It’s “Throw the bums out!!!” time in America.


Tick-tock, tock-tick. Time is speeding up and the political pendulum swings ever faster as a result. Whoever is seen as being “in power” will be kicked out of power in the next election because the “power” is fucking up royally in every direction. Can’t solve the economic mess without ending the economic imperialist wars that fuel the American infrastructure; can’t end the wars without sending the country even further into economic chaos.

UH oh!!!

Caught between a rock and a hard place, only a Catch 23 Party will be able to save the day.

The Dem presidential candidate in 2012 will be the one who best establishes a publicly perceived adversarial relationship with the Republicans. It doesn’t have to be real…in fact it almost assuredly will not be real…all that will be needed is the perception of such a reality as trance-hyped by the newsmedia.

Win, lose or draw, that is the only way that the Dems can field a viable candidate without losing a substantial part of the electorate to 3rd…or even 4th or 5th…parties.

Obama cannot do this. It’s too late. He has already signaled his plan to continue trying to pacify the increasingly rightist Republican Party, and he will be gone in 2012. It won’t work. No matter how far right he travels, the Ratpubs will move further. Someone else will run….probably Hillary Clinton, despite her current protestations of innocence.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Meanwhile, her other mouths try to run Obama out of office.

Schoen, Caddell: Obama Should Do One Term

Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 05:47 PM

Two leading Democratic strategists have concluded that President Barack Obama should not seek re-election in 2012 – in order to be a great president who delivers on his promise of change that he made in 2008. In an op-ed in The Washington Post, Douglas Schoen and Patrick Caddell argue that Obama will produce only gridlock in the next two years if he governs with one eye on re-election.


“It is clear, we believe, that the president has largely lost the consent of the governed,” they write. “The midterm elections were effectively a referendum on the Obama presidency. And even if it was not an endorsement of a Republican vision for America, the drubbing the Democrats took was certainly a vote of no confidence in Obama and his party. The president has almost no credibility left with Republicans and little with independents.”

Like dat.

Read on.

Another prediction:

If the DemRats and RatPubs continue to merge towards the center…a merge that now consists almost entirely of rightward movement from the Dems…there will be at least four viable presidential candidates in 2012 from four separate parties.

Maybe even five.

The middle parties…Dems and Rats…advocating virtually indistinguishable goals dressed up as “differences” that are really mostly window dressing and hype. (The real centrist party…The DemocRatpublicans)

And left and right wing parties.

Right? Palin. (The Rats …with the willing help of the centrist media…will centrify her out of contention well before the convention. But there’s money to be had for an independent run. The same money that has inflated the Tea Party movement. Bet on it.)

Left? Who knows? Are there any truly “leftist” candidates with country-wide clout? I don’t see any, myself. Maybe Soros knows.

Plus a possible wild card…an independent Bloomberg run. Bloomberg is neither a centrist, a leftist or a rightist but rather a corporatist. He believes in the power of money and the money of power. He is almost totally an evolutionary elitist in the sense that he favors the successful…as measured by earnings…over the unsuccessful.

This approach has worked very, very well in NYC over the past 10 years or more as long as you are not one of the losers. There is simply no recession whatsoever going on in almost all parts of the three most prosperous boroughs of NYC…Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Nothing but continuing…and still expanding…growth and gentrification. This is quite clearly his vision for the whole the U.S. of A. The question remains whether this sort of movement can work over an entire country if there is no convenient place in which to store the losers of such a game. The losers of the NYC gentrification surge have been shunted off into appalling ghettoes in smaller cities up and down the Hudson, in New Jersey and in the rapidly failing working class suburbs of Long Island.

The comic genius Steven Wright once asked the magic question “If you had everything…where would you put it?”

Well…if a group of people “had” everything…where would they put those who had nothing?

There are only two answers.

1-Into other countries, selected “loser” states and/or prisons…prison countries, prison states…a massive exodus of the losers much like the waves of immigration that stocked America. A “Back to Africa/Back to South/Central/Caribbean America/Throw out the illegal aliens” movement?

It could happen.

The next Australia?

Maybe West Virginia or Nebraska?

Like dat.

Or of course:

2-Into the grave. (That could happen, too. Hitler tried it. So did Stalin. Some say that this is the real, evolutionarily logical reason for wars. Herd thinning. But…cain’t have no more wars like that. Too risky in a nuclear sense. What to do, what to do? UH oh!!!)


The Malthusian party.


He has the money to do it, all by himself. Plus more corporate money will flow his way if he enters the fray.

The herd will be thinned.

Photobucket Photobucket


As the committed DemRat and RatPub votes fall past the 30% mark in a “Throw the bums out!!!” world…down as far as 20% or even lower…that sort of movement will leave an electoral vacuum that could be exploited by either the right or some sort of Brave New World creature like Bloomberg.

Miranda in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”.

O, wonder! 
How many goodly creatures are there here! 
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, 
That has such people in’t!

Exploited right into the White House.


But first…fasten your seatbelts.

Whatever happens, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.

Bet on that as well.