The New York Times is reporting that the “newly discovered” Judith Miller notes related to the Plame investigation center around a conversation Miller had with Libby on June 25, 2003.
“Until now, the only conversations known to have occurred between Ms. Miller and Mr. Libby were on July 8 and 12, 2003.”
Those new notes refer to Joseph Wilson, according to the article which cites an unamed lawyer involved in the case.
As previously mentioned here at BT, Judith Miller will meet with Fitzgerald on Tuesday to discuss these new notes. Rove will testify before the grand jury for the 4th time later next week.
Fitzgerald has not yet indicated if indictments may be imminent or what charges they may encompass, which could range from perjury or obstruction of justice to communicating classified information.
The waiting game continues.
June 25, 2003 was the same day that the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz wrote his scathing article about Miller’s involvement with MET Alpha: Embedded Reporter’s Role In Army Unit’s Actions Questioned by Military
~ Cross-posted from SusanHu’s diary ::
Judy Finds More Notes ◊ Flanigan Withdraws ~
Miller, with a special knack for writing what the Pentagon liked to read, was the sole reporter embedded with the 75th Exploitation Task Force, which operated Mobile Exploitation Teams (MET Alpha, MET Bravo) hunting for WMD in Iraq. Her stories, which were widely reprinted or reported in other newspapers, on cable TV, and on talk radio, helped convey the impression to the nation that illicit weapons had been found in Iraq, supposedly validating the decision for war.
As she and others have explained, Ahmad Chalabi, an Iraqi expatriate, was the source of much of her information; some of the time she credited him directly. She had mentioned him much earlier: In an interview in 1998, shortly after Operation Desert Fox (four nights in which the United States and Britain bombed numerous targets in Iraq), she said that Chalabi told her he had been given only “a few hours’ notice” of the impending attack.
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April, 2004
The Mystery of Iraq’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
By Andrew I. Killgore
PERHAPS GREG Thielmann, retired Department of State officer, got it just right. For the past four years, until his recent retirement, Thielmann worked in the Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (BIR), which provides the secretary of state with intelligence analysis independent of other agencies. The May 30, 2003 New York Times quoted him as saying, “The al-Qaeda connection and nuclear weapons were the only two ways that you could link Iraq to an imminent security threat to the U.S., and the administration was grossly distorting the intelligence on both things.”
Less than a month later, the BIR’s Christian Westermann was quoted in the same paper’s June 24 edition as saying that he had been pressured to tailor his analysis on Iraq to conform with the Bush administration’s views (that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction). Westermann earlier had clashed with John Bolton, the neocon under secretary of state for arms control and international security, over Bolton’s public assertions last year that Cuba had a biological weapons program.
According to the June 25, 2003 New York Times, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), jointly had said that the mysterious trailers found in Iraq were for making biological weapons. The BIR, however–which had not been consulted by CIA/DIA–advised that it was premature to conclude, as President George W. Bush had done, that the trailers were indeed producing biological weapons. One can infer from the fact that CIA/DIA did not consult BIR on a matter of this importance that the dynamic duo expected that BIR would not agree.
Here is a copy of that NYT article.
Rumsfeld’s Shock and Awe :: DoD Embedded Within the New York Times!
Miller = Chalabi = WMD = IRAQ WAR!
Facilitated by White House Officials and Judith’s colleagues at the Pentagon.
Judith can come to George for her Medal of Freedom.
“I’ve been covering Chalabi for about 10 years, and have done most of the stories about him for our paper. . . . He has provided most of the front page exclusives on WMD to our paper.”
Shame on Journalism and NYT in the 21th century – let they explain the 2,000 U.S. deaths and 100,000+ civilian Iraqi deaths, plus years of anguish and misery. This evil lady should be avoided as the black plaque.
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The shit definitely was hitting the fan that week:
By Notra Trulock | June 25, 2003
Post reporters are flouting long-standing guidelines governing the use of anonymous sources.
Among the journalistic practices now under increased scrutiny in the wake of the New York Times’ scandal is the use of anonymous sources in news stories. Washington Post ombudsman Michael Getler has devoted two recent columns to such concerns. He seems worried that Post reporters are flouting long-standing guidelines governing the use of anonymous sources. He warns that “these rules have largely fallen by the wayside” because the practice has become so routine.
No current news story is more susceptible to the abuse of anonymous sources than the growing controversy over the accuracy of U.S. intelligence before the war in Iraq. Journalists, especially in the liberal media, are hyperventilating about the failure of the coalition thus far to unearth Saddam Hussein’s stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Many are pointing to this failure as evidence that the Bush administration “cooked” intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction programs to justify attacking Iraq. In the U.K., Prime Minister Tony Blair is facing a similar controversy. The media there are even floating rumors that he may be forced to resign.
So many reasons for Libby to call Miller that day…
calling you Jeeves?
Great sleuthing!
lol – this sure is a trip down memory lane. This CNN story from June 25, 2003 about the Iraqi scientist who had nuke plans buried under his rose bush ends with this statement that is so timely given yesterday’s Nobel Peace Prize:
“U.S. officials, including President Bush, also had cited British intelligence documents indicating Iraq may have tried to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger, but the IAEA said the documents were obvious fakes.”
The ultimate, final nail in the coffin of democracy.
In the past, men of some stature came together for a mock War Crimes Tribunal. Perhaps the Blog Community should organize such a tribunal under strict organization of a court, judge, jury, witnesses, prosecutor, defendants and lawyers. It could be organized for one or two hours a day with prepared reports, notes, etc.
Daily press release for the lazy, sleeping MSM, so they keep their non-thinking, no-responsibility corporate infiltrated jobs.
With cooperation of University Law School and Human Rights Organizations.
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