I know a lot of smart people that I have a lot of respect for, who voted for Bush in 2000. However, I have absolutely no respect for anyone who failed to cast a vote against this administration last November. I’m sorry, but that is how I feel.

Everything we told you about Bush turned out to be true. He doesn’t want to catch bin-Laden. He ‘fixed’ the intelligence on WMD. He wanted to go to war with Iraq before 9/11, and chose to invade Iraq no later than 9/17. All that crap about complying with the weapons inspectors was a cynical lie, and an attempt to ‘wrong-foot’ Saddam into providing a pretext for the war.

Here’s a choice quote from the Brits:

“I think there is a real risk that the administration underestimates the difficulties,” David Manning, Blair’s chief foreign policy adviser at the time, wrote to the prime minister on March 14, 2002, after he returned from meetings with Condoleezza Rice, then Bush’s national security adviser, and her staff. “They may agree that failure isn’t an option, but this does not mean they will necessarily avoid it.”

Here’s another:

In the spring of 2002, two weeks before British Prime Minister Tony Blair journeyed to Crawford, Tex., to meet with President Bush at his ranch about the escalating confrontation with Iraq, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sounded a prescient warning.

“The rewards from your visit to Crawford will be few,” Straw wrote in a March 25 memo to Blair stamped “Secret and Personal.” “The risks are high, both for you and for the Government.”

In public, British officials were declaring their solidarity with the Bush administration’s calls for elimination of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. But Straw’s memo and seven other secret documents disclosed in recent months by British journalist Michael Smith together reveal a much different picture. Behind the scenes, British officials believed the U.S. administration was already committed to a war that they feared was ill-conceived and illegal and could lead to disaster.

We told you this administration was criminal, irresponsible, dishonest, and incompetent. You decided that we were wrong, or stupid, or partisan, or something. But we weren’t wrong. You were wrong. And now we are stuck with these utter losers, these corrupt looters, this violent, hateful, and hopeless crew of thugs.

Thanks for nothing.