and according the word of Icky Santorum, you’re well and truly on your own. Go take some CPR lessons (at your own expense, of course) and STFU.
Duly noted that as far as I can tell, this debased, debauched, disgustingly deplorable speciman hasn’t had a “real” job in, like, at least a decade or more. So howzzat that Icky Ricky and his spawn can lead the good life that they do??? Why grifting from the nearest deplorable corporation. Doesn’t matter who and for what purpose. Just cross Icky Ricky’s palm with silver, and he’s quite pleased to spout out any bulllshit, nasty, disgusting nonsense from his perverted shithole.
As noted, CPR doesn’t even make sense! But no doubt the deplorable Ammosexuals’ll cling to this worthless stupid nonsense like glue.
What. A. Horrible. Monster.
Sooo slick Rick wants kids to learn CPR instead of practicing THEIR rights as a US citizen … “peaceful protest” to redress issues with THEIR government!
One must assume slick Rick is following his own advise. The question for him is “are you blowing or sucking”
that NRA dick in your mouth?
Torquemada also considered himself a true Christian.
So – – according to Santorum, when children get shot and killed while at school it is “their problem.” Got it. Makes perfect sense to me.