Here I Am, Stuck In the Middle With You.

Below is a wonderful example of the leftiness/rightiness news forces and their allies, the leftiness/rightiness pollsters in full cry.

Google News headlines, Sun. 2:45 PM EST, 1/13/19:

Government shutdown polls show Americans blame Trump and the GOP

Americans widely blame President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans for the stalemate in Washington that just broke the record as the longest … one hour ago

And, in the same Google News lead box:

Support for Trump’s wall reaches all-time high: Poll

Support for President Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is at an all-time high weeks into a partial government shutdown which began over a border…

Washington Examiner 5 hours ago

I don’t know if a major nonpartisan polling company and/or MSM news source even exists in this country today. It seems to me that the following is how it works. In order to make a profit, a given company must tend heavily towards slanting the news to appeal to a politically passionate segment of the population. That works two ways. One, it gets the regular DemRat + RatPub supporters’ attentions. And two, it gets the attention of those that passionately disagree with whatever stance the polling/media companies have taken.

What  does this leave for a legit pollster or media outlet…one that honestly tries to simply report the news and the numbers as they happen.

It leaves very little in the way of “audience,” and that makes the leftiness/rightiness system self-perpetuating as a result. As James Brown so succinctly put it, “You don’t work, you can’t eat!!!”

Well, “If you don’t slant, you can’t survive” would be a good motto for any media company wishing to prosper in this system as it stands today.

No audience? No advertising.

No advertising? You outta here!!!

And all of the people who quite rightfully believe almost nothing that the media says? Almost nothing that the government says as well? Probably well more than a third of the potential voting population, given the non-voting percentages over the last 20 years or so?

As I said above:

Clowns To the Left Of Me, Jokers To the Right. Here I Am, Stuck In the Middle With You.

I got a feelin’ that somethin‘ aint’ right!!!

(And a much deserved tip of the Jimmy Hatlo hat to Stealer’s Wheels.)

Believe nothing that the media tells you.


It’s all make-believe, and the stuff that’s really happening is all sub rosa… happening under the table, happening in the back rooms, happening in the well scrubbed and vetted “no surveillance” places.

Meanwhile, back at the non-Deep State ranch…your home, your life…if you are well enough connected …or badly enough, depending on your view of things…in a digital sense, you cannot fart without eventually receiving anti-gas ads from Big Pharma.

Later…gotta go get real again.


You been had!!!