Mitt Romney is a dick who hires undocumented workers to tend to his lawn. He should not say that Barack Obama did not earn the money he used to buy his house because that is a lie. Mitt Romney should hope he does not get selected to be McCain’s running mate because he will get humiliated and become the new watchword for ‘ridiculous politician’.
The idea that John McCain earned his fortune through hard work is offensive. John McCain dumped his disfigured wife for a 24-year old heiress. He never worked a day for the beer distributorship that made him silly rich. The man has so much money that he cannot even tell us how many homes he owns and they recently were notified that they were four years in arrears in paying their property taxes on one of their California residences. They don’t even have a mortgage on any of their homes. They own them outright…which is why they easily forget to pay their taxes.
Mitt Romney thinks he’s funny but he just makes himself look like a jerk.
Just wait, little Mittens.
Biden will strip him to the bone.
The Obamas should go to the IRS with Romney’s statement and ask for a refund of all the taxes they paid from “earned income” on book sales.
Stupid as stupid does. The GOP has zip, so they play the fear distraction card.
not to mention the fresh air incident involving the family dog…
Hey, you just don’t realize how large the slice of the electorate that practice cruelty to animals really is. Why Mitt will bring in literally dozens of votes with that background.
visualize mitt, mcstain, and the rest of the RATs…including LIEberman…strapped to the top of the family station wagon…and then think: thelma and louise.
warms the cockles of me heart, it does.
I’m itching in my magic underwear, praying that Mitt will be the VP choice. Imagine the fun!
Not me! He’s from Michigan and a lot of voters are just looking for a reason to vote for McCain and that might do it.
Just one more reason Jenny has to take the Kwamster out. It will look good on Democrats cleaning their own house!
By screwing the public.