Happy Hump Day and happy Thanksgiving Eve!  I’m continuing to be the DJ and bartender for this weekly series while Don Durito is on walkabout.  For today’s theme, I’m picking songs from Billboard’s Thanksgiving Songs: Music About Food, Giving Thanks, and the Holiday.

The first song on the list just happens to tie into my love of awards shows, in this case,  the 2018 Critics’ Choice Documentary Awards.  As I reported in ‘RBG’ wins Best Political Documentary, ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’ Best Documentary at my personal blog, Quincy Jones received Most Compelling Living Subject of a Documentary and the documentary “Quincy” won Best Music Documentary.  With no further ado, here is Groovy Gravy.

Next, James Brown with Mashed Potatoes, U.S.A.

For the last song in the diary proper, I’m sharing Thanksgiving Theme by Vince Guaraldi from the Peanuts specials.*

I had to have some music for Snoopy to dance to.
Once again, I’m concluding the diary proper by quoting Don Durito.

For those of you wondering how I and Neon Vincent are circumventing Sucuri to embed videos, here is an example of the embed code we use, so that you can replicate as wanted:

Just remember that each unique 11-digit video code in YouTube needs to be pasted in two separate locations within the embed code in order for your video to show up properly. So easy that I can do it!

With those instructions, feel free to post your favorite music videos in the comments.

*I’ll post more from the playlist in the comments.