Congress has been notified that the Mueller investigation is complete and that Attorney General William Barr has the report. Apparently, Congress can expect to hear what Mueller’s “primary conclusions” are sometime this weekend. Beyond that, everything is as clear as mud.
Use the comments to add any information you find.
So no indictments for Kushner, Jr or Ivanka. Someone on CNN said she asked that question and there are no sealed indictments. So unless someone is lying, that is great news for those and other folks.
No indictments for Jr, Kushner or Ivanka or any others. A person on CNN said she asked about sealed indictments and there are none. So unless someone is lying that is good news for some folks.
According to Marty Lederman, it’s wrong to call this “THE report”. See https:/
Lawfare also has a reasonable take.
Not sure Seth Abramson is particularly liked here, but just wanted to throw another link out there as he is yet another person noting that the Mueller investigation is only part of a larger set of investigations, as well as a reminder of the nature of the Muller report. Useful reminder as well that “closing up shop” still includes prosecuting Stone later this year, for example. Other investigations are feeding off info from what Mueller found within the confines of his mandate. We’ll see what other investigations uncover over time, as well as what other state and federal prosecutors choose to pursue based on whatever evidence is available.
My thinking is to be neither sanguine nor panicked/discouraged here. A lot of shoes could still drop, and it’s possible that this part of a series of investigations (some criminal, some counterintelligence) may still influence future indictments and prosecutions.
Thanks for the link. The article is very in-line with what Booman has been saying.
I find myself more focused on learning what actually did happen, than what will happen. Let’s see what we have and act accordingly. I am hopeful but not confident that there is still some sense of duty in our Congress.
Friday really brought back memories. I remember Watergate quite well. And I remember the feeling as everything unfolded the belief that in the end our system of government would work. Though Nixon didn’t go to prison – most people felt the result was decent and fair.
Of course this was from the perspective from a young teen in liberal Northern California. Anyone else remember differently?
Van Jones may have turned out to be right about something for once after all.
Fitzmas 2
The House has to pick up the gauntlet.
Lulz. Like Mitch McConnell will do anything about it.
This country is truly done. I thought I was despondent when it was 2005…nope. It’s even worse now.
Did not know McConnell ran the House
I’m assuming the inference was that anything coming out of the House that requires Senate concurrence will not get it.
I also am not hopeful about the subpoena power of the House working. If they recipients stonewall, it will all end up on the steps of the SCOTUS.
So now the real fight commences.
Will Trump succeed in limiting access to all of the info? Especially whatever reflects on him or his
crimefamily/cohort?Will Mueller…or one of his subordinates…after having been as close-mouthed as the tomb for 2+ years start leaking the real deal?
Will the Feds…including Mueller…just drop the ball into the hands of the state justice departments because those entities are (supposedly) “independent”of the Feds?
Will the Dems simply continue to aim at beating Trump in 2020, thereby rendering all of this preparatory nonsense null and void?
If they win…big time, of course.
Stay tuned.
Business as usual is the only prediction that I will make.
Just as it’s always been.
Just as it’s always been!!!
It starts to look like much ado about nothing,which Marcy suggested was one possible outcome. ( even though she thinks he could be charged with a quid pro quo conspiracy.) Chris Mathews made one comment tonight that sounded dead on. How could there be any collusion when no one was ever indicted for collusion? There was one such indictment, I recall, and that was when Trump was tagged as individual 1. Think that will amount to anything or just another no never mind?
But I agree I’m getting out over my skis here. The SDNY is investigating yet and there could be money laundering and such. I anxiously await what happens this weekend.
Well we know it’s not about nothing! Russian intelligence operatives interfered massively in the 2016 election and managed to install Donald J. Trump in the presidency. It seems that everyone has come to accept that as inconsequential.
I personally think the Russian interference operation started out with the goal of rat-fucking the election to the point that when (not if) Clinton was elected, her presidency would be hamstrung by a badly fractured electorate and hostile congressional investigations. As time wore on, the Russians realized they may have caught a whale,but even that whale does not cross the finish line in first place without a yuge push from Comey.
All that said, I am still mystified why the entire country is not mad as hell at the Russians for even trying to interfere in our elections. For every person who claims that there is no proof that the Russian efforts were successful, I ask: so it is OK for a foreign power to actively interfere in our elections so long as we cannot conclusively prove their efforts worked?!?!?
Most Republicans fear Democrats more than they fear Russians. Some even like Russia for the Christianity promotion and LGBTQ bashing.
I got nothing.
The phrase, ‘oh yipee, now we get to count on Congress to take it from here and clean this up’ keeps banging around in my head.
Booman writes:
(My biannual Laurel and Hardy salute.)
The Mueller investigation is over?
It certainly is.
It has been over ever since it began to dawn on Mueller…if he didn’t know before he even took the gig, of course…that he couldn’t tar Trump without tarring the Dems as well.
And that wasn’t what he was hired to do.
Bet on it.
674 days and multimillions of dollars later?
A bunch of DC lawyers and other office workers/bureaucrats got nice paychecks for almost 2 years.
There’s always this lick upon which to fall back:
Don’t hold your breath.
Too many crooks, not enough investigators.
Not real ones, anyway.
The very first comment here pinned it.
For those not in the know:
And what happened?
Not really.
The true villains…as seemingly always happens in big time Fed “investigations” of powerful people who are not really targets of the Deep State/Intelligence systems…walked.
I’ll add another reference to the past.
A dumbshow from start to finish.
As has been this one.
And there Trump sits, gloating once again.
Will no one rid us of this troublesome (
priest)…errr, ahhhh…pest?It begins to look that way.
Doesn’t it.
P.S. Nancy Pelosi’s statement about impeaching Trump…”‘He’s just not worth it…” is a grand fake. The Dems plan to use Trump’s epic ugliness to take the Senate and the presidency in 2020.
It could work…
However, as my lovely Irish grandmother was wont to say:
Bet on that as well.