Life is tough and it’s going to get a whole lot worse. The world’s population is rising dramatically just as climate change is acting to reduce food crops, and we are running out of traditional forms of energy. It don’t look good for humanity, folks:

As the world’s population looks set to grow to nearly 9 billion by 2040 from 7 billion now, and the number of middle-class consumers increases by 3 billion over the next 20 years, the demand for resources will rise exponentially.

[B]y 2030, the world will need at least 50 percent more food, 45 percent more energy and 30 percent more water, according to U.N. estimates, at a time when a changing environment is creating new limits to supply.

And if the world fails to tackle these problems, it risks condemning up to 3 billion people into poverty, the [UN] report said. […]

“The current global development model is unsustainable. To achieve sustainability, a transformation of the global economy is required,” the report said.

Fortunately, the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has the answer, and they aren’t waiting until all hell breaks loose in 20-30 years. They’ve made a decisive decision now to get our world back on the right path.

On Tuesday, the PA House decided it made sense to declare 2012 the “Year of the Bible”—and unanimously passed a resolution doing just that, 193-0.

You can read the whole resolution here. Now a certain communist, atheist fascist, Muslim, Kenyan Dictator and his brainwashed followers might think this is a violation of the US Constitution, but who cares what they think? The important thing is that Pennsylvania legislators saw the serious problems that exist in our world today and acted on them.

Sure its a non-binding resolution, and no it won’t feed the hungry or heal the sick or stop war or any of that other petty nonsense that so many political agitators on the left like to argue about, but it might just do the one thing that really matters: spur an interest in the Greatest Book ever written, and by encouraging Bible study, we might just be able to save the souls of millions of people, maybe even billions. Sure, they’ll suffer from poverty, disease and lack of food, but they’ll go to heaven when they die (likely sooner rather than later), and isn’t that all that matters?

I mean all that stuff about Jesus saying we should feed the hungry, minister to the sick, help the poor, love your neighbor and so on and and so forth, well that was all just stuff you can do if you’ve got the time to bother. Sort of like those extra assignments your teachers would give you if you wanted to earn some extra credit. It’s not like its really necessary or anything, cause as we all know salvation is handed out on a pass/fail basis.

So thanks to all you 193 members of the Pennsylvania House for recognizing that the proper response to the liberal pinko doomsayers and their “United Nations” conspirators is a good dose of that old time religion. You know, if we only make good Christians out of everyone everything will work out just fine. One hundred and ninety-three Pennsylvania politicians ought to know.

So go read your Bible boys and girls and save the planet in the process!