Fear. It’s the media’s new favorite four letter word again. Fear of the Muslim terrorists in Gitmo, or anywhere else we keep (cough – allegedly cough) keep them, being sent to American prisons. More dangerous than Charles Manson, Eric Rudolph, John Lee Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Tim McVeigh and Hannibal Lector (well, though he’s a fictional character, at least he escaped from American Law Enforcement, if only in a novel and a movie).

But lost in this whole fearsome debate is the existence of millions of potential Muslim terrorists already living among us. Millions of little Muhammads and Husseins and Osamas just waiting to grow up and turn on us. Are we supposed to ignore these future potential evildoers just because they haven’t done anything unlawful — yet? Are we supposed to ignore the threat they pose to our way of life just because they are US citizens or otherwise reside legally in this country? I think not.

Yes, even Harry Reid has acknowledged that Muslim terrorists, or even people who we now know are not terrorists, but are Muslims, are too dangerous to be let into the United States of America’s prison system. Our precious prison space must be reserved for far less vicious home grown American terrorists, gang members, murderous drug cartel members, serial killers and assorted rapists, armed robbers, etc. You know, garden variety real American criminals who kill innocent people in drive by shootings, go on killing sprees at universities, schools and day care centers, and shoot police officers after luring them into a deadly trap. Those kind of people we can handle, just fine thank you very much. But foreigners who can’t speak American who were picked up in panicked sweeps in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world, often after we paid bounties to some dubious characters for said “detainees?” That’s completely out of the question.

Still, the dangers posed by these few detainees pales in comparison to the threat posed by free Muslim Americans who walk our streets, go to our work places and send their kids off to the same schools as we send ours, every damn day. We’re looking at an army of crazed Islamofascist ticking time bombs, my friends. And if it isn’t safe to put a bunch of tortured and abused brain damaged, crippled “War on Terror” detainees from Gitmo behind the walls of our Super Max prisons, how much more dangerous is it to allow these so-called “good Muslims” to be walking around free in every major (and many a minor) city and state in America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? It’s reckless beyond imagination I tell you! Something must be done, and soon, before they start beheading us, imposing Sharia law and converting our children to worshiping that Demonic Allah guy.

But what to do? We can’t put them in prisons here in the good old US of A, obviously. Not enough prisons. We could I suppose ask them to voluntarily leave and go back where they came from, but who really expects these “people” to do that after they’ve had a chance to see Disney World and Las vegas (or just the local strip club, for that matter)? We could deport them all, but who would take such possible future criminals in for us? China? Russia? India? Madagascar? Not even Saudi Arabia, I’m afraid would be willing to take that risk. Besides, what’s to stop them from re-infiltrating our society in the future should we ever let our guard down and let a few of them back in by mistake or otherwise?

No, ladies and gentlemen of Real America, we have to make the hard decision to act, and act without mercy, to save our future from the coming Muslim Insurgency. It will be hard, of course, but luckily for us, history is filled with examples of successful eliminations of internal threats to society. Obviously, the first step is relocation to “reservations” or “concentration camps” to separate these wolves in sheep’s clothing from the more peaceable, law abiding and (mostly) Christian souls that make up this great nation of ours. The next step will be harder. No one likes to contemplate a final solution to these types of dangers, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do what’s necessary to preserve the purity and the freedoms of the greatest nation on earth.

For if it is too perilous to imprison battered and brutalized detainees from Gitmo in the lower 48 (or even in Alaska), how much greater is the jeopardy we face by allowing these potential jihadists in our midst to walk around free, protected by our laws and the foolish sympathies of weak minded latte liberals? To paraphrase the great Jedi Master Mace Windu: “They’re too dangerous to be left alive!”

And isn’t that the logical conclusion we must reach if we all agree that our vast prison industrial complex is too feeble to guarantee our safety from a few Muslim villains (and the occasional poor schlub who just happened to be wrongfully detained along with them)? Please, tell me if I’m wrong. But I will tell you one thing: I bet true patriots like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Michelle Malkin are with me on this.