After giving much evaluation to both today I state we have

A libertarian media and a trivial symbolism congress.
After giving much evaluation to both today I state we have

A libertarian media. The media never appeared liberal. No passionate drives for economic justice, raising the minimmum wage, opposing the 1996 welfare law, nor opposing nafta, cafta, or even getting too tough on the chimp.

The Reporters and most columnists want their own libertarian freedom. They want the narrow moralists to leave them alone. However to expect reporters and columnists to act like champions of the middle class and the poor. No, you expect too much. That’s why I say we have a libertarian media.

Libertarian: incompassionate selfish person without the fundie aftertaste.

We don’t have a do nothing congress. We have a trivial symbolism congress today. The Republicans in the house and senate send out trivial flares to their followers to let them see the nice bright lights that they can watch but not touch.

They pass bills and resolutions like condemning cockroaches, and praising the sunrise and sunset.

They also condemn oppression over there so they don’t have to take responsibility or call attention to the oppression and destruction of democracy over here.

Those who paint a false picture will one day get trapped in it and have to defend it and then lose.