“Chemically Induced Frankenstein-Humans”
Sounds pretty scary, doesn’t it?
Like maybe the next wave of Walking Dead movies?
Even scarier?
It’s true.
And…it’s forever!!!
The gift that keeps on giving.
For real!!!
Read on.
Chemically Induced Frankenstein-Humans
by Robert Hunziger
One of the biggest open questions of this century is whether 144,000 different chemicals swirling throughout the world are properly tested and analyzed for toxicity. By almost all accounts, the scale of toxic risk is unknown. This may be the biggest tragedy of all time, a black eye of enormous proportions.
Correspondingly and very likely, not yet 100% proven but probably 99%, as a result of ubiquitous chemical presence, one hundred fifty million (150,000,000) Americans have chronic disease, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, stroke, asthma, cystic fibrosis, obesity, and osteoporosis (Rand Corporation Review 2017).
According to Dr. Paul Winchester, who discovered the link between chemicals, like pesticides atrazine and glyphosate aka Roundup and epigenetic human alteration, the findings are: “The most important next discovery in all of medicine.” (Source: EcoWatch, Aug. 16, 2018)
Dr. Winchester was one of the researchers/authors of “Atrazine Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Disease, Lean Phenotype and Sperm Epimutation Pathology Biomarkers,” PLOS, published September 20, 2017.
The grisly underlying message of that study is as clear as a bell: Chemicals found far and wide throughout America alter human hormones as well as human DNA, which passes along generation-to-generation known as transgenerational inheritance.
Frankly, nothing more should need to be said to spur outrage and pissed-off people all across the land because, if that seminal study is correct in its analysis that chemicals mess up/distort/disrupt human hormones and alter human DNA in a destructive manner, then the streets of America should be filled with people wielding pots and pans, probably pitchforks, and ready for the fight of a lifetime because, by any account, there has been massive failure of ethical standards and regulations of chemicals for decades and decades. Who’s to blame?
The primary targets are (1) the EPA and (2) FDA and (3) pesticide/chemical manufacturers, like Monsanto, and ultimately the U.S. Congress.
The chemicals in the aforementioned study include the herbicide atrazine, one of the most widely used herbicides in the country and commonly detected in drinking water. The study demonstrated that atrazine is an endocrine disruptor that negatively alters human hormonal systems, as chronic diseases overwhelm American society.
Yet, the most disturbing issue is the epigenetic impact, meaning that environmental factors impact the health of people and also their descendants. It stays with and passes along the human genome generation-by-generation-by-generation.
According to Dr. Winchester, “This is a really important concept that is difficult to teach the public, and when I say the public, I include my clinical colleagues.” (EcoWatch)
Dr. Winchester tested nearly 20 different chemicals and all demonstrated epigenetic effects, for example, all of the chemicals reduced fertility, even in the 3rd generation.
Still, why do 150,000,000 Americans have chronic diseases?
Researchers believe that every adult disease extant is linked to epigenetic origins. If confirmed over time with additional research, the study is a blockbuster that goes to the heart of public health and attendant government regulations.
According to Dr. Winchester: “This is a huge thing that is going to change how we understand the origin of disease. But a big part of that is that it will change our interpretation of what chemicals are safe. In medicine I can’t give a drug to somebody unless it has gone through a huge amount of testing. But all these chemicals haven’t gone through anything like that. We’ve been experimented on for the last 70 years, and there’s not one study on multigenerational effects.” (EcoWatch)
The U.S. Congress passed a new chemical safety law for the first time in 40 years with the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act in 2016, but the provisions for regulation are totally overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. For starters, more than 60,000 chemicals came to the market without safety testing, and the burden of proof for regulators previously was so burdensome that the EPA wasn’t able to ban asbestos when necessary.
As for the effectiveness of the new law, consider this statement in the following article, “It Could Take Centuries for EPA to Test all the Unregulated Chemicals Under a New Landmark Bill,” PBS SoCal, June 22, 2016: “The new law requires EPA to test tens of thousands of unregulated chemicals currently on the market, and the roughly 2,000 new chemicals introduced each year, but quite slowly. The EPA will review a minimum of 20 chemicals at a time, and each has a seven-year deadline. Industry may then have five years to comply after the new rule is made. At that pace it could take centuries for the agency to finish its review.”
If that’s the best Congress can do to protect its citizens from toxic chemicals, they should be run out of town tarred and feathered on a rail. One more reason to abandon America’s socio-economic-politico scenario; maybe socialism would work better at protecting citizens.
Roundup (glyphosate) for breakfast? Yes, independent lab tests by Eurofins Analytical Laboratories found hefty doses of the weed-killer Roundup in oat cereals, oatmeal, granola, and snack bars. (Source: Alexis Temkin, Ph.D. Toxicologist, Breakfast With a Dose of Roundup? Environmental Working Group (EWG), Aug. 15, 2018)
EWG found the chemical in several cereals such as Back to Nature Classic Granola, Quaker Simply Granola Oats, Honey, Raisins & Almonds, Great Value Original Instant Oatmeal, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Barbara’s Multigrain Spoonfuls Original, Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, etc.
Ironically, they all sound so very very healthy.
Postscript: “Earth, and all life on it, are being saturated with man-made chemicals…For the first time in the Earth’s history a single species – ourselves – is poisoning the entire planet… It is arguably the most under-rated, under-investigated and poorly understood of all the existential threats that humans face in the twenty-first century. (Julian Cribb, Surviving the 21st Century, Springer Publishing/Switzerland, p. 106)
Breakfast, anyone?
Here’s the deal as I see it.
While our lovely politicians bitch and moan about who is in power and who’s a crook; while our lovely media assist in amplifying and dispersing this bitching and moaning to the most extreme “HOTTEST THING EVER!!!” levels, we are being poisoned!!!
As are all of our descendants.
Now…although I personally have known about this on some levels for almost 50 years and as a result have eaten almost totally organically as has my immediate family, I always thought that eventually we’d wise up and stop spreading these poisons. What I did not know…and it blows my mind…is that they actually affect the genetic makeup of our descendants!!! That essentially means that even if we were to somehow magically cleanse the earth of all of these man-made poisons, their ill effects would continue through all generations to come!!!
A good pitch for the makers:
I don’t know about you, but Hunziger’s idea of people wielding pots, pans, and pitchforks regarding the sheer incompetence of this system seems a little…moderate…considering the magnitude of this crime against nature and humankind.
Think on it, please.
Think of the unthinkable.
Think of the epigenetic effects of say the herbicidal and defoliant chemical Agent Orange that was used by the U.S. during the war crime-saturated Viet Nam/Southeast Asia War. (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange>)
Up to four million people in Vietnam were exposed to the defoliant. The government of Vietnam says as many as 3 million people have suffered illnesses because of Agent Orange.[3] The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems as a result of Agent Orange contamination.[4] The United States government has challenged these figures as being unreliable.[5] The chemical is capable of damaging genes, resulting in deformities among the offspring of exposed victims. The U.S. government has documented higher cases of leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and various kinds of cancer in exposed veterans. Agent Orange also caused enormous environmental damage in Vietnam. Over 3,100,000 hectares (31,000 km2 or 11,969 mi2) of forest were defoliated. Defoliants eroded tree cover and seedling forest stock, making reforestation difficult in numerous areas. Animal species diversity sharply reduced in contrast with unsprayed areas.[6][7]
Multiply that by all of the war chemicals used by all of the war criminals (on all “sides”) in all of the imperial wars that have followed.
Multiply and weep.
And…even if it’s too late, which it probably is…get up off of your eternally poisoned asses, grab your (metaphorical) pitchforks and shove them up the equally poisoned asses of every politician you can find who does not make this problem Job One!!!
This is CHEMGATE!!!
Thank you all, and have a wonderful day!!!
P.S. Any sonofabitch who stands up and lauds the war criminal John McCain deserves a fate worse than death.
Say…megadoses of glyphosate?
Or maybe the latest Kellog Cereal?
Agent Orange Crumbles!!!
Have some for breakfast.
It’ll…stay with you!!!
P.P.S. Succuri has been exceptionally…fussy…today. It wouldn’t allow any links. Sorry…
Don’t know how true it is but I read somewhere that breast cancer was unknown before the industrial revolution. Heard many times that lung cancer was extremely rare before Europeans discovered tobacco.
Interesting rhetoric, calling for violence on a basis you seemingly unquestioningly accept as truth without being aware of any of the underlying mechanisms, and the games that are being played.
That breaks almost any pretense that i remember you using to deflect criticism.
But then, you aren’t interested in the actual truth i feel, and especially not being limited by what a honest search for actual truth dictates.
You keep saying “Wake The Fuck Up People”, while having fever dreams. Its rather insulting.