As Martin noted earlier, President Donald Trump is never going to deliver on an infrastructure bill. That should tell you all you need to know about his not-so-spontaneous meltdown earlier this morning.
When she and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, arrived at the White House, Mr. Trump was loaded for bear. He walked into the Cabinet Room and did not shake anyone’s hand or sit in his seat, according to a Democrat informed about the meeting. He said that he wanted to advance legislation on infrastructure, trade and other matters, but that Ms. Pelosi had said something “terrible” by accusing him of a cover-up, according to the Democrat.
After just three minutes, he left the room before anyone else could speak, the Democrat said. From there, he headed to the Rose Garden, where a lectern had been set up with a sign that said “No Collusion, No Obstruction” and gave statistics intended to show that he had cooperated with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.
It’s pretty clear that the Trump’s tantrum was well-planned in advance. It’s also pretty clear that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who’s got some experience managing idiots, wasn’t having it. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to castrate a farm animal, the House Speaker just offered a master class.
I almost need a cigarette after that one.
Photo credit to the enormously talented friend of the site Matt Johnson, whose work I’ll be using a lot of. Follow him on Twitter for the laughs, and check out his functional art and design on Etsy.
You need a cigarette after THAT? She was hesitant and rambling. Not one republican will ever hear her ‘point’ in that dense statement, only the edited version… FOX ‘news’.
That’s just your opinion, man. If you were expecting her to call Trump a blithering fuckstick who needs to step down, it’s not going to happen. I’ll refer you back to my on the Speaker’s abilities. You don’t have to agree, but that is generally the POV I’m coming from.
She did fine, I guess, but Brendan’s response–highlighting it so proudly–makes me despair a little. As a party, we seem not to understand that there aren’t only two options: a Cumberland Road zinger and HEY FUCKSTICK.
I’ve had to accept the fact that Republicans are, culturally and morally, utterly foreign to me, as I am to them. But when smart, educated Democrats start seeing things that are invisible to me, I worry.
The graphic is classic.
I thought it was pretty good, too, until her brainfart about 2/3 the way through. Gotta be honest, I see this in Bernie, too, once in a while. And a lot of folks I’ve known in their 70s.
“This president is a moron, a fraud, a misanthrope, and a crook. And I’m going to impeach the man.” — That’s all she needed to say.
Yeah, she’s surely trying to confront Der Trumper, but I can’t really agree this was rhetoric that was delivered with surgical precision. She never really looks all that comfortable in front of the camera or press event. If her strategy is too somehow escalate the rhetorical heat on our criminal prez in order to convince (who?), I’m not sure that she has the ability to carry that off. Schiff seems the best at the game.
I too am starting to worry that age is overtaking too many in critical positions. I guess we should look to some of the (2 dozen!) Dem prez candidates to start turning up the heat on the popular vote losing dictator, as some of them are much better speakers. Might as well get some mileage out of all these vanity candidates—if you’ve got lemons, then make some lemonade, haha.