Raw Story tells us:
“Fully 69% of Americans hold Cheney personally responsible for the matter; 54% hold Bush responsible.
“Republican congressional leaders don’t plan to go along. Among conservatives, 60% say other administration officials aside from Libby may have acted illegally.
Despite a massive disinformation campaign carried out by people like Joe DiGenova, Victoria Toensing, Clifford May, Jimmy/Jeff Guckert, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and others, the American public is not buying the pro-Cheney talking points.
Joe Wilson did not tell people that his wife worked in the CIA. Valerie Wilson did not authorize her husband’s trip to Niger. Valerie Wilson worked in the Directorate of Operations, not in the Directorate of Intelligence, and that information was highly classified. Scooter Libby did not hear about Valerie from reporters, but from the Vice President and members of John ‘don’t call me Michael’ Bolton’s staff. Dick Cheney did know who Joe Wilson was before his column appeared, and his office had been looking for dirt on him for several months beforehand. Joe Wilson’s trip did nothing to bolster the case that Iraq was seeking uranium and pretty much proved that they had not succeeded.
Someday the right wing bloggers are going to have an epiphany and realize that they have been lied to at every step of this investigation, and that they have foolishly repeated those lies as facts.
It’s okay. I have a few friends that thought Clinton had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky…until they found the DNA on the dress.
When the Plame story broke, Porter Goss was the head of the House Intelligence Committee. He had the same standard.
“Somebody sends me a blue dress and some DNA, I’ll have an investigation”- Porter Goss, October 2003.
Sixty percent of the American people have now been ‘sent a blue dress and some DNA’. Let the hearings begin.
Awesome, you devil, you!
And funny:
members of John ‘don’t call me Michael’ Bolton’s staff.
Great…What I don’t understand is with the entire Repub party in a freefall and Chaos, wouldn’t you think that now would be the time for members to stand up and say regardless of the outcome, Our Country comes before either party. Let the cards fall where they may. Lets get to the bottom of this and clean house, if anyone else in the Bush Admin is responsible for the leaking of Valorie Plame’s name let’s find out, let justice be served and move on. I would think that person or persons would become a hero to the America people and to the repub party. Clearly they are afraid of the truth and as long as they continue to stop any kind of investigation they will continue their well deserved freefall. By not voting for an investigation that just proves they not only know the truth but are involved in a coverup.
Say, I clicked on the Raw Story link, and discovered that they have comments now. (Maybe that’s been available for a while, but I hadn’t noticed it.) Cool.
Fitzgerald’s investigation is still ongoing. As long as no witnesses are granted immunity from prosecution, I’ll agree. Hard to thread that needle.
I second this. No time right now to look for links and expand the thought etc, but iirc, we really got screwed on this one in the Iran-Contra hearings. It seemed like the political advantage of conducting public hearings was number one priority – getting at the truth and holding criminals accountable took a back seat to that. So people were granted immunity – no taking the 5th. Rationale was – this will get the truth out. But in fact, too many people got off entirely and others with a slap on the wrist – to this day it has given ammunition to the “it was no big deal” and down the memory hole . . . crowd.
I’m all for getting the truth out to the public – and I’d love to see some of these people grilled on CSPAN, but as you say, no immunity.
by Scott Thompson
We have already crossed the Rubicon. We are already in Hell. World War III in Eurasia is already ongoing. There was not an Iraq war; there is a continuing Iraq war. There was not an Afghanistan war; there is a continuing Afghanistan war. There’s already an onset of a war with Iran, being run covertly, as a covert operation, from the United States, in Iran right now! You see it on the television screens here. That is not a spontaneous student movement. That is a U.S.-run destabilization of Iran, trying to set up the conditions for a war. The situation in Korth Korea; other situations I know of; we are now inside World War III. It is not something that we could prevent from happening. We’re there.
—Address by Lyndon LaRouche in Istanbul, Turkey, June 14, 2003
Ledeen’s ideas are quoted daily by such figures as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. His views virtually define the stark departure from American foreign policy philosophy that characterized United States actions since September 11, 2001…. Now Ledeen is calling for ‘regime change’ beyond Iraq. In an address titled ‘Time to Focus on Iran: The Mother of Modern Terrorism,’ for the policy forum of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) on April 30, he declared: “The time for diplomacy is at the end; it is time for a free Iran, a free Syria and free Lebanon.”
—William O. Beeman, “Michael Ledeen: Neoconservative Guru,” in The Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, May 9, 2003
The same drumbeat for “regime change” that led to war against Iraq, is now coming from the mouths of Vice President Dick Cheney’s “chicken-hawk” cabal; only now, the target is Iran. This destabilization is being run through U.S. private foundations and think-tanks, to overthrow the government in Iran, and run a destabilization, and/or military strike against Iran’s nuclear energy production facilities.
The pointman is Michael Ledeen, who divides his time among National Review Online, JINSA, and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Ledeen is stirring up the networks in Congress and the press, and lining up tainted intelligence to justify war on Iran.
This is the same Michael Ledeen, who, as a consultant to the Reagan-Bush Administration National Security Council in the mid-1980s, was a pivotal criminal figure in the Iran-Contra fiasco, covertly peddling weapons to the very Ayatollahs whom he is now plotting to overthrow. He is also the same Ledeen who now calls for the United States to wage war against Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya because, he alleges, they are all “masters of terror.” Yet in the 1980s, Ledeen was one of the biggest promoters in Washington of the so-called Afghansi mujahideen–including Osama bin Laden–whom he touted as “freedom fighters” and “champions of the democratic struggle against totalitarian communism.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Someday the right wing bloggers are going to have an epiphany and realize that they have been lied to at every step of this investigation, and that they have foolishly repeated those lies as facts.
This happened to me in 1990-1992. As a mom with a home business, I got my news mostly from CNN, which I’d keep on in the background.
But I was riveted by the tearful testimony of the beautiful young Kuwaiti girl who described witnessing Iraqi soldiers remove Kuwaiti babies from their incubators, and steal the incubators to take back to Iraq. It was the hottest story for a while.
One day, a client came to pick up his project, and mentioned to me that the story was untrue. I found that impossible to believe, and told him so. He was frustrated with me. But I had no other confirmation.
Finally, of course, I found out from the MSM that the story was all a lie, and that the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S. (or U.N., I forget which).
That was a pivotal moment. Even though I was too busy to look into news stories on my own, and the Internet was still pretty limited in its resources, I had more and more serious doubts about anything I heard on CNN.
just remember, all terrorism is carried out by Zarqawi. Rinse and repeat. We know this because the MSM said so.
Last night at 9pm, I watched the last rerun of yesterday’s “Democracy Now!.” it was fantastic …
She’s an Italian economist and has two books out on terrorism. She knows a HELL of a lot … such as Zarqawi’s path that led him to terrorism, how he principally uses suicide bombers, how he connected with bin Laden, how, although Zarqawi used Fallujah as a rallying cry, he was never there. and how he’s mostly a myth.
It was one of those interviews I didn’t want to end. She had so much to share.
I’ve heard he’s branched out into contractor corruption, leaking classified material, poor FEMA performance, gas prices and… eating homework.
Why just this morning my alarm clock failed to go off, I ran out of hot water in the shower and got a run in my pantyhose. While some may call it a run of bad luck, I know better.
I’m confused (and playing dumb). If you were a Republican, you’d blame Zarqawi. But since you’re a Democrat, you’re blaming Bush for your run in your pantyhose?
As an American, I’m obliged to blame Zarqawi for the run in my pantyhose while holding Bush accountable for making my pantyhose less safe.
If I were a Republican, I’d blame lawyers, teachers, taxes and Bill Clinton.
Osama bin WHO?
You remind me again of the connections, known and unknown between now and Bush I with regards to ME and Iraq, there are issues about first Gulf war I still do not comprehend anymore than I comprehend all the deeper, twisted and far reaching ramifications of this one.
Wonder what the world would be like today if we had the same internet access to the news/issues and each other during GW1, how many lies could have been exposed when they were fresh and laid open to scrutiny then in the way that only the internet can do. Would we have had a Bush 2 and an Iraq War….I wonder!!!! What do you think?
has the nerve to standup in front of a large group of troops and vets today and call the dems liars and irresponsible because they are telling the truth aboout the manipulation of intelligence. God, how can this man live with himself. maybe bush is just a dummy, a puppet and he really thinks he was told the truth by his puppet master Cheney. Pathetic display!
WASHINGTON (1 hour ago) – Most Americans say they aren’t impressed by the ethics and honesty of the Bush administration, already under scrutiny for its justifications for an unpopular war in Iraq and its role in the leak of a covert CIA officer’s identity.
Almost six in 10 — 57 percent — said they do not think the Bush administration has high ethical standards and the same portion says President Bush is not honest, an AP-Ipsos poll found. Just over four in 10 say the administration has high ethical standards and that Bush is honest. Whites, Southerners and white evangelicals were most likely to believe Bush is honest.
United Methodists Repent Their Sins for Iraq War
Horror link to Fox News!
WASHINGTON Nov. 10 — Ninety-five bishops from President Bush’s church said they repent their “complicity” in the “unjust and immoral” invasion and occupation of Iraq.
“In the face of the United States administration’s rush toward military action based on misleading information, too many of us were silent,” said a statement of conscience signed by more than half of the 164 retired and active United Methodist bishops worldwide.
The signatures were also an instrument for retired bishops to make their views known, said bishop Joseph H. Yeakel, who served in the Baltimore-Washington area from 1984 to 1996. The current bishop for the Baltimore-Washington area, John R. Schol, also signed the statement.
The statement avoids making accusations, said retired Bishop Kenneth L. Carder, instructor at Duke University’s divinity school and an author of the document.
Methodist Judicial Court Homosexuality Ruling Fuels Revolt
The 65 active Methodist bishops in the nation, meeting in Lake Junaluska, N.C., unanimously voted to issue a pastoral letter contesting a 5-3 ruling in Houston by the eight-member Judicial Council. The council’s rulings are the final word on Methodist doctrine.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Recently, walking with my daughters in our neighborhood, we passed a car with a Bush/Cheney bumpersticker.
I remembered that we didn’t remove the Hitler/Goering bumpersticker from our mercedes until 1947, so we had something to talk about.
Is it the torture or the treason? I asked.
I am very interested in this
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