Progress Pond

August 6th, 2016- Julian Assange addressing the Green Party National Convention

I invite you to click this link and witness an interesting historical moment.

Among the things I discovered in the listening:

Recent posts on the WikiLeaks Twitter Account shows that they are doing precious little publishing which attacks the rampant corruption of the Trump Administration, the last Congress, the Republican Party and conservative movement. Suddenly the spigot of hacked, extremely selectively curated and leaked documents is closed to a non-damaging trickle. WikiLeaks is still taking plenty of shots at Democratic Party leaders, though.

A similar phenomenon of disinterest in holding the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans accountable for their incredibly broad attacks on the Obama Administration’s environmental policies can be observed at the Green Party’s Twitter account. They do retweet an expression of resentment that Democrats in Congress are advocating for the Green New Deal, though.

And Jill Stein appears solely interested in posting about Venezuela these days. Preventing military action in Venezuela is a worthwhile pursuit, but it sure does lack perspective to leave behind almost everything else that is being revealed and worked on by the new House Democratic majority.

As we enter the 2020 Presidential campaign, it would be valuable if we could remember this history, learn from our experiences and help more of our fellow Americans avoid pursuing these sorts of damaging attacks on the progressive movement, Democratic Party leaders, and perspective-filled analysis. It’s also worthwhile to offer critique to the Green Party for engaging with such a charlatan as Assange, something that had become quite obvious to many of us by August 2016.

There’s plenty of space between offering good faith critiques and realistic political assessments of the Democratic Party and the Green Party’s failure this century to successfully organize, win elections, help bring about its policy goals and engage in honest rhetoric.

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