This is certainly among the stranger proposals ever made to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (it’s never going to happen, but it is an amusing idea):
A 12-year-old Iranian schoolboy who hopes to unseat hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has vowed that, if elected, he will resettle Israelis in Hawaii, The Scotsman reported on Friday.
“I will buy Hawaii, Obama’s birthplace, from the United States and lease it to the Israelis who will go to live there – so that they don’t kill children in Gaza,” the Scottish daily quoted presidential candidate Kourosh Mozouni as saying.
The paper said Mozouni made the comments to reporters after he turned up to register holding his father’s hand and waving a written campaign manifesto.
I didn’t know that twelve-year-olds were even allowed to run for President in Iran, but lets face it: he’s probably more mature than Ahmadinejad.
(cross posted at
A great mind on the ME issue, written in October 2003 …
But sooner or later an American statesman is going to have to tell the truth to an Israeli prime minister and find a way to make him listen. Israeli liberals and moderate Palestinians have for two decades been thanklessly insisting that the only hope was for Israel to dismantle nearly all the settlements and return to the 1967 borders, in exchange for real Arab recognition of those frontiers and a stable, terrorist-free Palestinian state underwritten (and constrained) by Western and international agencies. This is still the conventional consensus, and it was once a just and possible solution.
The Case of Tony Judt: An Open Letter to the ADL
If Barack Obama can’t force Israel’s hand, it may be too late forever.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Agreed that Palestinian statehood is the only real hope for a solution, but I don’t see Netenyahu accepting it and I don’t see Obama leaning on him hard enough to really force the issue. I hope I’m wrong, but for now I try to find things to laugh about in order to keep from screaming. Thanks.