In the category of it should go without saying:
“We keep talking as if it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter that Obama gets 92 percent of the black vote, because since he only got 35 percent of the white vote, he’s in trouble,” [Majority Whip Jim] Clyburn said. “Well, Hillary Clinton only got 8 percent of the black vote. . . . It’s almost saying black people don’t matter. The only thing that matters is how white people respond. And that’s what bothered me. I think I matter.”
I don’t really care anymore how long this primary goes on. Obama’s got it in the bag, and all that remains to be seen is how gracelessly the Clintons bow out. I’ve pretty much given up on any kind of noble gesture on their part.
“If you have any, any kind of loyalty to the Democratic Party, perhaps you need to rethink your strategy and bow out gracefully in order to save this party from a disastrous end in November,” Rep. William Lacy Clay (Mo.), an African American Obama supporter, said in an appeal to Clinton.
They obviously don’t have any kind of loyalty to the Democratic Party. They also don’t have any respect for black people, black churches, or the black vote. So be it. I never really had any respect for the Clintons anyway. This primary just confirmed and solidified my instinct to oppose them politically with whatever I’ve got.
Paul Lukasiak has a great series on this.
A great series? Hmmm, I found that to be less analysis and more analysuasion. Maybe it was the title and comments that were a turnoff. Or the fact that the layout and graphs were confusing. Here’s a source I find to be a bit more lucid:
Alexander Cockburn in this weekend Counterpunch diary says barring two substances, – Nothing Will Get Hillary Out of the Race
Hillary knows it’s too late. But what pisses me off is that in her stupidity, she has opened up the door for Rove to smash Obama. The new line –
“Obama is linked to terrorist”
so let me ask, why has Obama remained free?
Not stupidity. I wouldn’t doubt that her call for genocide earlier this week wasn’t somehow some kind of deal to give Bush political cover for his imminent attack on Iran. Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton. The permanent aristocracy.
Here’s a question: will Hillary bow out? I’m starting to wonder. Even once she loses the last primaries in May and June, even once she loses at the convention in August… Will she bow out? Or will she stay in as an “Independent” all the way through November, believing all the while that she’ll win the White House because the Family says it’s God’s Plan for her? And then run again in 2012, and again and again after that, a sad old joke like Nader, used once to destroy a great candidate and then mocked and scorned?
Oh goodness, I hope not.
Will she bow out? Or will she stay in as an “Independent” all the way through November, believing all the while that she’ll win the White House because the Family says it’s God’s Plan for her?
this is just silly
Clinton has said over and over she would support the winner, I don’t remember Obama making such a pledge.
Well, there’s one sure way to tell if a Clinton’s lying.
Were her lips moving?
you underestimate Hillary.
Her lips need not move for her to tell a lie. It’s a Clinton franchise.
I’d view this as sillier if it weren’t for HRC’s changing messages:
a few months ago, when she was the presumptive nominee – “the voters get to decide, it’s up to them”
recently – “voting is just one part of the process”
AliceDem, in the Wapo article at link provided by BooMan in this entry, you’ll find this:
can’t say we’ve heard the same from Clinton, except Obama has a pastor, is connected to terrorists, yadda, yadda. I didn’t know anything about the pardons.
Yeah, depending on how you count.
challenged Obama to a Lincoln-Douglas style debate – just the two of them – face to face.
He declined.
For a guy who supposedly has great oratorical skills, he seems a little nervous about displaying them.
He does just fine on his own – there’s no need to share a stage with Clinton.
I’ve seen him twice, once at a townhall and once at a train whistle-stop. Both times, he spoke for about 45 minutes (answered audience questions at the townhall), and there was no teleprompter there.
Or were you just trying to be clever?
speeches are given so often that they are memorized.
You have a point there. Look at how many times Hillary told her Tuzla sniper fire story with such gusto without a teleprompter.
If you’re going to make snide accusations, next time try to put a little truth in them.
tell an untruth?
Go back and re-read. If you still can’t figure it out, then maybe you should find something else to do with your time this morning.
As I am already doing. Bye!
But I like the other sig better. 🙂
And we miss Phoebe. 🙁
She misses you. She was in heaven with all that attention!
Good move Obama b/c Clinton is just playing with his head.
Clinton is nitpicking as in, pit your nit. She’s needling, feeling fluffed from her key meaningless win after ‘taking the low road to victory’
Why not have an airing of real issues before the American people?
No moderator. If there are any stupid questions, the questioner gets the flak. A real conversation.
I see no downside for the electorate.
I agree with airing issues. League of Women Voters need to return. Big networks blew it with flag lapel pins.
without a moderator, Obama wouldn’t get a word in – even if he was equipped with a pry bar.
It would have been nice for there to have been a debate on the issues. Too bad after 21 attempts the media couldn’t get it right.
Now, with Obama having an insurmountable lead, there is no reason to talk with Clinton again. It’s over.
the media uses the word ‘insurmountable’ followed by this: “Clinton’s solid win … her momentum to take the nomination.”
insurmountable, insuperable – barrier; that cannot be got over
so in PA, Clinton’s 9.3-point edge was “a key meaningless win” now being fluff as if she’s taken the lead.
the MSM, bar none, are all blind mice.
suggest you read the details of the “no moderator debate proposal…”
it’s a gotcha-style, in 90-second or 2 minute bursts.
No moderator. Hmmmmm.
since Clinton is known to break all the rules that she has pledged to uphold, I maintain Obama would need a pry bar.
He has said NO. Good judgement. There has been 21 debates whatever.
Make her buy all of her air time – why agree to a debate and give her free television time? Make her spend every dollar she doesn’t have. Good campaign strategy when your opponent is short on funds.
btw I’ve seen him 4 times and there was no teleprompter any of those times. Once at the final GOTV rally for Claire McCaskill in 2006 where he gave a 45 minute speech without notes, once at the YKos debate, once at the YKos breakout session where he answered questions from the audience and at his own GOTV rally before SuperTuesday where he gave a 45 minute speech without notes. No teleprompter.
There have been 24-ish debates and you think there should be more? If Clinton has been unable to get her point across in 24-ish debates, why should the frontrunner let her get more free press?
No. Let’s not think logically on this…let’s resort for playground taunts instead. That’ll help.
Ed J,
Losers don’t get to call anyone out!
Secondly, she had a chance to debate him and declined. Passover. LOL!
She cares so much about Jews that she would risk a holocaust in the ME by attacking Iran.
I’ve got a gesture for the Clintons, but it’s rather ignoble…
to yourself. What do you suppose would happen in the blogosphere if someone posted that directed at Obama?
But then maybe that’s the difference. She can take it.
Ed J, maybe she can take it but her handlers and her true believers can’t. The last few days H. Clinton’s part of the blogosphere has been howling about Keith Olbermann’s “threat of physical violence” against the Beloved One. Really tough when people flinch at a mangled metaphor. Meanwhile Hillary’s been publicly inventing scenarios for a genocide.
I would suggest you retire the talk about Clinton’s toughness until her people catch up to her. And threatening to kill the same innocent men, women and children that Bush is about to kill doesn’t make her very tough. It makes her complicit.
Head over to MyDD – I’m sure that you’ll find just that, if not graphically then certainly verbally.
((((((((( CLAPS ))))))))))
They obviously don’t have any kind of loyalty to the Democratic Party. They also don’t have any respect for black people, black churches, or the black vote. So be it. I never really had any respect for the Clintons anyway. This primary just confirmed and solidified my instinct to oppose them politically with whatever I’ve got.
I swear, all the criticism of Obama as some type of “messiah” is complete projection by Clinton and her followers. OhmyGod!! She’s our only hope!!! What will we do without her?!?
Actually try to build a party instead of doing the tired 50% + 1 crap, for starters. Anyway…
Her heinous will obliterate this party in order to save it, and well, later for you silly negroes–I’ll just send Bill to play the sax, get my good friend Andy Young to talk about how many more Black women he’s been laid by than Obama and all will be forgiven.
Funny. Her heinous has an awful lot in common with Mitt Romney: can’t stand the sound of his voice; thinks himself entitled to finish the job of daddy; has no core principles at all…they’ll shift if it gets him one step closer to throne; and he is phony as hell.
Well, if the pantsuit fits…then strap the dog to the top of the car and watch the shit slide down the window.
Forget Bill playing the sax. I suspected that something was wrong with him and I read this today:
“It is possible that Bill Clinton’s recent gaffes are a result of his bypass operation,” said Dr. Marc Siegel, an NYU associate professor who has interviewed Clinton’s heart surgeon.
Siegel was referring to a personality-change phenomenon sometimes seen in bypass patients.
I dunno. I think, kinda like Zell Miller, he’s just reverting back to form.
I don’t mean to suggest that he is as extreme as Zig Zag Zell. But he’s had an interesting trajectory.
Miller got his start by working for a staunch segregationist, Lester Maddox. But he was also the person who gave his heinous the idea for HOPE scholarships, invested in technology and raised teachers’ salaries.
It’s not like his heinous didn’t try to get some things done. But he was the DLC chair who was the reason “Sister Souljah” is a term in the political lexicon. It was he who ran back to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, just before the New Hampshire primary.
And now that his chance to go back to the WH and put his finishing touches on his legacy is fading, he’s reverting back to type.