Well…here we finally are. One of the very founders of the modern Post-Truth era is coming right out and saying what appears to be the “truth” of the matter. Of course…he is tip-toeing around the ancient “Liar paradox”.

“Everything I say is a lie.”

But this is a very effective lawyerly trick. If a jury or a culture can be convinced that there is no “truth,” then they cannot convict or blame anyone for anything that they “might” have done or not done.

Giuliani used this idea quite brilliantly in the aftermath of 9/11. There he was, shacking up with his mistress while “overseeing” the carnage and clean-up work, claiming that he was America’s mayor.

Check him out. Everything that he says is a lie. Bet on it. And everything that Trump says is a lie, too. Ditto almost every powerful politician in the U.S. and the major media as well.

The real truth?

We are now living in Post-Truth America.

Will the lies come tumbling down?

Will Humpty Trumpty finally fall to the point that all the King’s horses and all the King’s men…with Giuliani, as usual leading from the rear…won’t be able to reassemble his shell of lies again?

Let us pray.

We all know in which direction Giuliani is praying.

Down like a motherfucker!!!

Read on.

There is “evil” in this world.

Truer words were never said.

Will it win this time?

I pray not.




P.S. Trump recently dispoke:

Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening.

Once again…skirting the edges of the Liar’s paradox. The problem for these people…and this approach…is that while they are lying, they are being forced to tell the truth.

And…the American people are beginning to be able see the trees for the woods.

The truth that is necessarily implicit in the lies.

That is what my recent Mehelection post and the several that I wrote under the general heading of “Go West Young Man” are really saying. The “truth” of the matter is that almost everybody in a position of political or media power is lying through their dental implants.

The old peacenik meme?

“What if the gave a war and no one showed up?”

Well…what if the held an election and no one showed up?

Of course…that’s not going to happen, because all of the Trumpinesses, other rightinesses and remaining leftinesses are still under the illusion that one or another side in this jiveass media circus is telling the truth, and that the rest of them bastids are nasty liars.

But there is really only one truth regarding this ongoing scam.

And what is that?

It’s an ongoing scam.


And may the best liar(s) win.

Meanwhile…back at the ranch:





Like a vaccine, the only way to protect yourself against this media dispersed sickness is to consume prophylactic doses of all of the media viruses

Be well.