On Monday, someone put an explosive device in George Soro’s home mailbox in Katonah, New York. Today, explosive devices have been turning up all over the place.
BREAKING: Suspicious package found at home of former president Bill Clinton & Secretary Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, NY, senior law enforcement officials tell WNBC. The item was similar to the one found at George Soros' home, The New York Times reports. https://t.co/cRFsMFAjEV
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) October 24, 2018
BREAKING: Secret Service: Package identified as `potential explosive device' sent to former President Barack Obama in Washington.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 24, 2018
The explosive sent to CNN matches the ones sent to Obama and Clinton. “Same package. Same device,” senior law enforcement official tells @WRashbaum https://t.co/eh2EtV4h07
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) October 24, 2018
Breaking: package was addressed to CNN, specifically former CIA Dir John Brennan.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) October 24, 2018
Sunrise Police Department in Florida confirms to @BuzzFeedNews that the building housing Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz's office was evacuated after a suspicious package was discovered.
— Mike Hayes (@michaelhayes) October 24, 2018
NBC News: Here's what we know so far
– The packages are manila in color.
– The packages have similar or identical components.
– The packages all have a return address belonging to a prominent democratic official (we are not naming that person at this time in the investigation).— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) October 24, 2018
BREAKING / NBC News: Another suspicious package sent to Former Attorney General Eric Holder has also been intercepted.
Reported by Pete Williams.
— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) October 24, 2018
Obviously, there’s a common thread in the targets. George Soros has long been the focus of right-wing conspiracy theories, and he’s been accused of funding the “caravan” of Central American immigrants that has become the “Ebola virus” distraction of this midterm election.
Vice President of Government Affairs for @CampbellSoupCo @johnston_kelly (a former Secretary of the US Senate under Bob Dole) spreading conspiracy theory about @GeorgeSoros' @OpenSociety planning & executing migrant caravan "including where they defecate." https://t.co/vDQvw4mUwh pic.twitter.com/NdLnpGQ9uE
— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) October 23, 2018
John Brennan, the CIA director during the Obama administration, has been a vociferous critic of President Trump and CNN is a frequent target of Trump’s wrath. Eric Holder was the Attorney General during the Obama administration and became a right-wing whipping boy. Debbie Wasserman Schultz led the Democratic National Committee in 2016 until Russian hacking raised doubts about her neutrality in the primaries and forced her resignation. And, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the most prominent Democrats in the country. To add to the prankish element of this, the packages have a return address of a “prominent Democratic official.”
During a recent MAGA rally in Montana, President Trump praised Rep. Greg Gianforte for body-slamming Guardian reporter Ben Smith shortly before he was elected to Congress.
President Donald Trump celebrated Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte during a rally in Missoula, Montana, on Thursday, cheering the lawmaker as a “tough cookie” over his assault of a reporter last year.
“Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of guy,” Trump said at the event as supporters cheered him on. “I had heard that he body-slammed a reporter … and he was way up, and I said, ‘Oh, this is terrible, he’s going to lose the election.’ Then I said, ‘I know Montana pretty well,’ and I said I think it might help him. And it did.”
Riffing off that, I wrote the following Tweet:
“Any guy that can do a pipe bomb, he’s my kind of guy. I had heard that he pipe-bombed and I said, ‘Oh, this is terrible, we're going to lose the election.’ Then I said, ‘I know America pretty well,’ and I said I think it might help us." https://t.co/hYEtZ7BLQk
— Martin Longman (@BooMan23) October 24, 2018
I hope that makes the point effectively because there are consequences when the president embraces conspiracy theories, demonizes his political opponents and applauds violence committed against reporters.
We obviously do not yet know who is responsible for sending these bombs and it’s at least theoretically possible that someone did it to make the Republicans look bad. That’s certainly the theory they want to push now to deflect the kind of criticism I am delivering here. Frankly, I think that’s far less likely than the more obvious conclusion that someone was radicalized by overheated and irresponsible rhetoric from within the right-wing media bubble. That rhetoric was introduced by the president of the United States.
Thankfully, no one has been harmed yet but we don’t know how many more bombs are out there or whether they will all be successfully intercepted and defused.
One more Eric Holder
. . . official” whose “return address” was on the bomb packages was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Who was also a target.
As “false-flag” conspiracy efforts go, that one looks pretty pathetic.
Doesn’t get any lamer than to try to paint Wasserman-Shultz as the perpetrator…as though she were holding a grudge for being deposed as chair of the DNC and decided to send easily detected explosive devises to all the right’s boogie people. Who besides the right is stupid enough to buy that?
Yes, indeed. And she clearly had motive to harm (or kill) her longtime political allies, while apparently giving no thought whatever to the Bernie Bros who destroyed her!
I’ll wager that, based on the various dramatis personae, this was done by someone who consumes an enormous amount of “conservative” sewage on a daily basis.
I think they put Wasserman Schultz as the return address in the hopes that this would get the targets to open the package, as she’d be seen as a “friendly” source.
That makes sense.
. . . pkg. targeting Holder, but with wrong address, so it went to DWS cuz of her name (misspelled per NPR just now) for the return address (photo of one pkg. actually shows no address, just her name):
The media will make certain everyone believes it’s the Democrats by the end of business today.
Wait. It does not matter who sent the bombs. This is a terror attack. The threat level must be raised and the President of the USA should have issue a statement and called all those targeted that the full force of the American government is on the job. Not going to happen…the donald is going to a pep rally tonight and have himself some fun spewing more stinky BS about terrorist walking through MX.
Can you imagine if the terrorist threat level was a real thing?
And how will they do it? As always, by treating the BS coming from the right, as with this false flag nonsense, with a seriousness it does not deserve by presenting it equally as “another viewpoint” even though it lacks credibility.
Trump spews his hateful, violent rhetoric and his meathead followers take the cue. It isn’t a surprise at all.
It’s quite remarkable, but it seems every midterm we have with a “conservative” Repub Congress has to be carried out in an atmosphere of total hysteria and high-pitched emotional frenzy. For some reason…
As I recall from past postal bomb incidents, tracing this sort of terrorism back through the postal service usually takes a great deal of time and frequently no perp is ever identified. So the Trumpite movement can be sure that there will be no way for traditional media to speculate (in the relevant time frame) whether our glorious fascist leader successfully incited one of his Deplorables to carry out this rightwing terrorism. That will not stop the Trumpischer Beobachter from broadcasting the theory that it’s the work of the “radical left”–it would be irresponsible not to speculate!
And is the now neutered and compliant FBI being instructed by Der Trumper and Kelly to focus on the “conservative” theory that this is obviously the work of the “Angry Left”?(tm)
All the experts disagree with you. 7 intact bombs plenty of fingerprints, dna and possibly hair samples.
Post Offices have cameras. So we will see
I’ll eat my hat if this leads to an arrest. The bastards on the right that are doing this are steeped in deviance and will have made sure not to leave real clues.
. . . careful.
Even #MAGAbomber’s forebear, the Unabomber, a bona fide genius, left enough clues in his manifesto for his brother to recognize and turn him in when it was published.
And I’ll go way out on a limb and surmise that the #MAGAbomber perp ain’t no genius.
Maxine Waters, as well. All are Democratic critics of Trump and the GOP.
The bomber’s tactics seem relatively weak, as almost all of the bombs were sent via the post office, where they would be screened before ever reaching their targets, which are doubly protected from such attacks. Soros’ may have been hand-delivered; there is too much new information to be sure of all of these minute-by-minute reports.
So the bombers put a lot of bystanders at risk: postal workers, bomb techs, law enforcement, well before the bombs could get to their intended victims. It’s a terrorist move. It’s intimidation. It’s extremism.
Of course, it will be a media circus and the final culprits may or may not be apprehended. I’m just glad no one has been injured at this point.
Have any gone off? And do we know what the white powder is?
Proud to live in a country where 50 million people will read this story and say “Bitch had it coming.”
Making America great again, indeed.
Looks as if the persons who did this got a list of all the hated people. Maybe it was meant as a warning who knows?
Maybe an attempt at a modernist, Post-Truth Kristallnacht?
Nobody gets hurt, everybody gets implicated?
Man…it’s getting ugly up in here!!!
Where’s the escape hatch???
Scylla or Charybdis?
Take your pick.
They’re both bombheads!!!
There is nothing uncivil about a few bombs in the mail, so I’m not expecting the Repugnican-enabling scolds in the corporate media to get too exercised about this.
People PLEASE!!
I mean seriously. After all some Republicans were totally inconvenienced by Librul MOBS who shouted “uncivil” things at them in restaurants, elevators and hallways. Plus there were all of those uppity wimmin totally victimizing poor poor poor Judge Kavanaugh.
What’s a few pipe bombs and suspicious powder in your mailbox after Republicans had to endure those incrediblely fearful hardships???
Yes, snark.
This comes as no surprise, does. Personally, I’m no HRC fan, but Trump’s been screaming at his rabid crowds to “Lock her up” for over 2 years now. This is third world dictatorship tactics. How can anyone be surprised when Trumpers take it upon themselves to lash out violently?
But of course, the complicit media and lap-dog GOP will paint the perps and Trump as the victims, and somehow as usual it will be something something Bill Clinton schtupped Monica.
Or at least, that seems to be the usual excuse.
I’m glad no one was hurt…. this time.
What happens next?
And yes, done as the Oct surprise… just in time to whip GOP voters into some weird victimizing frenzy. Mark my words. It’ll be the fault of Democrats in 5…4… 3…
Aaaand I wasn’t wrong. The Fox/Rush continuum are out in force decrying the Democratic responses to these pipe bombs as being MUCH WORSE than the pipe bombs themselves.
Both Sides! Both Sides!
And the usual suspects over at Naked Capitalism – many of whom appear to have Hillary derangement syndrome bc their loathing of her is so intense that they often don’t make sense – are making a big old JOKE of it, whilst decrying Hillary in the same sentence because … because … reasons! that’s why.
Yeah: I see this as a huge big joke, and let’s attack HRC at the same time. Both Sides!
I feel like Alice through the Looking Glass.
Disclaimer: I really don’t like HRC much, either, but somehow blaming her for these acts and/or decrying what she said in response is just ludicrous. But here we are, and that’s the way it is.
This is a pretty big thing to get swept under the rug.
I feel like these are bad portents.
The logical conclusion so scary I can’t even write it here.
Submitted for your consideration: