Hitler is back in U.S. and Israeli rhetoric to exploit fear of the masses:
- “Ahmadinejad speaks today like Hitler before taking power. So you see, we are dealing with a psychopath of the worst kind — with an anti-Semite. God forbid that this man ever gets his hands on nuclear weapons, to carry out his threats.”
(Israeli PM Olmert)
Rumsfeld headlines, just google:
On February 2, 2006 the U.S. government’s senior hawk, Donald Rumsfeld, stooped to the Hitler ‘analogy’ in a show of his administration’s increasing desperation at the consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution and the rise of the Left in Latin America. The Secretary of Defense delivered the clumsy slur against the (repeatedly) democratically elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez:
- “We’ve got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money. He’s a person who was elected legally, just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally, and then consolidated power, and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. [Evo] Morales and others. It concerns me.”
● Rumsfeld Likens Chavez to Hitler – Americas
● Rumsfeld Steps Up Iraq War Talk
WASHINGTON D.C. (AP/MSNBC) August 21, 2002 — “US ‘cannot wait for arms proof’ like appeasers of Hitler did. I mean Mein Kampf had been written. Hitler had indicated what he intended to do. Maybe he won’t attack us. Maybe he won’t do this or that. Well, there were millions of people dead because of the miscalculations.”
● Rumsfeld Compares Lenin to Hitler
MOSCOW (Pravda.ru) Oct. 4, 2003 — Donald Rumsfeld proclaimed that Saddam Hussein will join others in the annals of the history books as a failed dictator, naming “Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Ceausescu”.
That everything was not perfect in Vladimir Ulyanov’s Russia is patently clear. However, to compare him to Hitler is wholly inappropriate and demonstrates a degree of arrogance and ignorance shocking in a person at the political level which Rumsfeld has somehow attained.
At least Vladimir Ulyanov did not flout international law and launch a murderous campaign against a sovereign nation, massacring civilians, leaving women and children without limbs. Maybe Rumsfeld forgot to add Bush to the list. For Rumsfeld’s information, Lenin was Vladimir Ulyanov’s pseudonym.
If Rumsfeld compares Lenin to Hitler, maybe we should compare Bush to Genghis Khan and Rumsfeld himself to Jabba the Hutt.
● Rumsfeld Likens al-Zarqawi to Hitler
FORT BRAGG N.C. (AP) May 26, 2005 — In a pep talk to thousands of paratroopers, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld likened al-Qaida’s reportedly wounded chief in Iraq to a cornered Adolf Hitler during the final days of Nazi Germany.
- “Like Hitler in his bunker, this violent extremist, failing to advance his political objectives, now appears committed to destroying everything and everyone around him. … Like the Japanese kamikaze attacks at the end of World War II, the suicide bombings by the followers of al-Zarqawi are a sign of desperation.”
“Does another Hitler flex it’s powerful military muscle?”
Fri Apr 28th, 2006 at 08:45:57 AM PST
A new Wall Street Journal WSJ/NBC News Poll shows that “despite Iraq, Americans don’t reject strikes against a nuclear Iran. By 48%-42%, public says U.S. should join coalition to attack Iran’s nuclear capability if Tehran approaches development of a weapon.”
Are 48% of the American people smoking crack? Seriously.
Wake up and read this post, “Bush’s Five-Point Plan to Invade IRAN – Copyright 2003“.
In last week’s poll, the Southeast Missourian asked:
Do you think the United States should seek a military or diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions?
- 42.9 percent: Diplomatic — we can’t afford another war
- 39.5 percent: Diplomatic, then military — seek peaceful solutions first
- 14.7 percent: Military — they’re forcing our hand with the nuclear talk
- 2.8 percent: Undecided
Especially interesting to review the comments!
From “Nuke ’em” to “Bush already has bankrupted the U.S.A.”
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By Gary Leupp – Sept. 13, 2003
“[The sponsor of Sept. 11] was Saddam Hussein. Ever since the Gulf War, he’s been trying to get back at us. Maybe it was Osama bin Laden’s people, but my feeling is it was Saddam Hussein behind it. He footed the money.”
Spc. Clint Brookins (23, Clio, Michigan), fighting back in Baghdad (AP, Sept. 8)
I shouldn’t be surprised. National Geographic reports that 85% of young Americans (18-24) cannot identify Iraq, Afghanistan or Israel on an unmarked map. 56% cannot find the Indian subcontinent, dangling there so conspicuously into none other than the Indian Ocean. Only 19% can name four countries that acknowledge having nuclear weapons.
Republicans exploit the ignorance of American voters, the Democrats fail in trying to upgrade their knowledge on issues. Or will mid-term 2006 illustrate a turning point in voter confidence and will we vote corruption out of The Washington Hill?
● Blog – Back To Iraq
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Interesting recent article.
BERLIN (AP) 1 hour ago — Two German engineers held hostage in Iraq since January have been released and are safe. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the men — Thomas Nitzschke and Rene Braeunlich, of Leipzig — were in a safe place in Iraq and were being cared for by German officials there. They were expected to return to Germany sometime Wednesday.
Nitzschke and Braeunlich were kidnapped Jan. 24 from an Iraqi government-owned detergent plant in Beiji, 155 miles north of Baghdad. Their employer, Leipzig-based Cryotec Anlagenbau AG, has a commercial relationship with that company.
● News: Deutsche Welle
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Now this is an international injustice
I am not a student of this history, but could someone comment on this Wikipedia estimate of deaths caused by Lenin’s regime?
Wikipedia: Democide
I think it is important that the peaceful, democratic left not deny the crimes of murderous dictators. A handful of shared policy preferences is not enough to place the modern so-called socialist left on the same side as totalitarian socialists. Had the left in the 1950s been quicker to denounce Stalin, it would have been far stronger. As it was, they classed themselves with Holocaust deniers. (There were, of course many on the left who did the right thing.)
A piece from a few days ago on language for dealing with this:
Thanks for the nice diary.
“I Don’t Have Much Time to Read Fiction, Senator.”
UN Ambassador John Bolton complained that developing nations last week adopted a resolution “which, for all intents and purposes, tanks” U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan’s management reform plan.
Bolton said he hoped those nations, which he said provide around 12 percent of the U.N. budget, realize that “repudiating the countries that contribute the overwhelming bulk of the U.N. budget isn’t a way to win friends and influence people.”
Bolton also rebuffed persistent questions from Democrats on whether in his previous post as the State Department’s top arms control diplomat, he had a role in writing administration documents making now discredited assertions about Iraq’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, congressman. I had no role in this issue,” Bolton told Rep. Henry Waxman of California, top Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee. Rep. Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat, remarked that it was “stunning that you were not in the loop.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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In the first 100 days as Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel still has a 80% approval rating.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel is visiting the US for a two-day trip set to be dominated by the confrontation over Iran’s nuclear programme.
Officials in Berlin said the visit would be used to show unity with the US in increasing the pressure on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment. They said the discussion of sanctions was a possibility, but that Germany remained opposed to the use of force.
Europe and the UN Security Council discussed how to keep Iran from developing nuclear technology
This is Mrs Merkel’s second visit to Washington since taking office.
Topic Bush Wishes to be Discussed …
● Hamas Funding also on the Agenda
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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They just don’t make Hitlers like they used to.