Our president is mad.
I’m not mad, you’re mad. pic.twitter.com/vdLqElh5C3
— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) May 20, 2018
Let us hope that his replacement is not the product of incest and that no one gives Tiffany Trump any dragon eggs. https://t.co/tG5rFoebdh
— Martin Longman (@BooMan23) May 20, 2018
Crazy. Toys in the attic crazy. Truly gone fishing.
They must have taken his marbles away.
No doubt that he is becoming even more mentally unbalanced since before the election but much of what Trump is doing in this Twitter tirade is pure gas-lighting.
This post is exactly how Trump navigated through the primaries and the general election.
He’s not crazy. He’s not unskilled at what he does. True, he’s unfit. He’s as morally reprehensible as any American can be who hasn’t gone to jail.
It’s his AUDIENCE that’s fucking nuts. He hijacked a cult. And he knows what to feed the cult. And he knows the how to feed the cult the moral malnourishment they crave.
In exchange for reinforcing their every bad thought, wish, every politically incorrect racist, sexist, homophobic impulse they have, he gets to loot the country along with the Republican elites.
And all it takes is posting Alex Jones-like conspiracy crap on Twitter. That’s it. That’s a pretty sweet deal and he absolutely knows it. With the apprentice he had to actually produce a show to get ratings. Line up guests, spend the time, sweat the ratings.
Now, an hour a day on Twittter, all costs underwritten by the American taxpayer, all the golf he can stand, and continual profit as his resorts.
That’s the deal he’s made and he’s perfectly happy with it. You could even make the case that Mueller is essential to Trump’s success. Otherwise folks might be focusing on the real things that are being done.
Keep your eye on the real game. Republicans have become a serious danger to America.
Not exactly, the cult was low hanging fruit ripe to be plucked.
Once the Conservative media created a mass of voters and politicians that are true believers in the lies and alternate reality they are fed by Conservative media, it was but a matter of time until someone came along and seized that opportunity.
Der Spiegel
Hitler, Making Germany Great Again.
. . . metaphor for the same phenomenon, with both metaphors quite valid, each with certain metaphorical advantages.
I’m guessing you mean to suggest it didn’t take anything as violent as “hijacking” for Trump to seize control of the BRP (Banana Republican Party), it only took a slight reach (since it’s “low-hanging”) to that ripe fruit, and minimal force “pluck” it. Because the massive corruption of the BRP had already been largely accomplished. And that picture has some merit, imo, primarily in emphasizing that Trump simply exploited that corruption that already existed, i.e., as somebody put it “Trumpism IS Republicanism” (and v.v.).
OTOH, there were many incidents of rhetorical and even actual physical violence involved in Trump’s takeover of the BRP. Just google up a youtube of pretty much any Trump rally, before OR SINCE the election. Or review “grab ’em by the pussy”. Or Trump’s attacks on competitors during the primaries.
So, again imo, the “hijack” metaphor conveys some valid meaning that the “pluck low-hanging fruit” metaphor fails to capture. And v.v.
It was the word “hijack,” the image of bandits swooping in unexpectedly to rob. I see it as more once Dr. Frankenstein creates a monster, it will do its monster thing, that’s what monsters do.
JEB and Cruz thought they were all lined up to run the cult the way it’s been run for the past 36 years.
Then Trump swooped in with a nakedly aggressive and openly nasty campaign to hijack the party from them, and McConnell and Ryan.
Schwarzenegger and Palin proved to be the two models. Ahnuld on the celebrity effectiveness and Palin on exposing the ignorant anti-intellectualism of the base plus the allure for them of candidates ‘going rogue.’
Trump has an animal cunning that’s just not understood by people who aren’t governed by their lizard brain.
One has to admit, Trump has spun a hell of a story over the last 15 years.
I’m not sure about his. How many people signed up for Mr Trump’s personal cult, as opposed to some other goal (even the reprehensible ones you mention). If Mr Trump’s attention is focused on his narcissistic injury and not on their goals, will they still go along?
I’d say about 30-35 percent are America’s fascist white nationalist core groomed by 30+ years of right wing media. To them, burning down the nation with Trump IS the goal.
The next 10-15 percent of Trump voters likely bought his High School Class President empty promise campaign; the media’s endless lauding of his outsider cred/Obama’s ‘betrayal’ of them; and/or just plain despised Hillary Clinton.
I think this group either largely has or will jump ship by if Republicans don’t get more government spending directed toward them like the much promised, yet since forgotten, Infrastructure Bill.
Much speculation that Jay Sololov has been doing the tweeting for him with notable exceptions, like this one where the crazed becomes unleashed. It’s Sunday so Flood probably tried to take a day off.
It’s obvious we need to put mentally unstable back on the front burner and start pressuring the WH enablers to call in the men in white suits carrying straight jackets.
I don’t envy NK negotiating with him.
Please, also imagine what it is like to discuss trade with the walking dead….Kudlow/Ross.
You’re kidding, right?
NK has owned him, they have gotten everything they want. They LOVE dealing with him because he is like one of Pavlov’s dogs.
Of course, but then he hasn’t yet gotten off his ass and actually met one on one. NK has played him well and certainly owns the table for the moment and perhaps it’s enough for Trump to be made a fool of for them.
But the next steps are what count.
Such fits of projectile tweeting typically presage some new bombshell, no?
We’ll see what revelations the next few days bring.
What about the tweet that came after?
“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”
Trump is a raving lunatic.
That is simply a kingly proclamation informing citizens of the realm of evil doing against the king. Like what Obama might do. Or even Hillary. Them evil people.
Adam Schaffer calls it an abuse of power, since he knows it is a lie. But who cares anyway.
Nice Pink Floyd reference.
“Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get ’em up against the wall.
And that one in the spotlight, he don’t look right to me!
Get him up against the wall!
And that one looks Jewish,
and that one’s a coon!
Get all of this riff-raff into the room!
There’s one smoking a joint,
and another with spots!
If I had my way,
I’d have all of ya shot!”
“Let us hope that his replacement is not the product of incest and that no one gives Tiffany Trump any dragon eggs.”
Too late on both counts.
Speaking of Trump as the mad king…
Mad? I think not. I believe the term is “conscious of guilt.” He knows that the jig is up, or close to it, and he is desperate to deflect blame.
Josh Marshall also said essentially this a few days ago. I pray that both of you are right. As it is, when he comes on TV news I either mute or change the channel. I cannot abide the sight or sound of the President. I’ve never been this way about a President before and I can remember when Truman was President.
Same here, and if I can’t reach the remote in time I scream “Shut up fuckface” over and over to drown him out until I can hit the mute button. I’ve never been like that with any other president, and I’m pushing 70.
Exactly. Junior screwed the pooch and they’re closing in on him.
Junior was uncharacteristically quiet after the NYT article about his meeting with Nader and Prince. It’s not like him to not hit back at the fake news media.
If that’s so … did the apple fall far from the tree? Will Jr have something to say about Sr?
Only if he see it as a way he can get money to continue his life style…..the whole family is in debt and broke.
Junior has been vigorously defending daddy all along. He’s the family’s most active tweeter and well-connected with alt right and conspiracy theory crackpots. It was said his constant tweeting is one of the big reasons his wife filed for divorce (though that may have been whitewash).
But when it comes to stuff Mueller is looking at — stuff that could lead to perjury charges — you know lawyers are telling him to button his lip.
I just looked at his twitter account. He went wild defending daddy’s “they’re not people, they’re animals” comment. And he’s retweeting everything he can find about Obama having Trump investigated (the scandal bigger than watergate that never happened.)!But not a word about the second Trump Tower meeting.
I’d love to see Erik Prince go down — and take his godawful sister with him. Unfortunately, we don’t prosecute billionaires in this country. I am absolutely sure Junior conspired with the Saudis, Emirates, and Israelis, money changed hands, snd Rosneft deals were brokered. Prince set it up. The money was huge. It bought end of Iran deal, blowing off the Palestinians, threatening or attacking Iran, and a hand on the glowing orb.
Not sure Mueller can prove it with such big-time international crooks involved. Am sure Junior and Kushner are greedy traitorous naifs who think they’re big men of the world. Corruption like never before. Blatant sociopathy. The criminals of the world saw Trump coming and KNEW they could lead him by the nose.
I’m not sure if he’s actually mad, as in crazy, other than crazy like a fox.
Yes, he’s stupid, racist, morally reprehensible, utterly repugnant and completely unfit for this job. Plus I do believe he’s a mobbed up crook. Maybe he’s becoming senile or has dementia – maybe.
However, I see this as his standard MO. Someone above posited that it’s mainly for the benefit of his brain-dead moronic “base.” I agree.
He’s gaslighting and distracting, per usual.
He spent the entire primary shrieking “Lock her up,” and it a tremendous response from the idiocracy. My understanding is that Fox continues to lambast HRC almost every day. Clearly the base gets their dumwitted jollies from this kind of nonsense.
So why not Tweet it out, as well as other Primary Rally type of “talking points.”
Yeah, he’s probably sweating it bc the Feebs are closing in on his family and “business associates.” There may still be more indictments on the way.
I’m still not sure whether Trump, himself, can be nailed. May not happen.
Trump is probably, at this point, more concerned that his son may soon be in the Big House, plus the TRUE state of his finances may come to light. The latter is probably the biggest concern.
Just as he and his surrogates are now all out there shouting about how his “deal” with China is the Greatest. Thing. Evah! Trump’s trying to distract his base from how thoroughally and “royally” they’ve been screwed over by him. Aaaand: those schmucks will happily buy Trump’s bullshit. As long as they can be bigoted racist shitholes, they’re happy as pigs in shit.