Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer have a new piece up at The New Yorker that is going to give a lot of people a migraine headache. On the face of it, it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that would stop the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice. It involves a dorm party that occurred at Yale University over thirty years ago, and predictably there are differences in how people recollect the events, if they claim to recollect them at all. Without a broader context, it would almost sound silly to ask the FBI to try to arbitrate what really happened. But the allegations fit a larger pattern that is beginning to fill out about the behavior of Brett Kavanaugh as a teenager and young adult, and it’s a picture that is troubling.
There are only nine Supreme Court Justices and they each have lifetime appointments. I think we have the right to be extremely demanding in terms of the qualifications and character we expect these people to have, and that makes it a different kind of standard than we’d apply to any other position. I’m not even sure we wouldn’t be justified in rejecting Kavanaugh for the one thing that has been established beyond any reasonable doubt, which is that (as his college roommate reported in The New Yorker piece) Kavanaugh was “frequently, incoherently drunk” during his time as a high school and undergraduate student. That would disqualify a lot of people from serving on the nation’s highest court (including me) but maybe that’s not a bad thing. Surely there are people with a longer and more consistent pattern of serious and upright behavior than me, so why not nominate a few hundred of them before you consider the folks who haven’t always shown the best judgment?
Before I even discuss the dorm party, I want to look at some things that allegedly preceded it.
Now, this first testimony isn’t directly related to Brett Kavanaugh or any of his friends, but is more about the general culture that existed at their all-boy Catholic high school in the early 1980’s. By itself, this would mean nothing but it does paint a picture you should keep in your head.
Another woman who attended high school in the nineteen-eighties in Montgomery County, Maryland, where Georgetown Prep is located, also refuted [Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark] Judge’s account of the social scene at the time, sending a letter to Ford’s lawyers saying that she had witnessed boys at parties that included Georgetown Prep students engaging in sexual misconduct. In an interview, the woman, who asked to have her name withheld for fear of political retribution, recalled that male students “would get a female student blind drunk” on what they called “jungle juice”—grain alcohol mixed with Hawaiian Punch—then try to take advantage of her. “It was disgusting,” she said. “They treated women like meat.”
Now, this second piece of testimony definitely brings things closer to home. You may remember that the central allegation against Kavanaugh is that he attempted to rape Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a party when she was fifteen years old. In Dr. Ford’s retelling of that incident, Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge was present in the room. He has denied any recollection of the party or the alleged assault. But his ex-girlfriend has stepped forward to dispute how Judge characterizes his overall behavior in that time period.
Asked by the interviewer whether he could remember any “sort of rough-housing with a female student back in high school” that might have been “interpreted differently by parties involved,” Judge told [The Weekly Standard], “I can’t. I can recall a lot of rough-housing with guys.” He added, “I don’t remember any of that stuff going on with girls.”
After seeing Judge’s denial, Elizabeth Rasor, who met Judge at Catholic University and was in a relationship with him for about three years, said that she felt morally obligated to challenge his account that “ ‘no horseplay’ took place at Georgetown Prep with women.” Rasor stressed that “under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t reveal information that was told in confidence,” but, she said, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.” In an interview with The New Yorker, she said, “Mark told me a very different story.” Rasor recalled that Judge had told her ashamedly of an incident that involved him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Rasor said that Judge seemed to regard it as fully consensual. She said that Judge did not name others involved in the incident, and she has no knowledge that Kavanaugh participated. But Rasor was disturbed by the story and noted that it undercut Judge’s protestations about the sexual innocence of Georgetown Prep.
With those two descriptions of what Georgetown Prep high school parties could be like, we can flash forward twelve months to Kavanaugh’s freshman year at Yale. I’ve already noted that his roommate says Kavanaugh was “frequently, incoherently drunk.” So, based on that and on the environment Kavanaugh came from in his high school days, does the following sound plausible to you?
When Deborah Ramirez was a freshmen at Yale, she attended a dorm-room party at the invitation of a friend on the college soccer team. Once there, she engaged in a drinking game in which she was frequently targeted in order to get her very drunk. For this reason, her recollection of the evening is imperfect by her own admission. She does recall however that someone took out at a “gag plastic penis” and jokingly pointed it at her. This caused some confusion for her later on when she was “on the floor, foggy and slurring her words,” and Brett Kavanaugh took out his very real penis and put it in front of her face.
“I remember a penis being in front of my face,” she said. “I knew that’s not what I wanted, even in that state of mind.” She recalled remarking, “That’s not a real penis,” and the other students laughing at her confusion and taunting her, one encouraging her to “kiss it.” She said that she pushed the person away, touching it in the process. Ramirez, who was raised a devout Catholic, in Connecticut, said that she was shaken. “I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I was married,” she said. “I was embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated.” She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”
There are people that Ramirez identified as being present at this party who are denying that it happened or that they remember it happening, but there are other people who have independently corroborated that they heard about the incident and still remember it. In fact, because The New Yorker only contacted Ramirez “after learning of her possible involvement in an incident involving Kavanaugh,” it seems likely that the reason this came out at all is because Yale graduates who remembered the story were discussing it among themselves and word leaked out.
In any case, this wasn’t run-of-the-mill drunken knucklehead behavior. People don’t generally take their genitals out at parties and wag them in people’s faces. It was aberrant enough to be memorable. Perhaps the bigger problem than the bullying infliction of humiliation in this story is that it fits with the more general pattern of drunken, disrespectful and even violent behavior that has been alleged against Judge and Kavanaugh.
Perhaps unfortunately, attorney Michael Avenatti is also getting into the act now.
My e-mail of moments ago with Mike Davis, Chief Counsel for Nominations for U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. We demand that this process be thorough, open and fair, which is what the American public deserves. It must not be rushed and evidence/witnesses must not be hidden.
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 24, 2018
In an exchange of emails with Mike Davis, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s chief counsel for nominations, Avenatti suggests that he has evidence that Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes against women who had been targeted with alcohol– possibly the grain alcohol mixed with Hawaiian Punch ‘jungle juice’ concoction mentioned by the anonymous testifier above.
Avenatti lets it be known that he’ll be sharing this information with the public whether or not the Judiciary Committee agrees to investigate it.
So, these are the kind of stories the media will be discussing between now and Thursday when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is scheduled to testify that Brett Kavanaugh pinned her down in a bedroom when she was fifteen years old and unsuccessfully attempted to remove her one-piece bathing suit and rape her.
To revisit what I said at the top, we only have nine Supreme Court Justices and they have lifetime appointments. It’s not clear what precisely Kavanaugh did or didn’t do, but I think we should all be able to agree that he’s not kind of nominee we have the right to expect. I’m not entirely comfortable with how this is all going down and I don’t know how strictly we want to judge people by how they behaved as adolescents or young adults. Yet, the rape (and rape attempt) allegations in particular are very disturbing and so is the approach of the Republicans who have decided to try to plow through with this nomination without doing a serious investigation of the allegations. For example, last week the Republicans learned that the Yale dorm party story was going to come out and their response was to try to give Kavanaugh a lifetime appointment before it did.
The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote.
If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed and serves to the age that John Paul Stevens did before retiring, he will be on the court for thirty-seven years. I mention that just for some perspective on the Republicans’ behavior here. They might want to be sure they understand this man’s character a little better before they make a decision that will be very hard to claw back.
No human being is beyond reproach, obviously, but we really should not be debating whether or not a Supreme Court nominee does or does not have a record as a sexual predator. There are countless better candidates for a job like this one, including people who didn’t spend much of their youth in a drunken stupor. Maybe that’s a tough standard but few jobs count for more or demand higher standards than a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh’s nomination should be withdrawn and following a thorough investigation he quite possibly should be removed from his current position on the DC Circuit.
I’m a woman and I believe Dr Ford. I was never sexually assaulted, but I was sexually harrassed in college by a professor and to this day I can easily remember what he said. And that was just words, not a physical act. And remember, “attempted rape” is rape that was interrupted.
This is a tipping point for Republicans. This event will spell out for everyone whether they are willing to put their party ahead of truth and justice. This is the moment when we see if any of the Republicans have a shred of dignity left in their shriveled souls.
We will see if they can accept the facts and withdraw Kavanaugh, but should Grassley and the rest of these toads push him through, there will be hell to pay. And any woman who votes for Republicans in the midterms should have her head examined.
I will be stunned if they don’t just ram his confirmation through. I think at this point, nothing short of a video showing him raping someone will give any of the Republicans one second of pause. And it can be argued that even that might not be enough. They are now in a position where they have left themselves no options with the mouth breathers in their Party, and their proud, pussy-grabbing leader. This is now purely about power and male dominance, and not wanting to appear weak or “feminized”. Any facts in the case are purely incidental to them.
The Republican party is about to seize control over the S.Ct. for the next 20 years after stealing a lifetime appointment from Barack Obama and now lucking into another one from Thomas retiring. It flat doesn’t matter what Kavanaugh has done, or what the political ramifications are from ramming him through.
Their party is on the verge of being totally discredited and becoming a near permanent minority party. The S.Ct. will be their biggest bulwark against Democrats getting voted into power and then changing things. They’ve lost control over the national narrative. Their party has ZERO ideas for running the country, all they’ve got is “build a wall!” anti-immigration hysteria, racism and Gerrymandering.
So, they take their lumps in the election? Then they repeal Roe and take even bigger lumps in 2020.
So, what? Kavanaugh will still be on the S.Ct. 20 years after Trump is a distant memory. And abortion will still be completely illegal in most of the states, and expensive and difficult in almost every state.
So, Turnip is unpopular with women voters? So, what? They still have their massive tax cut for Hedge Fund Managers and can concentrate on frustrating and preventing Democrats from doing anything to unwind all the damage they’ve caused. How’s your Global Warming Initiatives Obama? We’re de-regulating Methane emissions, mostly because we know it drives environmentalists and EPA scientists nuts! So, Boo-ya!
They just go back to being the minority party terrorists they were under Obama. They really like that role more anyway. All their governing ideas are so futile and self-defeating, they actually depend on Democrats blocking and thwarting most of their agenda.
Because, whenever in a fit of hubris they are able to ram something through, it always makes them less popular overall and causes them problems with tens of millions of voters. The entire Trump administration is a perfect example. They screwed up so badly they are losing the House despite their gerrymandering crusade.
Our problem really isn’t Trump at all. It’s that the entire Republican party is bat-shit insane, but are still one of the two major parties, and they’ve still got Fox News pouring more poison into their ears every single day. If they lose control of the House and Senate, they just go back to obstruction and protecting the tax cuts.
The crap they are doing in their brief binge of power just illustrates the real problem. The minute they take even a little power, they do horrible things. And in a two party system it’s impossible to keep them from all power forever. I don’t know how we break this dynamic.
It would take something like FDR 1936 levels of blowouts before Republicans would start compromising, and we’re far from able to do that given today’s level of division in the country.
“Their party has ZERO ideas for running the country, all they’ve got is “build a wall!” anti-immigration hysteria, racism and Gerrymandering.”
What an opportunity that is for the democrats, if they are bold enough to walk through that door!
Yep. Time to go. He is dragging others down with him. The little detail that he sends female clerks that look a certain way to Roberts is just scary.
And it looks like they are sticking with the nomination. Unbelievable. So Kavanaugh is going to be getting pointed questions, that he can’t handle in private, from Democratic Senators on live national TV as allegations of harassment and rape continue to drop (in addition to Avenatti, the Dem Senators are looking at some more as well).
It’s like the ending of Thelma and Louise, except with unsympathetic leads.
I don’t think Democrats will be allowed to question. A I understand it only a female attorney chosen by the Republicans will do the questioning.
That’s questioning of Ford. Kavanaugh is also supposed to appear.
. . . Not vouching for authoritativeness of that, however.
Should be withdrawn, but cannot be.
At this point the National Trumpalist party sees Kavanaugh’s nomination as a battle of wills, and they cannot give in or the legions of white male barbarians that make up the backbone of their loathsome party and movement will revolt. Conservative Asshole Culture and its official enablers Dimwit Grassley and Old Man Hatch gave up on any principles of decency and prudence some time ago—as the phony election of Der Trumper made crystal clear. Plus, unless Shitface Bart is rammed through now, the looming election puts the far right wing Court at some perceptible risk.
The climax of the drama, so to speak, will be Groper O’Kavanaugh raising his right hand to spew out another few hours of (obvious) lies for “conservative” delectation on Thursday or whenever. I wonder if even his family will believe him. He obviously will say anything to get his 37 years of “conservative” constitutional destruction. Also, too, the monster McConnell has already proclaimed to the Moral Minority that O’Kavanaugh will be confirmed, even if he turned out to be a serial killer.
The mystery is why this preppie predator was seen as the Number One candidate. Perhaps because his record of “conservative” extremism was so clear. Perhaps because of some views he expressed in the suppressed Bushco memos. Who knows. But Der Trumper cannot be seen as “weak”, and in any event, he (and his White Male Asshole movement) love that Bart is an actual groper and misogynist—just like Trumper! Not to mention O’Kavanaugh’s unsupportable and equally mysterious financial position—he must have his conservative sugar daddies, just like Trumper had/has his Russian mob money.
You the Man, Bart! Drink, Drink, Drink!!
I’ve known at least one serial predator and I suspect another from my distant past. My female acquaintances are confirming stories of attempted and rape-like activities that happened to them.
I’ve seen statistics that claim 7% of high schoolers have had forced sexual intercourse.
One in 10 women will be/have been raped by an intimate partner.
The point of all this is that sexual aggressors don’t stop until the spotlight hits them … see Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, and whole host of others.
Bank on it. There’s more that can come out. Whether or not it will is another question. But there is more and SOMEONE knows it. Kavanaugh is compromised big time. He will adjudicate as ordered on a series of questions by whomever has the controlling hand. And whoever that is also has his hands on short hairs of the Senate Leadership.
Shouldn’t that be Immoral Minority?
. . . so there’s TWO lies for the price of one.
I saw on Twitter that the party elite want him confirmed no matter what since there is no time before the midterms to do another. And Trump may have staged firing Rosenstein to deflect attention from Kavanaugh.
A party that would nominate Donald Trump as POTUS will never again do what should be done.
They’re all just enjoying the tittilation now.
At this point this story is spewing information out like a firehose. Jane Mayer’s Today interview laid out how well known this story was among Yale students, complete with emails discussing it going back to July.
The GOP has few talking points left, as others have pointed out. So the story will likely turn on how it is testing the limits of the power brokers to wage winner take all, victims be damned war on Americans. Be careful what you wish for old men.
Whatever do you mean?
They have long understood this man’s character perfectly.
Well done, Booman.
It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that Kavanaugh:
That really ought to be enough to disqualify him from a lifelong position of unusual power and influence. For those who don’t know, the second point includes his fraternity, the tits and clits club, and I suspect his time working for Kosinski. That he was influenced by the company he kept is suggested by his preference for clerks who look like models. The third point refers to both a speech he gave at the Yale law school and to an email he sent his buddies after a four-day boating trip.
I don’t love Ronan Farrow’s article, but on account of the Garland affair I’m okay with using parts of it to smack down the GOP. Ramirez clearly believes one can “will” memories to a state of clarity. I believe she’s a lovely woman who genuinely wants to be scrupulously honest, but memory just doesn’t work that way. We’re suggestible; it’s been rigorously proven that memory is malleable and unreliable; and that if you spend a week examining a memory, chances are you inadvertently created a convincing and compelling false memory. (I expect Elizabeth Loftus will pipe up any minute with a scathing analysis that will please the GOP.)
Ronan and his mom are both big on the sanctity of abuse memories and it’s a mistake. Given their investment in the subject, they should know better by now.
Also baked into the article is the idea that their are good people and bad people, and that good people are equally good no matter who they’re with or how drunk they are. It’s not true. Along with the malleability and unreliablity of memory, it’s been rigorously proven that we’re more influenced by situation than character.
Kavanaugh’s 65 female character witnesses are a product of the same dumb idea that if you didn’t assault Woman_A, you couldn’t have assaulted Woman_B. It’s as silly to believe them as it is to believe Ronan’s accounts, though he does shed light on Yale student culture and have a couple accounts that hold water. (I agree Judge’s girlfriend’s account is credible. I’d bet a million bucks Kavanaugh took part in gang bangs. It’s abundantly clear he values being one of the boys.)
Don’t like Avenatti? I don’t have a TV so I don’t see him in action. I have come to admire the way he stands up to Trump. I want the Dem party to have a few ttruth-speaking street-fighting spokespeople. We need them.
Whoa, they’re sticking with him? Fine by me. If they want to have a referendum on gang banging right before the midterms, do be it.
I agree they’ve known he’s a pig all along. But I think they’d have preferred to hide it. John Roberts would have preferred it. His head is exploding as we speak.
Dems have to find a way to question him. They have to. If they can’t, they have to distill the most credible of the known info and bash the daylights out of the GOP with it. ONLY the most credible info: they can’t go overboard because it creates sympathy. We want NO sympathy.
That he’s a sexual predator doesn’t matter because he’s willing to obstruct justice when cases involving this President come to the SCOTUS.
Someone needs to do a full writeup of his fraternity (DKE). Kavanaugh’s reported behavior fits right in the frat’s reputation.
. . . Seriously.
I am not making this up. (OK, it’s probably not formally declared by them to be their official motto. But . . . ) Was just reported on NPR (by reporters from the Yale student newspaper) that “deeks” chanted that at an on-campus women’s center and were subsequently suspended for 5 years (think I caught all those details accurately; not sure if that occurred during O’Kavanaugh’s time there; they did say they found no direct evidence implicating him personally in any reported deek behavior).
Yeah, they seem nice!
How does Mrs. Kavanagh teach her daughters to deal with men who diss them?
Or, more than one question…
Does Mr. K see himself as a hero/protector of his daughters?
Ick…. another family dynamic I’d rather not contemplate. – way too many questions.
What ya see is a younger version of Ginni Thomas.
It doesn’t appear at this time we can stop this train. So the question. If we prove subsequently he lied, can we impeach him? Can we change the court to say eleven or put term or age limits? Maybe we should figure how to impeach these snakes. Let’s ask AvenattI to take it on.
Trump has three in your face shit storms going on at the moment. It appears Rosenstein is either resigning or getting fired. ( I suspect he will scare him into quitting.) Take ur pick. Either way he gone. Mueller next. And he is about to tax all Chinese goods coming into the country. Inflation anyone? And then we have this entitled snake about to be appointed to the court. So which one should we all pay most attention to?
So which one of them is the distraction of the moment?
They might want to be sure they understand this man’s character a little better before they make a decision that will be very hard to claw back
But that’s the whole point. They do know that Kavanaugh’s character is lacking… that’s why he got on the Federalist society list, that’s why Trump picked him, and that’s why just about the entire Republican party supports him. They know he won’t be a fair arbiter of the Constitution, that carefully weighs all the issues and decides based on the founders original intent- he will be a partisan hack that will rule in favor or Republicans and their interests, and he will be a reliable vote in support of their president when the time comes.
The Republicans want as many corrupt/and or partisan right wing hacks in the courts as they can get, and they have demonstrated that over and over. If Kanvanaugh’s nomination gets withdrawn, it will not be because of anything in particular they think he did wrong, it will be because they made a purely political calculation that finding some other hack to confirm will work out better for them. Trying to appeal to their decency is a loosing proposition. What we need to do is make it as toxic as possible for them to continue. I think these people have the right idea.
Committee vote coming on Friday. Per CNN. Make or break with u know who votes! Yikes!!