Progress Pond

An Easy Way to Respond to Alabama’s War on Women: Contribute to the National Network of Abortion Funds

Yellow hammer, aka Northern flicker; state bird of Alabama. Photo by Jerry McFarland/Flickr (noncommercial use permitted with attribution)

Alabama’s war on abortion should scare the spine out of anyone, male or female, that values reproductive and individual rights.

The legislation bans abortions at every stage of pregnancy and criminalizes the procedure for doctors, who could be charged with felonies and face up to 99 years in prison. It includes an exception for cases when the mother’s life is at serious risk, but not for cases of rape or incest — a subject of fierce debate among lawmakers in recent days.
The Alabama measure, though, goes farther. In addition to the potential 99-year sentence for performing abortions, doctors face the threat of a 10-year term for attempting to perform one. Women who receive abortions would not be prosecuted.

The courts will almost certainly enjoin this ban, but if you want to help women in Alabama NOW, I can think of no easier way to do it than be contributing to the Yellowhammer Fund, which “provides funding for anyone seeking care at one of Alabama’s three abortion clinics and will help with other barriers to access (travel, lodging, etc.) as well as able.”

They’re a member of the National Network of Abortion Funds, which is pretty self-explanatory. Even more self-explanatory is this state-by-state list of organizations that help fund abortions for women in need, including ways to donate.

Thanks to Opadit for the links. She’s a great follow on the Twitter Machine as well.

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