Welcome back, music lovers. It’s Wednesday somewhere, yeah? Still have a lot going on, but that just seems to be a given these days.
I am in the mood for some dub. Let’s start out with a great album by Creation Rebel, Starship Africa.
One track does not do this album justice. The whole thing is an experience:
Something dub inspired:
Sly and Robbie recorded a collaboration with Howie B right around the end of the 1990s. Enjoyed this one a lot.
There are diaries that are designed to dampen enthusiasm for Democratic candidates. There are commenters who exist solely for the purpose of dampening enthusiasm for Democratic candidates. The negativity is duly noted. Ignore them. Their schtick is tired and old. Jam to some tunes, and then knock on some doors, make some calls, send some texts, or whatever you can do. We can use some positivity in this world. We can all use some nice things. We can only do that together, not apart. And we can only do that with effort. You know I am right.
Tuesday was National Liqueur Day, so I’m recycling the recipes from Rainbow shots from Tipsy Bartender for National Liqueur Day at Crazy Eddie’s Motie News. To observe, I’m sharing two of the most popular videos from Tipsy Bartender on YouTube that involve liqueur, in this case, blue curacao. First, the 31 Shot Glass Rainbow Shot Challenge, which was used in the opening of the rest of Skyy’s videos for 2015.
Now the video that Skyy refers his viewers to, How to make Rainbow Shots!.
Skyy’s are pretty. Emma’s, not so much. Brown isn’t a color of the rainbow, but that’s what she got instead of yellow. I’m sure it tastes just fine.
Btw, if I get enough recs, etc., I’ll plan a couple themed midweek cafe/lounges. We have at least someone from here who is quite the ABBA fan, so I will put up a post of some of their more beloved songs. I also want to do a Queen themed diary (especially with the film about to open).
I don’t know if anyone here follows Doctor Who, but the third episode of Series 11 (of the reboot), Rosa used this song in the closing credits, instead of the standard closing theme music:
Jodie Whittaker is really making the Doctor Who character her own.