Progress Pond

UN Migration Agency Trump’s Pick Isaacs Eliminated

Trump’s nominee Ken Isaacs voted down due to Muslim bigotry …who is surprised???

Trump nominee to lead UN migration agency IOM Ken Isaacs eliminated from race | The Straits Times |  

Continued below the fold …

Comments from the 51st State of the Union, a holy alliance made in Hell …

UN migration agency rejects Trump nominee accused of anti-Muslim bigotry | Times of Israel |

GENEVA (AFP) — Member states of the United Nations migration agency on Friday rejected President Donald Trump’s nominee for director general, repudiating historic American control of the organization.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) had been led by an American throughout the agency’s 67-year history with one exception from 1961 to 1969.

But Trump’s pick Ken Isaacs, an executive with the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse who faced serious charges of anti-Muslim bigotry, proved to be an untenable choice.

Ken Isaacs once proposed building a wall in the Alps to keep out migrants. Trump wants him to lead the world’s principal migration agency.

A Trump U.N. Pick Tries to Make Up for Anti-Muslim Tweets | Foreign Policy – April 2018 |

If there were ever a candidate for Twitter purgatory, it would have to be Ken Isaacs, who upended his White House-backed campaign to lead the U.N. migration agency with a series of tweets denigrating Islam.

For the past few weeks, Isaacs has been traveling to foreign capitals in Europe and Africa in the company of White House and State Department escorts, seeking forgiveness as he tries to rescue his bid by persuading foreign dignitaries, including Pope Francis, that he is not the sum of his tweets and that he can be trusted to lead the International Organization for Migration (IOM) without religious bias. In a sign of the importance of his candidacy, Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will host a reception on May 3 to introduce U.N. ambassadors to Isaacs in New York.

The State Department declined to make Isaacs available for an interview. But Isaacs agreed to respond to written questions.

“I have apologized publicly for social media comments that have caused hurt,” he writes. “I ask people to judge me on my professional record and the decades of work I have done to help people in need around the world.”

Despite persistent misgivings about the U.S. candidate’s temperament, Isaacs maintains the edge as the front-runner because key powers, particularly in Europe, are unwilling to challenge the Americans’ traditional hold on the job out of concern that it might provoke the United States to pull IOM funding or cost them Washington’s support for other national priorities, several diplomatic sources say.

Samaritan’s Purse VP Nominated for UN Refugee Role Faces Backlash | Christianity Today – Feb. 5, 2018 |

The State Department faces backlash for nominating a longtime Samaritan’s Purse leader as the next director general of the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) last week.

Nominee Ken Isaacs, vice president of programs and government relations at Franklin Graham’s evangelical relief ministry, previously posted on social media about Muslims’ propensity for violence and his desire to prioritize Christian refugees, according to a Washington Post report.

Isaacs–who has spent decades overseeing major relief and development projects all over the world, including Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East–has apologized for the controversial remarks.

Should America’s Refugee Policy Put Persecuted Christians First?

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse Dedicate Two MDA Ambulances in Israel | Magen David Adom |

Last week’s ceremony in Jerusalem officially ushered the new ambulances into MDA’s fleet, and they will immediately be deployed to the streets of Israel to save lives. The event in Jerusalem celebrated life and the unique partnership between the state of Israel and the Christian community in the United States. Among the guests were Ken Barun, chief of staff for the Billy Graham Evangelic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, and his wife, Sethea; Ken Isaacs, vice president of programs and government relations for Samaritan’s Purse, and his wife, Carolyn; William Koenig, commentator and White House correspondent, and his wife, Claudia; and David Frankel, CEO of American Friends of Magen David Adom, the EMS organization’s U.S-based affiliate.

The ambulance sponsorships by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse continue a trend of church communities and activists rallying around MDA. Pastor John Hagee, through his Hagee Ministries, donated funds for two MDA ambulances in late 2014. And high-profile ministries such as Bridges for Peace and Ralph Sexton Evangelistic Association have lent their support with their sponsorship of ambulances.

“Christians and Jews may often feel helpless in critical times yet it is comforting that the faithful of both religions are united in providing life — saving care and equipment for all, regardless of faith or creed,” Barun told the guests at the dedication in Jerusalem.

Anti-Muslim bigotry is being funded by the Israel-right-or-wrong crowd | Mondoweiss |

And there is always a twinker of hope …

Participants quit Birthright trip to go on Breaking the Silence tour | Ynet News |

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