Spinning off of two diaries Nanettes
http://www.boomantribune.com/?op=displaystory;sid=2005/4/26/7355/96167 and
my diary http://www.boomantribune.com/?op=displaystory;sid=2005/4/26/7355/96167
I have an idea, it came to me today as I was reading another poignant comment on Booman, these beautiful words and stories should not be wasted, to be read by only a few and then pass into oblivion. I think many would be inspired or enlightened by reading the stories of the people who post here.
So that led me to the thought that we should write (or put together)a collective book, members submitting stories on a particular subject, maybe one they have already written or a new one. Then a certain number are chosen to be included in the book. Perhaps a series of books.
We could either self publish or seek regular mainstream publication as Shirlstar suggested in her comment on my diary Recollections of the 60’s in response to my query:
I am just wondering if it would be possible to get a book together, with submissions from members, etc. and if it gets sold or published we could use the money as a collective to help or fund our causes and maybe tip Booman and this site a little. Sounds like a big dream I know, but dreams have to start somewhere and sometimes they come true.
I just have a sense that we are wasting a lot of these wonderful words, said everyday, and they could be used for something more, many of the stories are inspiring and poignant and others would surely want to read them.
To which Shirlstar Replied:
There are so many great stories out there of “who we are,” I think a collection of them would be fabulous. Self publishing may be the only way to get it published, however, with all of the editors and professional writers here and on Kos, we should certainly try that route first.
Self published would cost about $900-$1200 and the books are printed as ordered. They are listed on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel, and others, copies to Library of Congress and an ISBN issued. Certainly those who have their own blogs could promote it there. Perhaps it is a topic (Blogs and who are the bloggers) that is currently gaining enough interest that some publisher may wish to take it on.
It would be a great project. I’d love to participate, and I am certain there are hundreds of very interesting stories to include (if not thousands).
So that led me to formulate the idea that we should write (or put together)a collective book, members submitting stories on a particular subject, maybe one they have already written or a new one. Then a certain number are chosen to be included in the book. Perhaps a series of books.
It could be called Voices from the Blog-O-Sphere, a collection of stories or something like that.
Then there could be maybe 5 sections or more, such as
Recollections of the past
What being a liberal means to me
Tell Us About You
Or it could be random, just a selection of all kinds of varied stories. But all of a personal nature.
The second thing I want to propose is making this a group project with profits going to support our causes, to promote our ideas, spread our views, whatever, we would have to decide that. With a hefty cut /to Booman Trib.included. It could be a /you have to be a member of Booman trib. to submit a story, etc.
So, I am throwing the idea out there. What do you all think of this idea, do you like it or no? Do you think it could work? Would you be willing to help? Will you submit a story? Do you have knowledge of publishing or publishing connections? Legal advice will be helpful at some point, so lawyers let us know if you can help.
If you do like the idea I suggest forming four groups:
- coordinating and compiling the book into its final form,
- publishing and coordination of publishing
- advertising and dissemination.
- financial
So if you do make a comment add which group you would fit in best.
This idea is along the lines of what Nanette has suggested in her diary today and I am thinking maybe we could coordinate these two idea, yours Nanette and mine and work together on this project and your project, since many of the work would be duplicated.
This is all in the beginning stages of tossing the idea around so I welcome all your ideas, suggestions and thoughts.
It’s an interesting concept, let’s see how it flys ; )
Good Luck/Best Wishes
Do you have more to say than that, I would love to hear more of your opinion. Also Infidel some of your written work must be included, among many others members work I can think of offhand, if this should actually take shape.
So do you think it is a viable project?????
I do, if enough people participate, and agree. It will be interesting to see how the progress goes, and I do hope it goes great.
I don’t know how much weight any of my snarky comments would carry, but do what you want with them.
I think it would make a great conversation piece, the book that is, and might stir some ideas in places they have not been.
Anything to help the cause, and to rid our country of the wrong doing that is growing every day. This administration has turned back the clock on our people decades. It is sad to see all the work and suffering people have endured, slashed away with a smile on thier face. It is pure vengance.
I say, GO FOR IT …with the same vengance, and maybe we can fight LIES, with TRUTH. ; )
OK don’t laugh, but this is the figure I drew while I was thinking of this idea, on note paper, but that’s a cat on the shelf and cup of coffee by the keyboard. Not a very good drawing, but you get the point, I hope. But it’s an idea for a figure to represent us.
I know someone could draw it better,maybe even me, but I am not good at cartoon figures, but heck.
Was just thinking to add to your letter Infid. that we could do one on what we want to say to Congress or have a section relating to that, as well as to Bush and UN, etc. or Iraq War.
there ya go, your on a roll here. I’m sure many ideas will surface, and then be decided on. It’s the way things start, and there must be a begining, I think your on to something here.
I’m sure there will be plenty of material to choose from, no shortage there ; )
Yes I was just thinking we have a gold mine of writers on this site with all the excellent writers and we need to use that resource, it would be a shame to waste it.
I was thinking a lot of us have books in us, but we will never publish, this way we can have our part of a book and tell a part of our story.
So do you and Ductape want to be on the steering committee for helping to plan this out. Maybe 2 or so others, so that it is easier to coordinate.
I would like someone like Susanbu, Booman, or nanette to also think about this and being on steering committee.
We have such a diverse group of people I think we should be able to fill every niche.
I have appointed myself the project manager at least for now, since it’s my idea and I watch a lot of The Apprentice and I have run projects before in advertising and public relations so I know a little of the ins and outs.
I have this thing, haley’s nose, a story set in 2009 that I have gotten stuck on.
When I started it, I had this fantasy that other people would write some of it.
There is a little bit of it on my blog, but I will post it all here, put it in the motel room and see if Madonna sleeps with it, so to speak.
Sure I’ll buy; if Madonna sleeps with it that is.
Can’t wait.
So no committees for you, not even the selection committee?????? Which I think would be a good spot for one as discerning as you are.
Haley’s Nose, America 2009
“discerning” is a very diplomatic way to put it 🙂
It is not a good time for me right at this moment. I’m in the process of some property buying/selling, and building roads, power acess, etc.
Thank you so much for the offer, but I could not do you, the other members, or the project any justice right at this time.
I feel you should go forth with your idea and project however, as I firmly believe it has a strong potential.
I have witnessed some very stirring diaries/comments here, and as well with the other blogs. It would be the collection of “The Other Voice of America”, in it’s troubled and dangerous times. Especially since the MSM is hiding behind it’s wallet, and we definately can not rely on the truth being told by our administration. Their main concerns are purely financial, and absolutely not humanistic, nor patriotic.
Is your intention to originate from BooMan Tribune as book?
I would not place a different weight on national or international, it’s the quality and “suitability” that should decide. International just adds that extra flavour.
It looks possible to make perhaps three categories —
Need a clear estimate of book format, size and # pages with cost involved to have some target of what we are talking about. In cost perhaps a 50-50 concept, half of the cost in relation to author’s contribution and other half from benefactors.
[1] Clearance of, and permission due any copyright infringement.
PS I am sure bloggie wants to be on the cover!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I was hoping you would comment on this.
As far as international, I was referring to causes in which to use any profits for.
I would want the participants to be international by all means.
So my idea would be for members to submit maybe three articles(comments), either ones that have been posted, origional articles, or selected choice comments that are especially good.
I am thinking at this point to limit the submissions to a specific word lenght, don’t have the number in mind, but so that more people can contribute.
I am thinking of articles (comments) that are of a personal nature, rather than ones referencing sources and investigative work, human interest as it were.
I have no idea at this point of size so cost is up in the air. With publishing through a house that would be a different story.
Copyright will be an issue, that is why I have asked for help from any attorneys on the site.
But this has to get a bit farther along and more have to come onboard in order for much to happen. Given the way diaries come and go, I will see how this one goes before I continue on the path.
Yes bloggie wants to be on the cover if there is a cover. So far bloggie is neither male or female and may stay that way, what do you think???
This is all mighty interesting in any case.
I hope more will take an interest and see if we can get this going.
Curious to see also what Booman thinks as he has not commented yet.
I love a book or booklet, which has a cause, must be a small project with clear verification. Prefer materials, not money as a gift. Searched memory for what ideal, international projects come to mind. I rejected the idea, prefer a cause more tangible in the USA, because of immense neglect within many communities at home. Perhaps should focus on helping a single, small community, who have difficulty raising funds for education of children.
Comes to mind the effort by a marine, I recently used in diary.
LAURA EMBRY / Union-Tribune
Marine Lt. Erik Swabb NC visits pen pals at a special education class of mildly disabled students at McAuliffe Elementary.
I love the addition of a few pages of color pictures – not just writings – also to make it attractive to buy. Pictures to be used for a thousand words. As project develops, keep publishing its stages, perhaps we will receive some additional professional advice as we move along.
First issue perhaps a light volume with focus on quality, rather than quantity. If first booklet scores, easier to qualify a 2nd book as next option.
I do love bloggie as cover …
Content outline
Chapter – Introduction by names and birth of bloggers sitting at home, writing to and about the big, bad world.
Chapter – Politics as we see it.
Added – a few pages of beautiful color illustrations, photos or drawings. [Jade’s artwork]
Chapter – On international support
Chapter – On the Earth, as we recently have diaried
Chapter – On Hope and the future for our children [and animals, living creatures] and the new generation.
Appendix – Bloggers anecdotes, tiny pointed comments, additional references.
RUN with it Diane101 and all who will give support to the ideas and projects.
PS I do hope the challenge will be to have great diversification of persons, but stay focused on some themes to make booklet coherent to read. Prefer setting where if at all possible, booklet would qualify as reading for all ages.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I agree about all ages. Wouldn’t want this to be some elite deal for just political junkies or whatever.
As for youth I mentioned that also in suggestion…one way to focus on kids/teenagers and 20 somethings is ask them for entry on ideal community or something like that to get them started. Out of the mouth of babes and all that. Young people many times can cut right to the heart of the matter when grownups overthink things.
I imagine just about everybody has their favorite, could all agree on just a few?
Yes, I would say so, I guess we could do something like form a committee who would then take submissions and present a group and have them voted on, something like congress does. Then majority would rule.
There are many details to be worked out if this should get off the ground, so keep the ideas coming.
Hey do you want to be on a steering committee to get this off the ground if it seems viable.
I would suggest, though, since the site has an international focus, that international causes would be a good direction to go in. 🙂
Yes international is very good idea, but then the Bush Admin. demise would be an international cause would it not, so that could be considered.
Maybe we should just start with one and then shoot off from that if all goes well and there is a profit.
I am thinking of more ideas all the time, so I’ll add them as I can.
I especially love that the contributors will be international. Inside look at the blog world!!!!!!
If the “purpose” of the book is to “uncover” who these slightly nutty people are who sit around all hours of the day and night offering forth their opinions and stories on web-logs. . .bloggers, then I would think that would suggest what the 4 0r 5 categories of submissions would be. Maybe a section on the demagraphics of bloggers here, since we seem to be from teenagers to the mature (60+). And what would intice such a wide range of readers, participators and opinion spouters to glom together in a community with a common purpose. We also are from all walks of life, all professions, jobs, social and marital status, as well as a wide spectrum of education.
When you think of it, we are an eclectic gaggle of folks that might cause many to scratch their heads in wonder of our ability to interact together as a community and as activists of political cause.
For me, one of the more interesting concepts is that we are much more than a political group of concerned citizens. It is the respect and caring and the sense we get of knowing each other from our posts and comments that is seductive and binding. The outpouring of caring and love as well as real assistance that is offered without any hesitance, that is what is truly remarkable.
Perhaps, as you suggest, the various sections could be indicative of the varied types of posts and comments that are offered on a blog such as this. The personal, the news, the requests for political action, the informative, etc. etc.
I think most thinkers. . .which we all seem to be, have some aversion to committees, but I will volunteer for compiling, or something related to it. Perhaps some coordinating of publishing if I have time also.
Thanks Diane. Keep formulating your vision of the Book, and we will no doubt see it come to life in our “virtual” hands. Let the book tell you who and what it wants to be.
I know a good wine matures due to age, but please don’t think BooTribs mature with age.
I sense only youth[ful] ideals that do not change in essence, but become stronger when a new generation of politicians keep setting the wrong priorities and making the wrong decisions.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I’m one of those ‘mature’ posters and you’re right that my ideals have only gotten stronger and more vocal with age actually. The mature part is probably more to do with the fact that age tends to make you think things through a bit more is all…then again maybe not.
It’s true that in your mind you don’t feel any different than at 20 except you know a bit more and can see more sides to issues simply due to the experience of life.
Then again I am once again posting in the middle of the night(it’s 2 here) due to overdoing my pain pills a bit which makes me either to talkative or not making sense. Also tending to make me cringe sometimes when I read my posts the next day.
“mature” is a pretend state. . .sort of like Washington DC. Just a euphemism for “been around a long time and I’m still not a grown up.”
Hey Diane, little late to the party here but I think this is a terrific idea…hell books are always an idea that gets me excited.
First thing of course it to set the format and guidelines so everyone would know exactly what to do as to an submitting an entry. I imagine actually that this would be the hardest part to get formatted and figured out. The writing for all the terrifically talented people here isn’t the problem.
Personally I think the international aspect is one of the most important….proving we are all more alike than different by reading our international crews great diaries and insights and observations on so many issues. Besides giving it a wider marketing audience if you’re thinking in more pr terms like that.
Having some specific sections would probably be good like humorous-some of the great and witty diaries done here are a must, personal, serious or maybe youth vs age observations.
I think length or entry should definitely be a factor ..I’d like it to be something you could easily pick up and open to any part and peruse it for a long or short read.
Booman has set out to specifically court international people here and women and for that I think he should get an incredible dedication for your idea coming out of his site… not to take anything away from this being your great idea Diane but he’s made everyone feel equal and I don’t know if he realizes yet how much I certainly appreciate that fact….and to all the men on this site…a big thank you also.
Anyone who has an entry that would be accepted I think it would be fun to ask how they picked their signature name as intro into their entry …
And coming up with a good name for a book….always a tricky deal..how to capture people’s imagination just from the title. The title should pull them in, make them interested or intrigued enough to pick up the book to start with.
Blogging Around the World, 1001 Bloggers Unite, From Darwin to Bloggers, Stories from the Pajama Brigade, Bloggers are People Too, If A Blogger Falls in the Forest and so on. I doubt these are very good examples for titles but might get people thinking.
You could get ideas for title and then we could all vote on it like we did the frog and may the best title win.
I think this would be a very fun project, diane. I think probably parts of the boo pond are finding their lilypads ;).
Possibly one way to approach the book, or part of it, is as the “the making of a blogging community”. Not that that would be the title or anything, you’d need something enticing, as chocolate pointed out. But as a sales tool, people are always interested in how online communities are formed, how to make them work, how they interact, and so on.
In addition to all the wonderful suggestions above, you could have sections on collaborative investigative journalism (which is something I’d like to see Susan head up and get people involved in, because she doesn’t have enough work to do… ), and as we see how the other various projects shake out, stuff on that as well.
People, even bloggers themselves, tend not to realize the full potential of communities and combined efforts, and a book (or a section of the overall book) showing how people from all over the world, and all ages gathered together and made this that or the other thing happen, would be interesting.
I was hoping you would make a comment on this page. Ijust now got up and read the comments made last night and I have somethings to add that I thought about last night, which I ‘ll add to here as soon as I get my head together.
But thanks for your observations and suggestions, and will you please help me get this started!!!!!! If not you, then I need someone, but you seem to have the expertise that is needed and maybe you could do an article for your magazine on the progress of this project, as well.
I don’t know what your time constraints are, but if you can spare just a little time for this I would appreciate it. I have all the time in the world, but not all the expertise in the world, so I am going to need a bit of help to get this going.
I’d love to be a part of this. What sort of help do you need? I don’t know much about book publishing, although that is yet another thing I have been working on getting into, as I think we need progressive/liberal publishers and PR firms, etc. I’m not nearly far enough along to help in that way, but there are various “on demand” publishers around, as well. However, I’ll warn you, being organized and detail oriented are not my strong points. Some would say they are not points that apply to me at all ;).
So, where do you need help?
and I like the idea a lot. I’m generally very busy, but I could help out with the editing, or possibly do it all, if it’s not going to be a rush project.
If you are an editor, under no circumstances should you attempt to read Haley’s Nose.
Unless, of course, you WANT to try Prozac… 😉
but I’ve been an editor for over 20 years. You don’t begin to qualify as my worst nightmare! 🙂
Thanks, I can use your help for sure….and Do you have any knowlege in the publishing area, as far as contacts, possible publishers, self publishing as mentioned by Shirlstar above, costs, best direction to go.
I have been thinking about possible formats such as:
8 1/2 x 11 size spiral binder type, with one page or one half page for each participant.
Was also thinking about making it recipe book + basis type so as to make it desirable to more people.
so I see a formatted page with box for recipe, personal story,why I blog, 1 picture, article of your choice, pretty much anything that fits with concept and space, etc. I think diversity is the key to interest, but with one bases such as recipes. Also the connection to DK and the recipe troll diaries, can be made…..
This could be done in 1/2 page size, as well.
What about advertising sold in book to raise money for self publishing.
The easiest format would be just articles, no pics. or maybe one pic. but that is less interesting,, a lot depends on self or pro publishing.
How many pages, say if it was 8 1/2 by 11, 200, 300, more or less.
Once a format is decided we could get together a pitch letter to send to publishers, unless we can come up with some kind of connection anyone out there may have to pub. world.
So I still need a lot of input then I will put up another diary to continue the discussion and votes, etc.
I need more volunteers also, Chocolate, Oui, Elenora, MM, Janet Strange,,,, others, do you want to help get this going…….
Nanette said yes, Shirl said yes….Who else can help…. thanks everyone who has participated so far, and given me the encouragement to go ahead to step 2.
Keep the ideas coming……
Shirl if you have more info reg. costs I quoted you in the diary I would appreciate that.
Also need artist who can do a good drawing of Bloggie, I like his head, but not his body and I tried to improve but as I said cartoon figures are not my forte.
We need a name for our project, that we can use on communications with publishers, etc., so I am open for those names and then a vote….
Diane, here is a link to the company that I found most reasonable and offering the most services of the many that I reviewed. Trafford Publishing There are a lot of companies available, but this one was the one that most interested me. It is easier for you to read their information as they present it than for me to attempt to recapitulate it for you. Okay, so I’m lazy. . .No, really, if you read it from them their won’t be any mistakes from me or mis-characterizations.
That should at least give you some info to go on.
I don’t know the difference between “their” and “there.”
Brain farts seem to rule the day. . .
So sorry for the very late reply. (Is there a way on BooMan, like on Kos, to be alerted when there are replies to one’s comments?) Anyway, yes, I do have some experience with self-published projects. That would not be difficult (though have to have some $$ upfront–relatively speaking, not a lot of $$, though). 6×9″ is a standard size for some companies that print self-published books, but does not have to be that size.
I have also worked on developing projects with several-many authors. I can perhaps help with choosing the content and organizing it (depending on my own workload–as a freelancer, I must keep the cash flowing in!).
Advertising within the book–not sure about how that would affect the overall impression on a potential buyer. My first reaction is to say it’s not a good idea, but then blogger are used to having ads side by side with their reading material.
Images and interesting varied design seem appropriate for this type of book. It is easy/inexpensive to include images, as long as we stick to black and white. <digression>I just suddenly thought of an old book called “The Lazlo Letters,” by Don Novello, who was Father Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live in the 70s. You can see a few pages of it on amazon. It has a simple design, yet it’s engaging and has enough variety and quirkiness throughout that the look is very appealing. Hmmm…I see the same author has another book, From Bush to Bush, with more Lazlo letters….</digression>
200 pages of 8-1/2×11 would probably be a maximum; could even have fewer. 300 pages might seem intimidating–starting to look like a college textbook or too much of a commitment to read.
We need to have much more than just a format decided on before making pitches to publishers. Would need to have outline and many articles decided on. Plus other elements. Smaller, specialty publishers would probably be the best ones to approach. When we’re farther along, I can talk with someone I know who does a lot of pitching books to publishers. Actually I’ll see her in a few days and can get some general info from her to start with.
There’ll also be some legal stuff to think about, such as compensation for contributors; who owns the copyright and publishing rights; etc. When self-publishing, there are some additional distribution and promotion issues.
Sorry for this sketch response. Was on my way to bed when I discovered your message, so I wanted to get it to you. Let’s keep discussing!
I don’t know if you got my email or not as I got a message from your email asking for info, when I tried to do that I got an error message. If you did not get message, let me know.