The United States is speeding the delivery of precision munitions to Israel. Condi Rice says she has no interest in a cease fire if it only restores the situation prior to the war. As a result, no Arab country will host Condi on her trip to the Middle East. The scheduled meeting in Cairo has been moved to Rome.
Steven D warned us all year that the administration was going to do something rash in the leadup to the midterms. His focus has been on Iran. Perhaps we will get Syria instead.
The neo-conservatives that are driving U.S.-Israeli policy right now have a different kind of morality.
“The bombing on February 22 of the Askariya shrine in Samarra, Iraq, was a tragedy, but it was not an American or a coalition tragedy. Iraq’s plight is neither a coalition responsibility nor a particular danger to the West. Fixing Iraq is neither the coalition’s responsibility, nor its burden. When Sunni terrorists target Shi’ites and vice versa, non-Muslims are less likely to be hurt. Civil war in Iraq, in short, would be a humanitarian tragedy, but not a strategic one.”
Daniel Pipes doesn’t mind the carnage in Iraq and he probably welcomes the carnage in Lebanon. It fits into a larger plan. Phase one of the plan was only partially realized, as it originally envisioned placing a Hashemite king on a throne in Baghdad. The actual action items were:
Publicly question Syrian legitimacy, assume treaties with Damascus are in bad faith
Contain Syria, strike select targets
Reject “land for peace” concept on the Golan HeightsIraq
Install a Hashemite monarchy in Iraq
Isolate and surround Syria with a friendly regime in IraqLebanon
Engage Syria, Iran and Iraq in Lebanon
“Wean” Lebanese Shiites from Iraq toward Jordan
I’m not sure what that last action means, but I am sure it is important, and is unfolding as we speak. We have to remember the origin of the term, reality-based community, because this site is certainly not a proud member.
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
I’m looking a little deeper than this administration’s “created” reality. I can leave that to Wolf Blitzer, who is an expert in the field. From the neo-conservatives’ perspective, Iraq is a partial success and a partial defeat. It’s successful because Iraq no longer poses any kind of threat to its neighbors (our allies) Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, or Israel. It’s a failure because we did not set up a Hashemite king friendly to Israel, but a Iran-influenced Shi’a government, hostile to Israel and lukewarm to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Strengthening Iran was not part of the plan.
This has made the “Syrian phase” of the plan all that much more important. The neo-cons do not want to leave office with the status quo, as the Democrats cannot be relied upon to countenence the actions we are seeing Israel take now.
The right-wing reacts with pavlovian certainty to the catch words: Arab, muslim, kidnap, hostage, rocket barrage, self-defense. The Syrian Phase is justified by a relatively minor incident, involving a controversial cross-border raid and kidnapping. This is the new Maine, the new Tonkin Gulf incident. Even if it happened as reported, it is nothing but a pretext for a pre-planned summer conflagration. The immediate end-goal appears to be the rekindling of civil war in Lebanon because “[w]hen Sunni terrorists [and Druze and Christians] target Shi’ites and vice versa, non-Muslims are less likely to be hurt”.
Setting aside, for the moment, whether such an assertion is true, my question is: is it moral to implement such a policy? I can think of no moral thinker that would answer affirmatively. It is clearly an immoral policy to foster civil war among Muslims in the hope that it will make non-Muslims safer.
And where is the evidence that it works? Where is the evidence that is affordable? How is it sustainable?
We can’t run these neo-conservatives out of Washington soon enough to prevent this catastrophe. Instead, we are left, not to study what they do, but to pick up the pieces and see if Humpty Dumpty can be put back together again. In many respects, I think we will find that task impossible.
on the behalf of my compatriots, I apologize for the policies of this administration and for the silent complicity of the opposition. Unfortunately, as the 410-8 vote in the House showed, the Israel lobby is simply too powerful in Washington for any meaningful resistance.
But, Israel should be wary. The public is much less supportive of their actions than our politicians think. And a massive ethnic cleansing campaign is not a good way maintain good relations with the American people. We are not savages. We just are enduring a savage decade.
Yes the Israeli lobby, AIPAC and others, are powerful. But it is also an election year for the House.
Other than bombing our own American citizens stuck in Lebanon (collateral damage again?), there are immediate repercussions here in the states. Oil will escalate quickly to a HUNDRED ($100) dollars a barrel. This means WE the PEOPLE will be paying $5 a gallon at the pumps. I know everyone here is more than intelligent enough to figure out how that atrocious price will effect people even being able to get to work, or the cost of basics such as food, heat and electricity.
So exactly WHY aren’t there a million or more of us at the mall in Washington DEMANDING that our Congress remain sane. I do understand Sirroco’s frustrations!
Oh, and there is no right and wrong in this mess. We keep hearing about the 2 captured Israeli solders. One night this week I heard a BBC Radio interview with Lebanon’s prime minister. Not only do the Israeli’s have 9,000 Palastinians, and over 1,000 Hezzbollah citizens in jail, with over 1,000 being held with no charges since Israel pulled out in 2000. Apparently Israel also mined all of South Lebanon, and the Lebanese Prime Minister said not a day goes by that a citizen of their country is not killed or maimed by these mines.
And lets be honest, if Israel really wanted their solders back, their intelligence service, The Mossad could have had them back in no time at all.
As to Syria, this whole thing is B/S. The REAL issue is that Syria opened bidding on the development of their oil and gas reserves last year. They awarded the contracts to several companies from different countries. The American oil companies were excluded. With this crowd that is reason enough to invade Syria and most likely the reason our Government is demonizing them.
one thing I had hoped 9/11 and the Iraq war made clear was that the CIA and Mossad are not all-knowing. They have no effing clue where these Israeli prisoners are, for example, and no clue how to get them back.
But this is not about the prisoners. This is a new product rolled out with pre-planned spin. It was probably written in stone that 2002 would be the year it started and that 2006 would involve phase two. They are daring the Democrats to step in Israel’s way, and they know it will splinter us to the winds. Israel was always the ace in the hole for Karl Rove. It’s the one issue the Dems can’t handle. Well now it is in our face.
It’s all very predictable, although the exact method did catch me off guard.
I agree that
However, I also think that Mossad is light years ahead of our CIA, especially since Cheney et al have just about gutted our intelligence services. Remember the killing of the Israeli Olympic Atheletes in the 70’s??? Gold Meir sic’ed the Mossad on them, and the Mossad located the perpetrators one by one. Now that was more a reason for WAR than we have now, but the very wise Meir handled it where there was justice, without blowing up the rest of the world.
And I heartily agree with this all being a “new product”, and I long ago thought many vile things should be inflicted on that monster Rove.
However, dialogue with you, and reading of your posts, has awakened me to something I can actually DO!! Ariana has an editorial today on holding the newscasters and the rest of these war shills accountable. I think after I visit those from Lebanon who have been kind to me, I will write to our news organizations, throwing in reminders of what the world thinks of collaborators at war crime hearings.
So thank you for your brilliance and thoughts. Any information about specific history about collaborators in the area of War Crime Tribunals from our European cousins would be greatly appreciated.
and 9/11 is a perfect example of another product rolled out with pre-planned spin.
Grandma M, I can not tell you enough how hard it is to get my message out. I have been trying to send this to everyone…no one listens to this article. What do you think? I think it is this that started the whole mess.
good article, in my opinion. Just think about it for a minute.
I can observe the same feelings with many people where I live. I have to fight to not fall into the same sentiment. The US has for long been almost like a second home to me and it makes me sad to see the change that is happening in my feelings towards it as a nation, though I am still able to make the distinction. However, many people I know are getting tired of making the distinction between the people and the government, as there seems to be no effort by the people to stop the Bush administration. At least non that makes an actual difference. And quite honestly I am not sure that the elections in fall will change much.
All I know is that I am tired of searching for excuses for the US and Israeli behavior and trying to understand them. For a long time I hoped that the Internet will make a difference – I have lost that hope.
But I want to add, I am also ashamed of the spinelessness of many European countries who only watch , without doing much. I hope that their might be actual diplomacy happening in covert and that it will have an effect towards a solution.
Hi Fran,
Please do not give up on us. Our government sucks, and from the pictures posted by the Germans of the G8 summit it appears our Idiot in Chief is a falling down drunk, incapable of ANY functioning that is not totally scripted and should be removed post haste.
There are many good people in this country. It being an election year, many are multi tasking and still trying to support themselves and their families. I agree we MUST do something, so once again I will write to everyone I can in Congress of over the weekend, and I doubt I’ll be the epitome of diplomacy.
So please – push my countrymen, chide them, yell at them, but do not forsake us to the insanity that lives in Washington DC.
Now I have a couple of small stores owned by Lebanonese, who have gone out of their way to help me, even to delivering things to my home. I need to go there now, apologize for my Damn government AGAIN, and ask them if they have any idea on WHAT they would like to see us do.
Grandma M, I guess in the end I will not give up on you all. I am looking forward to a break next week with no news whatsoever. I guess just going through the bad news every morning has been getting on my nerves lately. But I guess I am not the only one and I do tell myself that I am even a lucky one, living in a country with a halfway sane government.So I guess in the end this is also the chance for the people of the world to finally make a difference and kick our governments in the bottom of their pants.
And good to see you have recovered and are up and doing again.
<<<<In many respects, I think we will find that task impossible>>>>>
I think you just may have a point on that one, my man! They are running it to the point of no return, I tend to think. Good one booman.
It’s a crusade. The Arabs aren’t all that bright but at least they aren’t that dumb either. They recognize a crusade when it comes at them.
Bush got elected at church. We have the best administration God could buy for us. This is a win, win, win, the tripple whammy. God’s representatives win. They get the Holy Land, (throw the Jews out later). The subject is changed from the disaster in Iraq, (the main event). And. Big Oil gets everything it wants without so much as a whimper of protest from enviornmentalists.
There’s awfully good news. We can change the subject too if we try hard enough. From the written historical/archaeological refcord, THE BIBLE IS A PROVED HOAX. That means we are FREE AT LAST. THANK GOD. FREE AT LAST.
One can believe in God and know the Bible is bogus. Well over half the people on earth do already. All this means is that number will grow. The story of the archaeological find with some documents is on the web at
I’m helping to spread the word. There’s an end in site to the evangelical strangle hold on the government but only if it gets enough support.
While I do not disagree with anything said here from a moralistic point of view which is an easy thing to just say, I am not sure that point of view currently drives or ever has driven the political strategic actions of world players. If we look at history objectively, there is no other explanation!!! Therefore, the assignment of our actions to Christian fundamentalist desires is as much a prayer as the one that the world will act moralistically on the political strategic stage.
That said, the reason things will play out in the middle east the way they eventually do is related to the real world power’s view on Islamic fundamentalism! If Russia and or China found it in their strategic interest to support Islamic fundamentalist governmental movements, the middle east would just stay a stalemate. However, the Russians for sure, and maybe the Chinese as well, fear Islamic fundamentalism as a threat to their continued national control. Therefore, both these countries, again especially the Russians, will support our policies and the policies of our proxies of crushing anything that advances Islamic fundamentalism. I fear oir predict that that’s the way it works with human societies, like it or not.
NG on Sat Jul 22nd, 2006 at 11:41:40 AM EST posted:
“…Russians for sure, and maybe the Chinese as well, fear Islamic fundamentalism as a threat to their continued national control. Therefore, both these countries, again especially the Russians, will support our policies and the policies of our proxies of crushing anything that advances Islamic fundamentalism. I fear oir predict that that’s the way it works with human societies, like it or not.”
No, they won’t. China will not support US policies or our proxies policies if they threaten its energy supplies. The proposed US attack on Syria and engagement with Iran threatens China’s access to Iranian petroleum. Actually, it threatens the entire world’s access to petroleum. You are aware that the Saudi population which mans their oil export infrastructure is Shiite, right? Most of the Middle East oil moves through the Straits of Hormuz, which the Iranians could close if they were attacked. No, the Chinese will not support and will likely oppose any rash action by Dubya and the posse.
No, they won’t. China will not support US policies or our proxies policies if they threaten its energy supplies.
You may be right in the shortest of time frames; however, in long term strategic planning, I think regime maintenance requires keeping Islamic fundamentalism suppressed. This is surely true in Russia whose entire southern flank could become an Islamic nightmare for Moscow.
As for China, yes it is a much tougher call!! Still, China needs the US markets to continue growing as much as they need Iranian oil. Therefore, if the Russians and the Americans pressure China to keep Islamic fundamentalism suppressed, I think they will go along say on a 60-40 chance!
Your two comments to date make broad attacks on religion and promote a rather strange website. I think that this sort of material may not be appropriate for the dialog and community here.
By proxy, what bothers me so sincerely, is that the bombs that are dropped on Lebanon, is our bombs. They are dropping those bombs on American citizens. This has got to and must stop asap. First and foremost, just everything, has to stop! Then to stop this from escalating any further, stop the sale of our arms to Israel and stop them dead in their tracks, to help stop everything and given them something to think about before they get all hot and bothered and do more killing. When this happens I think the rest of the Arab countries will stop their attacks on Israel. What do you think. But then again, this is the bush administration we are talking about here. Like I sad and you have said in your topics, the congress through lobbing from he IAPAC is getting the job done very well. Does that not send off some red flags to us as citizens in America? This whole thing has gotten so out of control for everyone in all countries.
It embarrasses me to think our sec of state is not welcome in Egypt or SA or Jordan. This says volumes, does it not??!! That the meet up with the Arabs has to take place in a country such as Italy! For heavens sake, here we go again, making fools out of ourselves. It truly leaves a very sickening feeling in my stomach for our country to be treated such as this, given what we have done to the ME, over all.
this is what actually started this whole mess Then look at just who this leader of Israel is Osment (spelling?) He is one bad MF and just a chip off the old block as bush would like it to be. This mans history and upbringing is other than peacemaking, if you get my drift.
came to my door a little while ago. She was grinning from ear to ear as she told me, “These are the last days! Praise Gawd! Jesus is coming!”
“Put an X on my driveway,” I told her, “Whatever you need to do so no more J.W.’s ever show up at my door again.”
Idiots! Morons! Civilization as we know it is going to Hell in a handbasket and she’s happy about it. I’d like to see her in a few years so I can ask her how come the Rapture didn’t take her away and she’s suffering with the rest of us.
When I was just a kid growing up on a farm in Oklahoma, one of our dogs killed a chicken. To my surprise, my Dad didn’t punish the dog. He took some baling wire and wired the remains of the dead chicken around the dog’s neck. And left it there. Eventually what was left of the chicken rotted to pieces and fell off, but it took a long time. As you can imagine, after a while the smell was overwhelming. The dog never touched another chicken. Ever.
As the full measure of this neocon-engineered catastrophe unfolds we need to make it clear where the responsibility lies. We need to hang it around the neck of the neocons and keep it there until it rots.
highly recommened read
None of this should be surprising anyone. The insanity, the brutal psychosis of the neocnservative maniacs both here and in the Netanyahu wing of Likud in Israel guarantees such atrocities will continue, and because these lunatics control the money flow and the political pressure points in both governments, they are not able to be held accountable for thier crimes by the mechanisms within their respective governments that are designed to rein them in.
What better way for the neocons to advance their delusional agenda at a time where public opinion is against them here in the US than to help facilitate Israel’s attacks on Lebanon as a way of insuring their crackpot scheme for perpetual war will advance without obvious cost to US lives or treasure, something the public is concerned about. Let the Israelis bleed instead of the US soldiers and that will help improve their image with the US public. (Such is the thought process of the sociopaths they are.)
As for this congress, there will be no constructive solution, no meaningful debate, and no action taken by these cowards and monsters to rein in the atrocities facilitated by the Bush regime. The self-interest and ambition of those leading both parties allows no room for the sort of principled perspective necessary to take a stand against the monsters running this macabre show.
I have never been more disgusted and ashamed of the government here in the US than I am today, and it is only going to get worse, because the empire is collapsing.
The only thing that will stop the madness, (besides beings from outer space arriving ala “The Day The Earth Stood Still”, is an absence of money, and that won’t happen until US coffers are bled dry. Saner heads wil not prevail in congress because those very few who are sane and principled have absolutely no chance of attaining enough power soon enough to make a difference.
I’m feeling pretty down, too. But, I am actually encouraged by what I am seeing on CNN. There is a lot more criticism of what is going on than there is any rah-rahing about this insanity.
Yes, the criticism is encouraging, but as Wilhelm Reich used to say;
I have little confidence the politicians at the top of the heap in either party either want to or are capable of making this distinction and actually do something about it. Talk is cheap, but it seems to suffice for most of them.
From Wolcott, quoting Robert Dreyfuss extensively.