Always had difficulty in comprehension and using the right words. Instead of Schadenfreude you should have used Mitgefühl.
There’s an ocean of difference between us. Let it be!
Stop blaming Trump & Putin, instead be aware of the people, nations and corporations who put him there. It has been a long haul for right-wing conservatives, religious zealots mixed with fondness of Netanyahu and white supremacists since the loss of Barry Goldwater in 1964. The backers of Brexit equates to the Trump presidency. Putin doesn’t have the might you presumes he has. In reaction to the Colour Revolutions, Russia has chosen the inflict damage where the Western nations have failed. WWIII: Cyber conflicts – war by other means. Cyberwarfare and Stuxnet … remember?
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Re: Good argument, well put.
Thanks for the article Oui. I just finished an essay in early December for my strategic studies masters, and this article would have been so helpful. My thesis was Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections was an act of cyber/psychological warfare. It fits Clausewitz’s definition of war. The University of London’s Department of Military Studies is divided on whether or not cyberwar is indeed war because it does not involve physical violence. I argued against that because the Russians successfully used force to get their adversary, the U.S. to do their will, and that objective was to get Trump elected. Not a shot fired, and a major strategic objective was attained. This is why the Russian Parliament burst into applause when Trump’s victory in the Presidential Campaign was announced.
Here’s a worthwhile paper: 21st Century Political Warfare
Victory without Casualties:
Russia’s Information Operations
By T. S. Allen and A. J. Moore
ABSTRACT: This article argues Russian information operations are
a decisive tool of state power rather than a supporting element.
Uniquely, Russian leaders are significantly more likely to employ
diplomatic, military, and economic tools in pursuit of informational
objectives than other states’ leaders.
by byzantium ( on Sun Jan 13th, 2019 at 03:52:06 AM MEST
1 Comment