Whoa folks, I have to defend American rich and super rich; they didn’t get profitable by dumb luck, they’re smart.
They know that the public now may make noises critical of their acts, but that same public is dumb as their poverty and economic situation proves.
They pay themselves outrageous amounts of money unrelated to performance, bribe the representatives and senators to give them tax breaks while they make enormous profits, and they know that their political messages convince enough middle class, poor folk, and po’ folk to vote in representatives who tax rich folk less and everyone else more.
They are truly smart.
They deserve largesse that smart folk deserve.
You deserve the less you deserve.
They know that you will vote them more.
They know that a majority of you do not associate your problems with excessive greed of some of the rich and super rich.
Majority of you continue to vote in representatives and senators who vote in tax breaks for the rich that dont produce
The rich know that tax breaks dont produce jobs.
Demand produces every job, Economics 1 0 f_ing 1.
The po’, the poor, and the middle class dont know it.
They deserve poverty and future poverty.
They deserve it deaf to the rational greed within themselves; the greed which says, I need enough to feed my family, buy food, buy clothes, and buy a bicycle.
Excessive greedy, smart.
That’s why income divide: the super rich smart enough to convince you to pay more as percentage of income, they pay less as percentage of income.
They smart enough to convince you that income earned by money manipulation shall not incur taxes.
They smart enough to convince you that income earned by sweaty work shall incur taxes.
The super rich different.
They smart.
You dumb.
They clever.
You stupid.
They calmly describe how the economy runs and should run.
They pay people to run for office.
They convince you that all the economic problems due to government regulation, that the market created by god, by god, and you believe it.
They convince you you’re poor because you lazy
They know that you’re won’t get thoughtful enough and pissed enough to vote out their representatives and senators.
You never vote your children, grandchildren,
and pocketbook.
They do.
They smart enough to stock
their military with young
folk who can’t get jobs.
That’s another story you dont know.
But this and this (both from same diarist), offer another angle.
Machiavelli’s time (Quoted in the links above. Read them. Good stuff.) and ours.
The primary control mechanism.
Machiavelli warned…in his role as servant and advisor to the 1% of his day:
The control mechanism in place then? The Catholic Church.
Today? A vastly superior mechanism, the 1%-owned mass media.
He was warning his patrons about the danger of excessive greed. In that time, a populace was controlled by:
1-The church, which preached subservience to God’s plan. Rule of the few, according to the church.
2-The bread and circuses idea. Feed ’em, house ’em, entertain ’em and they’ll stay docile.
and only in extremis:
3-Force of arms. Fuck with the bull, you get the horns.
Numbers 1 + 2 have been combined. Combined into a vast media apparatus that morphs through countless forms of both subconscious/semi-conscious “religious” commandment…thou shalt not kill; thou shalt buy as much as possible; thou shalt not look past the two parties for ideas; thou shalt not question what is overwhelmingly presented to you as fact by the media…and the bread and circuses idea.
Bread and circuses….an almost infinite number of entertainments, each focused on one particular sub-demographic. A trance-state inducing set of entertainments…news included…so much more powerful than any so-called “religious” system ever before invented by mankind that it has relegated organized religion to a sideline occupied by perhaps as little as 5% or 10% of the population.
The effectiveness of this control mechanism has encouraged the 1% to take their act way past the limits advised by Machiavelli, and way past the limits that have previously been enforced by popular uprisings and anti-1% political movements of the past as well.
But of course, as countless one percenters of the past have learned to their seemingly endless surprise…Marie Antoinette, Czar Nicholas etc., etc., etc…the chickens always come home to roost eventually.
You really cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Have we reached the end of this fool’s game this time around? Not yet, but its edges are beginning to look mighty tattered.
Bush II was the capper, really.
Our own little Nero, fiddling with himself as the empire burned.
Our Pet Goat Preznit. (Notice that his name has rarely of never been used during these endless Ratpublican debates. He has been more effectively non-personed than even Ron Paul. Why? He is an even greater threat to the 1% than is Ron Paul. Deep.)
The newsmedia is looking fairly well tattered too. From the avuncular wise men of old to a collection of natterers that strain the credulity just by the way that they look!!!
I mean…really.
Are you going to believe these jokers when they advise you to do or think something?
I’m sorry. This is some weak shit.
And it’s going to fold eventually.
Any day now. Aaaaaany day now…
Sooner rather than later, I’m thinking.
One disaster could take down the whole house of cards, and then?
And then it’s NDAA time, bunkies!!!
Wake the fuck up.
You been had.
Up, down and sideways, in every orifice.
Wake the fuck up.