In January, Newsweek reported that the Pentagon was considering the Salvador Option for Iraq–US-trained Death Squads—in an article titled ‘The Salvador Option’ The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or kidnapping teams in Iraq. Today, Knight-Ridder reports that the Death Squads seem to have arrived in an article titled Campaign of executions feared in Iraq. Slain Sunnis have arrived at Baghdad’s morgue blindfolded, bound and shot. The author of today’s K-R article himself was shot and killed under mysterious circumstances last week in Baghdad.
The explicit purpose of the Salvador Option was to terrorize the Sunni population. According to Newsweek.
[director of Iraq’s National Intelligence Service Maj. Gen.Muhammad Abdallah] Shahwani also said that the U.S. occupation has failed to crack the problem of broad support for the insurgency. The insurgents, he said, “are mostly in the Sunni areas where the population there, almost 200,000, is sympathetic to them.” He said most Iraqi people do not actively support the insurgents or provide them with material or logistical help, but at the same time they won’t turn them in. One military source involved in the Pentagon debate agrees that this is the crux of the problem, and he suggests that new offensive operations are needed that would create a fear of aiding the insurgency. “The Sunni population is paying no price for the support it is giving to the terrorists,” he said. “From their point of view, it is cost-free. We have to change that equation.”
As of January, the Pentagon would admit only that Death Squads were on the table.
Pentagon sources emphasize there has been no decision yet to launch the Salvador option.
In a postscript to the Newsweek article Rumsfeld responded:
And at a news conference on Jan. 11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the idea of a Salvador option was “nonsense” and denied that U.S. Special Forces were going into Syria. But when asked whether such a policy was under consideration, he replied, “Why would I even talk about something like that?”
Today, Knight-Ridder reports that what looks like the Salvador Option is becoming a reality.
BAGHDAD – Days after Iraq’s new Shiite-led government was announced on April 28, the director of Baghdad’s central morgue began noticing that the bodies of Sunni Muslim men were turning up after the men had been detained by people wearing Iraqi police uniforms.
The official response:
Ghathanfar al-Jasim, who sits on Iraq’s national judicial council and functions as an attorney general, said it was difficult to discuss extrajudicial killings. “We cannot admit that our police are doing it; it would make them look weak,”
But when battered corpses turn up outside Interior Ministry facilities, [Raad] Sultan [an official in Iraq’s Ministry of Human Rights] said, “How can I prove it is the security forces?”
Knight-Ridder reports several examples. Here is one.
On May 5, for example, 14 Sunni farmers were abducted from an east Baghdad vegetable market. […] The bodies of the farmers were discovered in shallow graves the next day. They had all been blindfolded, handcuffed and shot once in the back of the head […] “A patrol of more than 10 police vehicles drove up and parked,” said Ali Karim, a fruit vendor. “They were running through the street with their guns, saying that the farmers had a car bomb with them. They pushed them against the walls and asked them for their IDs.”
A moment of respect for the author of the Knight Ridder article:
[The co-author of this article] Yasser Salihee was a special correspondent. He was shot and killed last week in Baghdad in circumstances that remain unclear.
This madness must be stopped. Withdraw all troops now.
Shortly after the Newsweek article, Sy Hersh published a more detailed account detailing the formation of the Salvador Option. Hal C.
January 17, 2005
Rumsfeld planned and lobbied for more than two years before getting Presidential authority, in a series of findings and executive orders, to use military commandos for covert operations […]
The new rules will enable the Special Forces community to set up what it calls “action teams” in the target countries overseas which can be used to find and eliminate terrorist organizations. “Do you remember the right-wing execution squads in El Salvador?” the former high-level intelligence official asked me, referring to the military-led gangs that committed atrocities in the early nineteen-eighties. “We founded them and we financed them,” he said. “The objective now is to recruit locals in any area we want. And we aren’t going to tell Congress about it.” A former military officer, who has knowledge of the Pentagon’s commando capabilities, said, “We’re going to be riding with the bad boys.”
Hal, this is a superb piece of reporting + piecing together a lot of evidence.
The KR reporter was killed? Jesus.
Thanks. Your comments mean alot. There has been a number of police actions directed at Sunni clerics that I probably could have reviewed, but this is the first piece that really felt like Negroponte’s Honduran fingerprints were all over it.
Yasser Salihee’s death seems to have gone publicly unnoticed until this article. His work has been outstanding and part of the reason that Knight-Ridder has been ahead of the curve in Iraq (despite massive cutbacks that have otherwise decimated their news coverage).
For Yasser Salihee’s articles click.
I found one brief biographical passage that I offer in tribute. It is in a cache
Try miles-long, traffic-clogged detours around 12-foot-high concrete barriers and the impenetrable coils of concertina wire that wall off Iraqi and U.S. compounds.
Try getting stuck behind slow-moving U.S. military convoys targeted by insurgent gunmen and bombers.
More than once my Iraqi translator, Yasser Salihee, called from his car to say he had witnessed a roadside bombing and had stopped at the scene or was rushing to the hospital to interview survivors.
Salihee’s fearlessness was evidenced in his reporting. Hopefully K-R will release further details about his killing.
Hal C.
Good Diary, Hal. Just one comment: If it’s Special Forces-trained death squads in Iraq, then that is the El Salvador option, but if it’s Special Forces-led death squads, that sounds more like the earlier Phoenix program in Vietnam.
Thanks, the point is well taken. Hal C.
because he tortured and murdered his own people right? Oh God in Heaven I think I need a break today from the real news! I think my inner child needs a hug while other people’s inner child runs rampant. “Look Laura, we’re playing Saddam……..are you going to bring me and my friends some more Kool Aid? It’s pretty hot out here!”
Surprise me not at all this does.
This before they have done.
Pernicious the dark side is.
I’m with you. The Iraqi people want us out. Our troops want out. We need to get out as soon as humanly possible. There should be a multi-national force to help keep the peace, but it can’t be us. Oh yeah, and we need to make reparations to the Iraqi people.
I would watch it!
Why this Diary isn’t at the top of the Recommended List or been moved to the Main Page?
Death-squad style massacres
For Iraq, “The Salvador Option” Becomes Reality
by Max Fuller
(hat tip to shumard)
Hal C.