This afternoon I got an email from MassEquality.
Haven’t seen this noted on Booman yet – so thought I’d share the good news. Going into today’s vote on the MA Constitutional amendment that would repeal “gay marriage” but substitute “civil unions” I was pretty sure we had 104 No votes – but that SOME of the 104 were no because of civil unions – not out of support for equality.
I’ll let MassEquality take it from there…
Just moments ago, Massachusetts legislators rejected by a vote of 157 to 39 a proposed constitutional amendment that would have revoked equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. Marriage equality is now secure in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts until at least November 2008.
Over the past year and a half, we have seen the number of pro-equality legislators grow from a small handful to a solid majority. While our opponents will try to claim this victory as their own, at least 115 legislators voted against this amendment because they agree with us and oppose writing anti-gay discrimination into the constitution. Thanks to all those legislators who have been with us from the beginning and all those who came out today for the first time as supporters of equality.
Of course, today?s victory was not inevitable ? it was the result of the hard work of thousands of committed individuals across the state.
More than 150,000 Massachusetts residents contacted their legislators ? many through our website and many more by signing MassEquality postcards. Thousands volunteered in our offices and around the state. Thousands more shared their stories with legislators, with the press, and with their friends. Countless others took action in ways both small and large. Thank you.
At MassEquality, we are incredibly proud of the strong movement for equality that we have helped build here in Massachusetts. We could not have done it alone. Special thanks go to our coalition partners and to the leaders of our affiliate groups around the state. And I personally am very proud of our tremendously talented and hard-working staff.
Today, with your help, we made history in Massachusetts. Tomorrow, we will begin a new campaign. Despite the clear evidence that a majority of Massachusetts residents now support equal marriage rights, our opponents are not ready to concede defeat.
This afternoon, Massachusetts remains a beacon of hope for supporters of equality around the country.
In celebration,
Marty Rouse
Campaign Director
In these dark days – it’s great to be able to celebrate a victory.
Celebrate for all the couples who are now assured their marriage remains legally recognized in MA until at least 2008.
Celebrate that we are turning the tide. Every day the status quo remains in MA is another day that the “threat to marriage” argument falls apart.
Originally posted on a potent but unfocused blog called MyLeftWing
I am estatic at this result.
I expected a win today. I did not expect 157 votes.
I know that some of those votes are anti-civil union – but their protest will get lost in the victory for equality
and I really don’t think there are 57 or more anti-civil union votes – maybe a couple dozen – but not enough to form a majority.
Let 06 and 07 pass – and I’m convinced they will be even a smaller minority.
Let freedom, justice, and equality ring!
As Eugene commented in the thread at MLW
Indeed. A quote by Dr. King often inspires me. He said
Thank you to MassEquality, the Religous Coalition for the Freedom to Marry and all the other groups who did just that and have made this victory a reality.
Sadly, I must now return you to the reality that Bush is President – but this is a big shot in the arm to my spirits to fight the other fights.
We shall overcome!
Thanks for posting this…had to run to class so I did a hit and run comment, earlier, and now running off for a date, so am going to hit and run comment here, too.
This was a hell of a relief. I, too, knew we were going to beat it, but I didn’t expect it to be this large.
I’ll have more to say when I get home, but there’s a lot f action going on right now–marriage equality is now more secure (and time is our ally on this one) but keeping it is not secure.
Anyway, I’m off to Redbones for some celebratory ribs, beer, and maybe even a little romance.
More later.
Tossed up a post here. Was just too long for a comment.