It’s been one heck of a week. Did you watch the debate? I know I did. So did Jon Stewart:

So did Stephen Colbert:

And one more for the road:

I did take some time last night after the debate to catch Allan Lichtman’s take on the debate as well. Although not comedic, he can be entertaining and informative at the same time.

What was your favorite moment from the debate? What caused you to really cringe? Now that Kamala Harris has Taylor Swift’s endorsement (a big deal when you consider that her music empire probably makes her the seventh largest economy in the world), is it all over for old Grandpa Caligula? I am not great with predictions, so I have no answer to that last question. But yeah, it was quite a spectacle where Kamala Harris met the moment, and the moderators actually made an effort to, I don’t know, moderate. What a novel concept. It was definitely not like any of the usual debates where Trump has been a candidate: the moderators didn’t act completely hapless like the refs while the Harlem Globetrotters break every rule known to basketball. Maybe there is hope yet.

Cheers, everyone.