According to the NY Times today, Jay Sekulow —read about his lifestyle here — chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice and a lawyer helping to coordinate support for the president’s judicial nominees, along with
“Leonard Leo, another conservative lawyer coordinating conservative support for the nominee, held conference calls with their coalition of about 80 grass-roots groups and about 75 legal experts to plot strategy.”
The article notes also:
“With most liberal groups and several Democratic senators immediately criticizing Mr. Alito’s selection, conservative strategists focused on the small number of moderate senators from both parties who are likely to decide the nomination. ‘There is going to be maybe 15 senators who are going to say their prayers daily that this nomination will come to an end quickly because they are going to be inundated with pressure from both sides – e-mails, phone calls, letters, town hall meetings,” said Richard Viguerie, a pioneer of conservative direct mail.’
I should point out that the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is Pat Robertson’s answer to the ACLU, founded in 1990 (if I remember the article correctly).
80 grassroots groups and 75 legal experts?
I hope our side is doing the same.