Here’s a scary thought…

Almost everyone is talking…pro or con…about the Russians helping Trump get elected.

Other people are counter-arguing that Russia helped HRC and the Dems.

What if…and this would fit quite nicely inside of almost all of the pro and con arguments in any direction…what if the real aim of the various hacks, the involvement of Cambridge Analytica, etc. was to erode trust in both sides of the U.S.political mainstream and thus weaken the entire country?

This would fit both the desires of the Russians to break down the capabilities of the U.S. to shore up the east/west boundaries between Russia and Western Europe and it would also fit the quite plainly described aim of Steve Bannon (and whatever spooks are really running him) to collapse the government and rebuild it in their own image.

Equal opportunity spookiness!!!

Let’s mess with both party’s’ minds!!!


And…if that’s the case…it’s working.

Like a charm.





Convenient bit players.

Convenient chumps in a serious con game.

