I told you Michael Cohen was the weak spot in Donald Tump’s Death Star.
If Michael Cohen was in Prague, that’s the whole ball game.
I told you Michael Cohen was the weak spot in Donald Tump’s Death Star.
If Michael Cohen was in Prague, that’s the whole ball game.
The pee tape is real.
Or at least some underlying event is real, else why would Trump be so obsessed with getting the FBI to find out if it exists.
I have never believed the “pee tape” story. And it seems, at least on first gloss, that Trump was desperate to get it UNproven, not buried.
We shall see.
Oh please! C’mon!
If nothing happened, he already knows there is no tape because you can’t tape a non-event.
He knows something happened, he just wants to find out if there is really a tape or no.
Maybe,or maybe he wanted an “official” finding that it doesn’t exist.
Here’s hoping they got the goods on him. And oh my, pee tapes would be nice too.
Prague is way more important than pee tape, even if pee story is true, which I doubt. Pee tape would be merely disgusting — Prague is checkmate.
So do we really really believe the attack on Syria accomplished anything? If Trump was threatening me as he was Syria, I would have moved stuff around as best I could.
. . . every bit as effective at punishing Assad and degrading his ability to commit war crimes as the last one was.
Especially given the Russkis were warned well in advance of precisely where our ordnance was aiming for.
. . . letting him get his assets out of harm’s way.
Sounds like this is the real deal and if Steele’s sources were right that once there he met with a Russian (presumably to clean up after Manafort it’s being reported) and also paid off some hackers yes, this is the smoking gun.
That it is Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, who corresponded with Sater about ‘getting our boy into the WH’, the fixer whose arrogance is about to land him in a place that he threatened all the women Trump molested with to keep quiet is righteous.
Supposedly Cohen had a habit of recording his conversations, in some cases for playback to Trump.
If that is true, these sound like prime conversations to record. Would that be awesome or what?
McClasky is still trying to figure out how he flew over to Europe so what would be awesomER is if he bummed a ride on the National Enquirer private jet.
Cohen claims to have proof he was in LA when he was accused of being in Prague. I hope that proof is fake and that Cohen gets nailed to the wall. He is that loose thread that with a few tugs will unravel the whole deal.
Thank god Mueller and his team are unflappable and play their cards close to the vest. And I hope Trump can’t lay his greasy little mitts on him while he finishes his investigation.
Fingers crossed for many criminal charges and arrests. I’ve waited a lot of years for the Booman Tribune Frogmarch logo to be real.
He also claims that he has lots and lots of clients, and when the FBI seized his files, it was all protected by attorney client privilege. But when asked by the judge to supply a list of said clients, he could not do so.
NSA sigint is so good that we will never get to see all the evidence released to the public. they got these amateurs eight ways from Domingo.
…so if big gubmint can Hoover these criminals up with total information awareness… why does it take two years to point the finger of blame? extra specially when these jabronis telegraph every pitch. Two years. Really? lotta things can happen in two years.
You answered that yourself: “NSA sigint is so good that we will never get to see all the evidence released to the public.”
Indictments need for evidence to be admissible in open court (sure, grand juries are secret, but admissible evidence can’t be secret (yes yes, there are national security exceptions, but that can’t happen in a case of this magnitude)). They had to build alternate paths of admissible evidence for every charge, yes? I mean, this makes sense, and is consistent with every report we’ve had for the last year-and-a-half.
Let us not forget that the Trump Corp is a family business. All that stuff they took out of Cohen’s office/home/hotel is full of all the stuff Ivanka/Don Jr/Eric did for the family business. That is what has the donald so upset.
It’s not the whole ball game. (I assume you are speaking, as you must, of effect.)
If Cohen has Trump on tape telling him to go to Prague, whom to meet with there, and what to ask them for, then that’s something — that could possibly be used to abash the very tenderest and most shamable Republicans.
If he has his Prague contacts on tape agreeing to take specific measures for specific purposes, that’s borderline actionable — against Cohen, not against Trump. I say borderline because neither the black-letter law in this area nor its application are clear.
Something — speaking formally; I do not presume to prescribe what it might be — that provoked Congressional Republicans to remove Trump from office would still not be “the whole ball game”.
“The whole ball game” would be something that relieved the American people from 38 years of rule by an anti-Constitutional minority, AND condignly punished that minority, say by placing them under civil disability for, perhaps, 150 years — two human lifetimes. From this standpoint, Trump is, at most, a distraction.
As unrealistic as it is, I love your definition of the “whole ball game.” Oh, how I wish that comes to pass.
I also appreciate that I learned a new word today: condignly — never encountered it before.
One quibble — Trump may not be a distraction – my hope is that he is the catalyst. (A person can dream, no?)
Again…right on the money, Frank.
The very same “Congressional Republicans [who might be convinced] to remove Trump from office ” would necessarily be part of the “anti-Constitutional minority’ that has been in power here for 38 (or more) years.
Where is the progress?
We are then right back at the neo-con/neo-lib middle, swapping presidencies and congressional majorities like the WWE swaps heroes and villains.
Trump would then have been merely an inconvenient interloper in a gigantic…and gigantically successful…con game.
What a movie!!!
I’ve always believed it would have to be financial crimes as they would be more easily proven than Russian conspiracy.
I hope Cohen didn’t get a heads up about the impending search/seizure. Berman the recused NY dep. attorney is a Guilliani associate I believe. The attorney handling the Cohen case is a Berman pick. Guilliani is a skeevy bastard.
He did not get a heads up. Berman would be toast if he’d done that, and he’s no idiot. And the way it played out, Cohen was taken totally off guard.
“Cohen was taken totally off guard”. And you know this how?
Lets hope that all those in the know in that large NY office are honourable. The fact that Guilliani’s name came up in the reporting of the story is unnerving.
This is quite possibly the first time in recent history that the words “honourable” and “Giuliani” have ever appeared in adjacent sentences, even though you are plainly aiming to cast doubt on one by the presence of the other.
Given a choice between Giuliani and Trump, I’d take Trump every time.
Trump is just a nasty-tempered, low-down hustler.
Giuliani is Looney Tunes personified!!!
Unnerving indeed!!!
Giuliani has been in the Comey story since the beginning.
But Giuliani is no longer in a position to pull any monkey business with Berman or anybody else.
“Giuliani and Mukasey avoided mentioning the “central role” of Iran in the charges against Zarrab on filings submitted to the court about their work and said the case had no serious implications for U.S. national security. Judge Richard Berman slammed the omissions as ‘disingenuous’ earlier this year.”