President Trump doesn’t know or care about the facts of the case, but he “heard” that Scooter Libby got screwed so he issued him a pardon. At least, that’s what just happened if you believe the president.
President Trump on Friday issued a pardon to Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a former chief of staff to Vice President Richard B. Cheney who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with the leak of a CIA officer’s identity.
“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” Trump said in a statement, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”
There are a lot of possible ways to interpret both this pardon and the particular timing involved. It could be based mainly on the fact that Scooter Libby was and is represented by Victoria Toensing and Trump has been meeting with her and her husband Joe DiGenova lately, even briefly considering bringing them on as part of his defense team until they all realized that they the two lawyers had a conflict of interest.
Or it could be a way to send a message to anyone who is thinking of cutting a deal with Robert Mueller that if they will just hold out the president will take care of them, even if they lie to a grand jury and obstruct justice.
Whether intentional or not, the move is a giant middle finger to the intelligence community, and that could be part of the point here, too. The prosecutor who investigated the Valerie Plame Wilson case, Patrick Fitzgerald, is reportedly a close personal friend of James Comey.
I don’t want to revisit that case in any kind of comprehensive way, but it involved the deliberate outing of a CIA officer who had been operating with non-official cover in operations overseas. Her identity was revealed to suggest that her husband Joe Wilson was not a neutral or objective reporter of fact when he disclosed that he had traveled to Niger to investigate the possible diversion of some of that country’s uranium supply to Iraq for use in their allegedly reconstituted nuclear weapons program. President Bush had made that allegation in his 2003 State of the Union address (the notorious sixteen words), but the intelligence was based on forged documents that had quite likely been concocted with the connivance of Michael Ledeen. Joe Wilson found that any diversion of Niger’s uranium to Iraq was very highly unlikely and reported as much to the CIA when he came home and was debriefed. When he saw the president still using the theory as a casus belli for war, he blew the whistle. The administration decided to attack his credibility and his wife’s covert career became collateral damage, as well as her operations. Her foreign contacts were obviously put in mortal danger.
The intelligence community was outraged and they found ready partners in the Democrats and the antiwar left who were more than willing to help them seek justice.
Scooter Libby was serving as Dick Cheney’s right-hand man at the time, and he was central to the plan to leak Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity to key reporters and right-wing media personalities. He wasn’t freelancing, but he agreed to take the fall in the expectation that he would be pardoned. When the time came, though, George W. Bush refused to pardon Libby and only agreed to commute his sentence so that he would not face any actual jail time. Remember, George W. Bush’s father was the director of the CIA during the Ford administration and the agency’s headquarters are formally named the George Bush Center for Intelligence. Poppy Bush would have been apoplectic if his son had pardoned Libby. He considered the outing of covert operatives to be treachery and blamed Dick Cheney for leading his son’s presidency astray.
Scooter Libby was effective in shielding Cheney from culpability in the Plame matter, and Cheney lobbied relentlessly for Bush to pardon him in return. So, in this limited sense, Donald Trump is correct when he says that Libby got screwed. But the people who really got screwed were Joe and Valerie Plame Wilson. And the damage wasn’t limited to them. We may never know if anyone was killed as a result, but it certainly destroyed ongoing operations and sent a powerful message that the CIA could not keep its secrets and cooperating with them was risky.
The only punishment that was meted out for this treasonous behavior was Scooter Libby’s conviction. Trump just wiped that clean, so you can imagine how the intelligence community feels about his decision.
Provoke away! The intel community had Danny Casolaro killed.
I, like any respectable member of the progressive community, stand with Scooter! And for justice!
If the “intelligence” community isn’t smart enough to know already all they need to know about team Trump, I can not see how this adds anything.
Trump has pissed on so many powerful people and institutions.
I keep thinking that at some point the knives will truly come out and Trump will be neutralized. But time and again, Trump “shoots someone in the street” and nothing happens.
Where is the tipping point?
I also think that no one wants to be the one that does the deed and so they are all waiting for Mueller to do the dirty work. Mueller’s operation is what gave the GOP cover to run sham hearings. Everyone wants someone else to point out the emperor is wearing no clothes.
So are we about to see the end of Cheney’s silence? You have to admit his absence on Fox has been strange. Or will he free his spawn (Liz) to join in on Fox.
Dead men tell no tales.
Mostly-dead ones are pretty quiet, too.
It’s not gonna divert attention from the book, Donnie.
No, but WWIII may….
At this point I’m a little more concerned about von Bolton and Der Trumper provoking Imperial Russia than provoking the US intelligence community. Some pretty hair-raising posts over at Col. Lang’s operation. Us with no Secretary of State, no CIA head.
The next week may be very eventful in US and world history. We have the inmates securely in charge of the asylum. Will our patriotic generals carry out (illegal and unconstitutional) Trumper orders to unleash WWIII? Stay tuned.
When did the generals (Vietnam, Iraq x2, Afghanistan…) become our friends?
Before or after the intelligence community (COINTELPRO, unleashing cocaine, Total Information Awareness…) became our friends?
Asking for a friend.
that’s me–the generals’ friend!
You ask:
When the political system became so convolutedly rotted-out that Trump was elected preznit.
That’s when.
At least they are professional gangsters.
I have worked for some lower-level-than-the-generals but still “professional” professional gangsters…pretty high-level in terms of street gangster ranking…as a musician. Lots of them over the years. They are basically CEOs of an alternate corporate universe, except when they get fired it’s often at the point of a gun. You don’t fuck with their profits, they pay you for your labor.
I also lived in Red Hook, Brooklyn before it was gentrified…when the Gallo gang (of “Crazy Joey Gallo fame”) ran it. My landlord was named “Capone.” I swear to God…the same Brooklyn family from which Al Capone ascended/descended.
Lemme tell you…a crazy gangster group as opposed to a businesslike one is not to be preferred. Anything at all can set the crazies off, but the business guys? You don’t mess with their business and they won’t mess with yours.
Same with the generals.
Trump probably isn’t “sending a message” to anyone. I doubt he has any sort of plan other than random tweets and attempting to suppress the Special Prosecutor.
But, pardoning people probably doesn’t help him anyway. The important point is hardly that the henchmen do time, it is that the truth gets out. And after they are pardoned, they lose the ability to refuse to testify.
If Trump fires Muller, then everything in that investigation is going to leak out over the next 6 months. It will come out in dribs and drabs and prolong the crisis, but this will hardly help either Trump or the GOP.
He can simply deny everything and say “I didn’t know.” But, firing the prosecutor simply makes him look guilty.
He’s `sending a message’ to those people he is always sending a message to – his base and his own ego .
There is no other audience for anything he does.
It’s a finger in the eye of the Intel Community but just as much to the DoJ & US attorneys everywhere.
In a perverse sense to watch this pardon, which was based on obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI, be given on the same day that the IG report on Andrew McCabe which Trump responded to by calling McCabe every kind of liar he could think of is just galling.
I did get a chuckle out of Amb Wilson getting fired up on Katy Tur’s show and use the f**k to describe Trump. It all reminded me of the FireDogLake days and Marcie Wheeler live blogging.
Yeah well, personally I’d rather leave the fire dog days behind.
I’m with ya there but during the Libby trial is was amazing to see Marcie liveblog.
I still read emptywheel.
She’s the best in the business on this stuff. And Jason Leopold.
Speaking of emptywheel, Marci Wheeler has an op-ed in the New York Times on the very subject of BooMan’s article: Trump Pardoned Libby to Protect Himself From Mueller. I recommend it as long as one still has free articles to read or a subscription.
That’s a very good op ed. And very informative.
Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier
They are so boned.
What’s so wrong about a bit of citizen diplomacy, and pursuing peace and friendship between our two great peoples, Russian and American?
Mir i druzba, y’all
Yep. the donald brought the clown car to DC. The door is open and the clowns are falling out.
And now the air strikes are flying at Syria. I guess we’re all supposed to shut up about Mueller and Russia and pee tapes and stuff, and fall into line behind our heroic war president. Surely the punditry will proclaim how he’s finally grown into his presidency now?
Been bombing Syria without any authority for several years now considering ISIS isn’t al Qaeda.
Minor detail as long as it is not Obama or some other democrat.
Also we should, you know, oppose the bombing considering it’s instrumental in the war on terror…which the left used to oppose.
O/T. It’s boom-boom time in Damascus. Joint U.S.-France and UK operation.
Also, re: Scooter Libby pardon, remember that Trump is animated primarily by hatred and revenge. We know he hates the IC because they led the warnings about Russian hacking of the election. This is one way that Trump can seek his revenge on them.
The man is a bottomless pit of evil.
It feels like Dick Cheney is back in office, pulling the strings.
At least then we knew who was pulling them…
“…the two lawyers had a conflict of interest.”
See, I’m not really getting this part. Since when has “conflict of interest” stopped any of these guys?
Everything is pre-text with these crooks.
Who wouldn’t believe that? I mean they have all kinds of ethical conflicts, they mostly ignore them. Then when they really include `Victoria Toensing was harpy and Joe D said something offensive about Gump back in 1994, so they weren’t hired’ – it’s a lot easier to say `there are conflicts’ and no further questions/statements required.
I’m pretty sure all the MIIC people will revolt and vote Democratic in the fall and again in 2020.
Just the way the military turned into radical leftists after Bush/Cheney used and abused them for 8 years.
And how business billionaires turned on Republicans after they torched the global economy.