By a whopping 8 votes Romney took Iowa by storm last night according to TPM over Rick Santorum (a very close second) and Ron Paul in third place. So that’s the gold, silver and bronze medals. It looks like Perry (5th place) will drop out (too bad because I really did enjoy the truly bizarre statements he made), and Michele Bachmann ought to drop out but probably won’t. Newt, despite a 4th place finish will likely stay in if only to sell more books.

Can’t wait to see the Super Pac attack ads Romney’s pals will unleash on Santorum in New Hampshire. Then again, he probably won’t have to do that once Santorum gets his up close and personal treatment in the media over the next week.

The reality check for Romney fans? Three fourths of all Iowa Caucus voters wanted “anyone but Mitt” for President. Almost one fourth of them voted for has-been Rick Santorum despite all the money Mitt and “friends” spent in Iowa. If I were Romney, I wouldn’t feel too good about my campaign right now despite my victory. He’ll probably win New Hampshire but he better win it by a big margin, otherwise the “anyone but Mitt” crowd will continue to hold out hope, and Paul, Gingrich and Santorum will stay in the race despite Romney’s large money advantage.