NPR has a truly bizarre story today that I find hard to understand. The basic idea seems to be that a lot of conservative Christian leaders are genuinely concerned about the news that Donald Trump isn’t a faithful husband. And, as a result, they seem to have finagled a meeting with the president in which they hope to confront him about his immoral behavior. If you use some common sense and read a little closer, you’ll realize that this doesn’t make a lot of sense.
While some of the more sordid details of Trump’s extramarital trysts and affairs have come to light since the election, the fact that he’s a legendary philanderer who has been plausibly accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women was evident to everyone by election day in 2016. Christian conservatives could not have cared any less if they tried. Does it really change things that we now know that Trump slept with Playboy bunnies and porn actresses and then paid for their silence? I simply don’t believe that the details have changed anything on the moral plane, but I guess theoretically they could depress turnout. That’s what these evangelicals seem to think, anyway:
The meeting is part of an effort to rally and reassure conservative voters, especially white evangelicals who fueled Trump’s run to the White House, ahead of this year’s midterms…
…The June meeting will be a chance for evangelical leaders to seek reassurance from Trump, and to talk about how to mobilize conservatives around other issues this fall, a source said.
“Let’s reconvene,” the source said, “and let’s see what we can do to encourage enthusiasm — beyond Trump, so to speak.”
You’ll notice that the meeting is not scheduled until June, so there’s not a huge sense of urgency. You’ll also notice that it’s not all about confronting Trump. It looks more like a simply political strategizing exercise.
“It is a concern of ours that 2018 could be very detrimental to some of the other issues that we hold dear,” like preserving religious liberty and restricting abortion rights, the source noted. The source, like the others with knowledge of the event, spoke to NPR on the condition of anonymity so as to not jeopardize the meeting.
If the parts I’ve cited were the main focus of the piece, it would make sense to me. Conservative Christians are freaking out that they might lose power in Congress and they want to give some advice to Trump so they can coordinate their defense. It’s not about Trump’s morality at all. But that’s not what we’re supposed to take away from the article.
As allegations continue to swirl about the president and a payout to a porn star to cover up a sexual encounter, evangelical leaders are organizing a sit-down with President Trump in June, four sources with knowledge of the planned meeting tell NPR.
“We’re very concerned” about the allegations, said a leader of a faith-based ministry…
…Trump has been invited to take questions from the evangelical leaders for roughly 90 minutes during the meeting. It’s not clear whether the allegations from Daniels — or another woman who alleges she had an affair with Trump, former Playboy model Karen McDougal — are likely to come up while the president is on stage in a more open session.
But a source said the president is likely to be asked about the women during private discussions in at least a “sidebar conversation.”
The ministry leader said Trump’s tone and personal life remain a concern for many evangelicals.
“There’s things that are like fingernails on the chalkboard to people of faith. That’s not who we are; that’s not a ‘fruit of the Spirit’; that’s not leading with humility,” the source said, referencing a passage in the New Testament book of Galatians that describes the character traits Christians exhibit.
Near the end of the article, we finally get someone close to the administration to go on the record, and what he says completely negates the premise that evangelicals want to confront the president.
Johnnie Moore, an informal evangelical adviser to Trump, downplayed the discussions, calling them “entirely conceptual” at this stage.
Moore described himself as an “observer” rather than an organizer but did say conversations are underway about a potential gathering of hundreds of evangelicals in Washington, D.C., in the coming months.
“There is a very active discussion about the desire of evangelical leaders to get together again, principally to discuss policy issues going into 2018. And it has nothing to do with any questions about the past life of our president.”
I am going to just chalk this up to a very bad take on what appears to be a plan to have a huge summer convention of evangelical leaders in Washington DC where the president is tentatively scheduled to appear and answer questions, some of which will be open to the public. They will try to rally their flocks to vote for congressional Republicans, which is no surprise, and that’s pretty much the totality of the story.
Since Trump is a generally bad role model for Christians seeking to avoid hypocrisy and a life of sin, they may try to write him out of the script:
In addition to meeting with Trump, participants also plan to spend several hours discussing priorities and strategy for the midterms, which could include inserting reminders in church bulletins to head to the polls on Election Day.
Another source with knowledge of the plans for the event tells NPR that the gathering will encourage pastors and other leaders to frame voting as a Christian’s “civic duty,” rather than urging churchgoers to support a particular political party.
They know if their parishioners go to the polls, they’ll vote for the Republicans, so if they can’t make any better arguments they’ll just say that Christians have a moral obligation to participate in the political process.
But they know what motivated their people to vote for Trump and it wasn’t a sense of civic duty. It was Trump’s promise to fight to keep America as white as possible and his willingness to insult people that they wanted to see insulted. So, in June, when these “leaders” are spending “several hours discussing priorities and strategy for the midterms,” I’m pretty sure we’ll see a much more cynical take about how to preserve their power. It won’t be about the “fruit of the Spirit,” but it will be about Sharia Law and sinister Honduran caravans of rapists.
So it goes.
The meeting will be held at Trump’s DC hotel because these evangelicals do not care about conflicts of interest, the appearance of impropriety or even a minimal standard of ethics. Such considerations never even enter their heads.
…it also could raise questions about the ethics of holding such events, organized through the White House, at Trump’s hotel just a few blocks from the White House.
That prospect did not seem to concern the evangelical leaders involved with booking the event.
“That doesn’t even cross our mind,” said one person with knowledge of the planning, adding that the hotel was chosen because “this is probably the best deal in D.C.”
So that goes, as well.
I don’t blame NPR for getting lost in the ‘conceptual meeting’ at this point.
Seems the Evangelicals are feeling the pressure to address the philandering side of Trump that they have worked so hard to protect and give mulligans to.
Why? Well, perhaps they’re simply looking for a mulligan themselves as they set out to reassure the flock that they tried.
“Evangelical” Xtians don’t care. They firmly believe that Trump was appointed by God to bring on the final days.
And I am perfectly aware that not ALL Evangelicals belive this, so spare me the onesie twosie stories.
So, no news at all in this piece. “Evangelicals will go to DC to try and strategize how they will convince conservative church-goers to turn out and vote” amid all the scandals and failures of GOP misrule?
In short, the same exact thing they’ve been doing since the ’70s, except now they have more money and their man is in power.
One assumes these useful idiots will turn out in accustomed numbers in 2020 but perhaps not in the mid-terms. The only question is what Democrats will do in the meantime to make sure they fail.
Of course not.
The problem these “evangelical leaders” now want to pretend to address didn’t start with the Stormy Daniels revelations. It started in 2016 when they decided to lie to themselves and everyone within earshot and embrace Trump and claim he was a “godly” man. That they lied is neither opinion nor judgement; its fact. Trump’s track record was well known. Even many of their tribal supporters admit they knew he was at best a cad and at worst a deeply immoral man but didn’t care as long as he hated who they hated. Before these preachers decided to sell their souls to get in bed with Trump, the morally challenged moron had already told the world when asked if he ever sought forgiveness that he didn’t think he ever needed to.
Anyone with a child’s understanding of God’s Word (The Bible) would know that these people are hypocrites. Which is partly why they’re putting on this charade, to salvage what is left of their own reputations as “men of God.” But more importantly to these charlatans keeping Trump in power means keeping their people animated, churches packed and coffers overflowing with money from the gullible and Biblically ignorant masses who confuse their own hateful bigotry with “Christianity.”
At this point only children and the mentally challenged don’t know who Trump, “Christian” leaders, and their supporters really are.
The endgame has to be to meet these people head-on and defeat them. Calling attention to their hypocrisy is soooo 2016, and we know how that came out.
Well, yes, this has always been the obvious answer. The problem is that appealing to actual, real Christian values completely falls on deaf ears with these people. They are animated by a culture of hate-of-the-other, racism, misogyny, greed (Prosperity Gospel) and ignorance. That simply is not going to change because it has been a leitmotif of these people for 400+ years.
Well, the fact that there is not an actual name of even one “concerned evangelical Christian” listed anywhere in this article leads me to believe that there is absolutely no meat to this thing at all. This is like one of those Hollywood props where you see a realistic looking facade of a building, but when you peek throught the curtains, there is nothing at all behind it.
Not sure why NPR would feel compelled to publish such a lengthy bit of empty drivel like this. If there is a meeting, we will see the same sea of crooked prosperty gospel evangelists, Dominionist cranks, homophobics, and crazy end-timers that showed up to the first meeting two years ago to kiss Trump’s ring.
I know a whole lot of Christian evangelicals who supported and still support Trump. Many of them are family members. They will never again have a shred of credibility with me. I don’t want to broad-brush all evangelicals, but if you are one and have it within yourself to still identify as a party to this group, well, I have no use for you at all. You are allied with evil people.
Lengthy bits of empty drivel are their specialty. Have you ever listened to Sarah Vowell?
I haven’t been a regular NPR listener for quite some time. Their slow descent became too much for me to stomach. I got tired of listening to hours of reporting to get crumbs of substance. They are not universally bad, like some media, but there are now just too many other sources available for good reporting.
Christianity |ˌkrisCHēˈanitē| – noun – the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
Many kudos to everyone commenting who rightly put “conservative Christians” in quotes. These people can call themselves anything they want we have that sort of country. But words have meanings.
Calling yourself “Christian” to have something to hide your immoral bigotry and hatred behind is also immoral.
These people deserve to be called out every time they try to claim they are Christian.
“For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”
I am not a Christian these days. I was a pretty solid Christian when I was younger, but for a variety of reasons I am now an atheist. I know that Christians don’t like to be pigeon-holed any more than do we Democrats and liberals. I am in concerted agreement with those Christians who do not feel that one of the core messages attributed to Jesus, namely compassion and concern for our human brotherhood, is represented by Trump supporting “evangelical Christians”. Those people who preach and live this message will have my everlasting support for it.
Washington Post version names a bunch of names. Nobody who sounds exactly “concerned” though, or not as much about Trump as about voters:
Pretty clear that somebody like Jeffress is going to report to the group that he looked into Trump’s soul in one of those “side conversations” and found that he’s Right with Jesus.
The detail that they’re holding it at the Old Post Office is priceless. Sounds like Republicans feel desperate to do something like this but Trump won’t unless he gets a cut.
“If Christ came back and saw what people are doing in his name he’d never stop throwing up. “
Max von Sydow in some movie
America’s jackass epidemic has reached critical mass.
“If Christ came back and saw what people are doing in his name he’d never stop throwing up. “
Max von Sydow in some movie
America’s jackass epidemic has reached critical mass.
So the utter cynicism and corruption of the conservative Christian movement is fully demonstrated here. That the religious conservatives’ deep embrace of the worst values and attitudes of America is nothing new and was most recently demonstrated, of course, in the last election. So, this stupid gesture just ensures that this corrupt movement will continue to have lower and lower credibility with younger voters probably without having any compensating positive impact at all on either mobilizing the vote or changing Trump’s behavior. He already mouths all the required conservative religious rhetorics with transparent insincerity.