“In 2004 I made a prediction that Bush would lose again but serve another term….” (Gore Vidal)
— Adds Real History Lisa, “I love Gore Vidal. He truly gets what’s going on in our country. You can see and hear him at this amazing site (IWTNews.com).”
I read Vidal’s Dreaming War. He made the assertions that the US bated Japan into bombing Pearl Harbor and that the Japanese were trying to make a peace treating for about a month before Hiroshima.. I was curious if anyone had any thoughts on this or knew of some good resources.
um treaty..
Anyway, that was an interesting video. I really did wonder why there wasn’t as much of a fuss being made about Ohio. It seemed like Greg Palast was the only one willing to make a huge stand. On Air America, I’ve heard a lot about it being brought up, but I did wonder why it didn’t makes AS big of a deal in the blogesphere as it could have.. Maybe some blogs were trying to not be perceived as conspiracy theorists, but it seems like anyone would be skeptical about the events given some of the facts Vidal mentions like the Diebold letter.
Vidal said that it may have been unnecessary for the US to even enter the 2nd World War. It seem to be that Russia could have easily enough defeated the Germans without American help, that would leave Japan being run down in China…eventually. That’s too small a country to conquer the world. That of course if verboten thinking because everyone know the US defeated Germany in WW11. But of course it was the Russians more than anyone else, they did the bulk of the fighting and the Americans came in at the end to sweep up the remnants of a decimated German Army.
Vidal also said that George Bush would be the most hated president of all time. The worst of course. He said this maybe before the war in Iraq.
For Other Lisa:
I am so sorry, Lisa, but Wolfgang couldn’t have had a more wonderful and eloquent companion than you.
Read Lisa’s unforgettable, and exquisitely written, story of Wolfgang’s life.
a very wise man.