A proposal by Senate Republicans to send Americans a one-time, $100 gas-tax rebate is an insult to taxpayers struggling with high fuel prices, the House of Representative’s number-two Republican said Tuesday. “Trying to satisfy voters with a $100 rebate is insulting,” House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio told reporters. Boehner said he had discussed the proposal with constituents. “They thought it was stupid,” Boehner said.
Nobody thinks Frist is a Kewl Kid anymore.
Any naturalists or bird lovers out there might enjoy this:
Refreshes every minute. Web cam shots of a momma Peregrine Falcon and her eggs. The first is hatching and she is fiddling enough with the second that I wonder if it is about to crack it’s way through.
This nest is a box under the Dunn Memorial Bridge over the Hudson at Albany, NY.
That would be about 3-4 tanks of gas in my car, considering that fuel prices always increase in the summer. And nothing was said about increasing heating costs over the winter?
Boehner (pronounced BO-NER) gets one right!
it IS insulting and it IS stupid.
Too bad the news came from Representative Erect Penis.
Another ?: What about people whose incomes are so low that they do not have to file taxes?
Nothing was said to address that!
Think Progress- check out the crew pledging allegience. This one is a Oh MY God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$75 to fill a gas tank. $100 then is… tank and a quarter. Nice going!
Just so long as this doesn’t get lost in the daily living