Yes, here it is.  A voter fraud story out of Massachusetts.  Those big-city liberal Democratic political machines and their ACORN-like allies are trying to subvert our democracy again.  This is exactly why every state should have a photo ID requirement for voters.

Or maybe not.  Let us count the reasons:


  1. The dateline on this story is East Longmeadow, a quiet town of 16,000 on the Connecticut approximately 90 miles away from the baleful influence of Boston.

  3. The investigation concerns alleged voter registration fraud, not voter fraud.

  5. The alleged fraud was detected by the state’s existing procedures—in this case, routinely mailing a letter to the home address of any voter from whom an absentee ballot request has been received.

  7. The primary suspect in the case is (oh dear) a Republican:  “The criminal investigation is focusing on Republican candidate Enrique John Villamaino III, an East Longmeadow select­man who narrowly lost a primary bid for the same legislative seat in 2010…. A friend of Villamaino’s who works in the East Longmeadow town clerk’s office is suspected of having changed the registrations in the office computers ­after work hours….”

So to recap:  A Republican office-holder is alleged to have conspired with a town employee to change voter registrations; and the (alleged) conspiracy was uncovered weeks before any election was held.

That’s just the kind of voter fraud the new photo ID laws are designed…well…not to catch.

Never mind.

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