Election day is the worst day for blogging. People should be making calls and knocking on doors instead of blogging. I’m scheduled for a 4-8 shift and, if I can work the logistics with the little guy, I’ll be in the field. If not, I’ll use the OFA tool to make some phone calls.

I voted this morning around 11am. Turnout was heavier than usual according to the poll workers I talked to. On the way out I was exit polled for the first time in my life and the experience was very similar, but not identical to Steven’s experience (see previous article). I was asked my opinion of the Tea Party. Specifically, I was asked if I approved or disapproved of the Tea Party. So, you can expect to hear a lot about the Tea Party in connection with the exit polls. I was a little surprised that they didn’t ask my age or whether I was registered with either party. It was a totally rudimentary exit poll.

What are your observations from your experiences today?