Ready for some more retro tunes? Here’s an oldie from Tears for Fears. This one was right at the top of the pop charts around this time in 1985.
And in honor of Neon Vincent (dude, where ya been?), a video from the Tipsy Bartender, although from the reactions to drinking this one, I don’t think I am recommending it:
The bar is open, the jukebox is working. All that’s needed are people. Don’t tell me we’ve been in isolation so long that we can’t even communicate electronically. C’mon.
Colbert has his take on things. Sadly, he’ll be going back to the whole suit and tie thing when he goes back live next week. One thing I had hoped would emerge from the recovery from the pandemic was that we would realize that some of our social norms were totally jacked.
The latest A Closer Look on Giuliani’s corruption:
Well, the boy done did it. He graduated from the 5th grade. On to middle school!
Another milestone passed and a fresh set of adventures and challenges await him. My youngest is two years away from graduating high school. Time flies.
He seems pretty verklempt about the whole thing.
I know I was thrilled to have the middle school/junior high days (depending on where we were living at the moment) behind me.
Steve Colbert offers his last isolation opening monologue. My guess is a lot of talks show hosts will go back to the whole suit and tie thing. To be honest, I am just not feeling it. After all these months of working remotely during the pandemic, and even going to a conference and another workshop pre-pandemic, where the participants would have been shocked and outraged by anyone wearing traditional business attire, I am very much changed. Gone are the days of flying looking like a business traveler. Comfort, convenience, and safety are all that matters. In the meantime, enjoy what could have been, if our talkshow hosts would have been more bold.
Retro? I got your retro right here: fast forward to the 2:05 mark for some over the top bass player stunts.
Probably some of the best bass playing stunts since Frank DiNunzio, who’s hilarious throughout but goes totally insane at the 1:10 mark: