Happy National Mojito Day!  To celebrate it and complete my month-long run of guest-hosting this series, I’m sharing songs about the drink and drink recipes.  I begin with Bacardi Mojito Song (Robert Abigail).

Yes, Bacardi used that for a commercial, which I might post in the comments.

Now for an even goofier tune, Mojito Song – Thad Castle.

Once again, I’m concluding the diary proper by quoting Don Durito.

For those of you wondering how I and Neon Vincent are circumventing Sucuri to embed videos, here is an example of the embed code we use, so that you can replicate as wanted:

Just remember that each unique 11-digit video code in YouTube needs to be pasted in two separate locations within the embed code in order for your video to show up properly. So easy that I can do it!

With those instructions, feel free to post your favorite music videos in the comments.