Interview in Le Monde.

Kofi Annan: “In Syria, obviously, we did not succeed”

Q.  It looks more realistic could it be that the Russians help change the political leadership in Syria, but by ensuring that their security apparatus is closely linked?  

I’m not sure to respond. Many factors play. Events are forged by many players. Russia has influence but I’m not sure that the events will be determined by Russia alone.

Q. You’re referring to Iran?

Iran is an actor. It should be part of the solution. He has influence and we can not ‘ ignore [the Westerners had refused the participation of Iran in the Action Group met on 30 June].

But what strikes me is that so many comments are made on Russia, while Iran is least mentioned, and, more importantly, little is known about other countries sending arms, money and weigh the situation on the ground. All these countries claim to want a peaceful solution, but they take individual and collective initiatives that undermine the very meaning of the resolutions of the Security Council. Focusing only on Russia is very irritating the Russians.  

Q. The Syrian opposition considers the Geneva text has too many concessions made to Russia in particular …

It is unfortunate that opponents have reacted that way. The release of Geneva was developed by a group of States of which 80% are members of the Friends of Syria [who called Friday, July 6 at the start of Bashar Al-Assad]. That’s why pretend that the opposition was “betrayed” or “sold” is rather odd. The Paris meeting is a great opportunity for the “friends” of Syria, including France , the United States , the Qatar , Kuwait, Turkey , explain this to the opposition and restore the facts.

Q. In the absence of truce, the presence of some 300 UN observers there a way?

Sometimes we hear say that observers, who are non- armed, failed to do stop the violence. But it was never their role! They came to Syria to check if the parties to their commitments to cease hostilities.

And for a brief time, April 12, has been the case, both sides stopped fighting. I could not be believed . I turned on the television and saw Al-Jazeera announced that all is quiet. If this was possible one day, why not for a month? Why not again? There were, however, an escalation of violence. But if the situation improves, observers will be ready to resume their work.

Q. On Syria, that he is the “responsibility to protect”, a principle that you helped develop, as Secretary General of the UN, after Bosnia and Rwanda?

I will say frankly: how the “responsibility to protect” was used on Libya has created a problem for this concept. The Russians and the Chinese feel they were duped: they adopted a resolution at the UN, which has been transformed in the process of regime change. Which, from the perspective of these countries was not the original intention. As soon as we discuss Syria is “the elephant in the room”.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."