The face of purity in capitalism in the 21st century …

Growth At Any Cost: Top Facebook Executive Defended Data Collection In 2016 Memo — And Warned That Facebook Could Get People Killed | Buzzfeed |

Facebook Vice President Andrew “Boz” Bosworth said that “questionable contact importing practices,” “subtle language that helps people stay searchable,” and other growth techniques are justified by the company’s connecting of people.

On June 18, 2016, one of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg‘s most trusted lieutenants circulated an extraordinary memo weighing the costs of the company’s relentless quest for growth.

More below the fold …

“We connect people. Period. That’s why all the work we do in growth is justified. All the questionable contact importing practices. All the subtle language that helps people stay searchable by friends. All of the work we do to bring more communication in. The work we will likely have to do in China some day. All of it,” VP Andrew “Boz” Bosworth wrote.

“So we connect more people,” he wrote in another section of the memo. “That can be bad if they make it negative. Maybe it costs someone a life by exposing someone to bullies.

“Maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools.”

The explosive internal memo is titled “The Ugly,” and has not been previously circulated outside the Silicon Valley social media giant.

The Bosworth memo reveals the extent to which Facebook’s leadership understood the physical and social risks the platform’s products carried — even as the company downplayed those risks in public. It suggests that senior executives had deep qualms about conduct that they are now seeking to defend.

Remarks by the President at Global Entrepreneurship Summit and Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg and Entrepreneurs | Stanford U. – June 25, 2016 |

At the same time, working together with Cambridge Analytica to get Donald Trump elected …

Election of Trump: Cambridge, Aleksandr Kogan, Facebook

Fans of Zuckerberg in Israel …

Never Give Up Israel
Randi Zuckerberg to headline event for new AIPAC ‘technology division’

US activists and tax money in order to run a campaign by a organization called V-15 whose goal was to oust Netanyahu from office.

Here’s How Mark Zuckerberg Saved Binyamin Netanyahu

    “Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ were screaming with Netanyahu’s messages that were not being aired or discussed on official press channels. If Facebook did not exist and Netanyahu wold not have had a channel to freely fight against the messages that were being published in the papers, on the TV and radio, I doubt if he would be sitting in the Prime Minister’s office this morning. What the liberal left press did in the United States to help Obama take office, simply did not work in Israel.”

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu

Hey! Find any similarities with how Donald Trump “defeated” HRC in the Presidential election?

From my diaries in the past ….

Netanyahu’s Revenge: Trump the Winner
RRR Republican Racist Rant From Jerusalem

Never mind, find the weak spot in diplomacy by starting a New Cold War 2.0 … give support to the neocons in the Republican Party WTF!!

Soon the US and its allies will be fighting another Middle East war …