“Blue wave” my ass!!!
Just another neocentrist smokescreen.
Blue and red make magenta, which is precisely the weakish color of the current neocentrist DNC.
Read on.
Democrats Gather in Chicago: Elite Party or Party of the People?
byJeff CohenDespite being led by one of the most erratic and least popular presidents in modern history, the Trumpian Republican Party dominates U.S. politics.
One of the main reasons for this awful state of affairs is that the opposition party – which calls itself “Democratic” – is led by vacillating, corporate-oriented politicians who seem to have one firm principle: that the party’s progressive base must be repeatedly insulted, repressed and denied a major role in democratic decision-making.
The latest slap in the face to the Democratic Party’s base came Friday when the executive committee of the Democratic National Committee – behind closed doors – reversed its ban on accepting political donations from fossil fuel companies. That ban had lasted a mere two months before the ridiculous flip-flop.
Did “Democratic” Party leaders democratically survey the party’s base before toadying to oil, gas and coal company donors? Did the leadership consult environmental groups who so loyally support Democrats in election after election?
No and no.
In the face of an energized activist base crying out for a party that will put forward bold social/economic and environmental proposals, the Democratic leadership dithers and grovels for donations from the Republican-allied fossil fuel industry that threatens our planet’s future.
A co-founder of the climate action group 350.org concluded: “This sort of spineless corporate pandering is why Democrats keep losing.”
Even in the face of a horrific menace like Trump, efforts to defeat the right at the polls are undermined by a Democratic leadership lacking in vision, values, and commitment to democracy.
…activists also want Democratic Party finances to be more transparent – more urgent now that the DNC has done a backflip on fossil fuel donations.
It’s bad enough that our country’s governing party denies climate science while believing Exxon and Chevron are persons.
It makes matters much worse when the opposition party’s leadership wants donations from Mr. Exxon and Ms. Chevron while tacitly denying that climate science demands drastic action – way far beyond the wishes of those donors.
This country needs a serious opposition party that can defeat both corporate power and the GOP. Only democratic participation by the grassroots will make possible that kind of a winning party.
P.S. About a year and a half ago I wrote a piece…which is for some reason still on the homepage hotlist despite the rightward, neocentrist lunge of many of the most frequent posters here…called Perez now chairman of DNC. Oh Well…There Goes THAT Idea!!!. In a comment around that time I also wrote:
Re: Dems Not Playing Identity Politics?
Booman wrote:
Both before and during the campaign I warned that the Republicans would try to get whites to vote as a racial group. I called this strategy various things at different times, finally settling on the Southificaction of the North.
“The Southificaction of the North.” Not news. I saw it in the mid ’60s.
In all-white working class suburban neighborhoods all around the NYC-plex.
In all-white Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts areas. Most of rural Connecticut, too. And large parts of Vermont.
In the working class areas surrounding Ithaca, NY.
In “southern” towns like York, PA.
And then later…’70s, ’80s. ’90s…all up and down the north-of-DC coast.
All throughout Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia.
North and South Dakota. Kansas.
Minnesota, Iowa. Missouri.
It’s everywhere!!!
There is an irregular line that now separates “The North” from “The South” in a socio-political sense.
A new, more modern Mason-Dixon line.
I call it “The Manson-Nixon” line.
Everything south of that line is majority “southern.”
Everything north of it is majority “northern”…again, in a socio-political sense.
There are isolated circles of a more “northern” sensibility, but mostly…what you see is what you get.
The only thing new in of this is that the RatPubs managed to get a larger percentage of areas that are sociopolitically “theirs” to vote for them than has happened in many years.
Tiime to wake up, Dem folks.
If you do not absolutely revolutionize the party…and soon…so that it reaches many, many more voters south of the Manson-Nixon line…of all races…the RatPub coup de grace is headed your way in about two years. Getting rid of Trump won’t stop it; only a reasoned appeal to the economic realities that are facing the people in the red states will do the trick. Trump will just be replaced by someone…smoother…if he is impeached. Same messages, better tone of voice.
Another centrist DNC won’t do it, either. People north and south of that line will take one look at these two ugly, superannuated faces (Pelosi and Schumer) and head for either the hills or their local Republican ballot box.
It’s do or die time, folks.
Be as bold as Trump…only honest…and you can still win.
Play it safe?
We all in deep shit.
Bet on it.
And here we jolly well are, aren’t we.
Up to our fucking necks in deep shit!
Political shit.
Environmental shit.
Economic shit.
Racist shit.
Crooked politician and lobbyist/hustler shit.
Media shit. Deep media shit from all sides!!!
International shit on all levels.
So what does the ruling class of the DemocRatic Party do?
It asks…with the tacit promise of being good boys and girls if they win, of course …for money from the fossil fuel companies that backed the Iraq Blood For Oil War and the subsequent morass in which the world finds itself due to the essential collapse of many of Islamic world’s social and political systems!!! (Not to mention trying to hush the scientists who have been warning us about the ecological dangers of the use of fossil fuels for well over two decades.)
This after making a publicity move about how it would …”no longer be accepting political donations from fossil fuel companies.”
I repeat:
That ban lasted a mere two months before the ridiculous flip-flop.
Great work, DNC!!!
Is Kissinger whispering up your backsides?
Sounds like it to me…
In my recent series of observations from northeastern flyover country, I basically observed a kind of “Meh!!!” attitude from the voting populace. I ascribed this development to media burnout…too many conflicting lies from too many “interested parties.”
Chalk this one up to the same thing.
The mid-term elections in November?
Unless one or the other side pulls off a real publicity coup? Which will be doubly difficult if many people simply aren’t listening to the pro-Trump/anti-Trump squabble any more?
A “Mehelection.”
A malediction of sorts, really.
A further curse on the body politic.
And once again…nothing will really have changed.
Magenta all over the place.
Except of course for Donald Trump, whose one color is a crazy, angry reddish orange.
It makes much more sense for environmental groups to support the Green Party than the Democratic Party. When an acceptable Democrat runs, the Greens should cross-endorse so as not to dilute the voting strength. But money to corporate Dems? It is to cry.
I’ve read that the DCCC has recruited a a lot of ex-military and even ex-CIA people to run for Congress.
OMG “My CIA guy is more liberal than Trump’s CIA guy” what a campaign slogan. But it’s more likely “My CIA gy had darker skin than Trump’s CIA guy” because, having sold their soul to Wall Street, the Dems have nothing to distinguish themselves from the Reps except race and gender. Good luck getting white working men back.